Insanity & Doom Update XXXIX

Insanity & Doom Update XXXIX

Item California university's website says its OK for children to engage in 'sexual play,' watch porn It adds that parents should intervene only "if the acts are non-consensual or hurtful."…
Statistics Are Now Hate Facts

Statistics Are Now Hate Facts

Hate facts are true statements about reality that our elites demand remain occult and unuttered. Elites don't yet say that members of the elite cannot know hate facts, but they…
Insanity & Doom Update XXXV

Insanity & Doom Update XXXV

Item Exclusive: Ancient Mass Child Sacrifice May Be World's Largest More than 140 children were ritually killed in a single event in Peru more than 500 years ago. What could…
Insanity & Doom Update XXXVIII

Insanity & Doom Update XXXVIII

Item California becomes first state to pass water law limiting toilet flushes, showers California has become the first state in the nation to pass a controversial new law that places…