A strong no prize this year. Nobody did well enough. Not enough specific predictions, or those that were specific did not come to pass. Doom predictions are too easy: they…
The College Board will soon attach Pity Points to SAT scores. The Pity Points will be used to suggest that those who scored poorly did not in fact score poorly…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zjckTqh730 There might still be time. We could still save the university. But we must act now! Well, I say this, but I don't believe it. I only say it…
Hire Me The government doesn't have a monopoly on research funding. But if you add in the funds of so-called non-governmental organizations---which, as has been noted, announce by their name…
We used to talk a lot about the amygdala here: Yet Another Study "Proves" Liberal, Conservative Brain Differences (wee ps, amygdalas), Scientists Suddenly Discover Men Don't Understand Women (wee ps,…
Item Accused NY Murderer Gets Charge Dropped Thanks To New Infanticide Law But part of the new infanticide law that Governor Andrew Cuomo just signed "removes abortion from the state's…
Item Blurred lines: A pregnant man's tragedy tests gender notions When the man arrived at the hospital with severe abdominal pains, a nurse didn't consider it an emergency, noting that…
The Chronicle of Higher Education (A Cathedral&tm; publication) asks, and asks in earnest, "Academic Ethics: Should Scholars Avoid Citing the Work of Awful People?" by Brian Leiter. Across academe, many…