Insanity & Doom Update XLV

Item How Identity Politics Is Harming the Sciences A scientist at UCLA reports: "All across the country the big question now in STEM is: how can we promote more women…
Woke Nature

Woke Nature

It has been deemed as unscientific to say that a person's genitals determines their sex. Genes, too, have been disallowed as scientific evidence. Nature says so, and they are the…
Insanity & Doom Update LV

Insanity & Doom Update LV

Item The first item is the image which heads this post. Lady Gaggag with all living ex-Presidents. She is standing, they are sitting. Who is in charge? This picture may…
Insanity & Doom Update XL

Insanity & Doom Update XL

Item The Hitler Of South Africa Tells White People, He Won't Kill Them...Yet! Earlier this week while most of the world was transfixed on the World Cup, the Trump/Kim handshake,…