As has been our tradition these many years, it's time to register our predictions for the coming year. We look at how well we did last year tomorrow. Rules: Everybody…
Many of you thought Cornell had already leapt over the progressive cliff when they fired me and hired a lady sexual harassment lawyer to teach statistics. Not so. This only…
Item Black Vs White Violence: Or, Why Cops & Blacks Have No Love For One Another We saw before that blacks commit about 10 times as many crimes as whites,…
Who is this book for? Before I answer that excellent question, let me first show why the book is necessary, if you have a moment. Watch this thirty second clip.…
The cult is growing and strength and number. Most of our leaders cannot stand against it, being either cowards, true converts, or in on the would-be color revolution. It is…
James Burnham wrote The Managerial Revolution: What Is Happening in the World in 1941 to argue that capitalism was waning and being replaced everywhere by managerialism. He was right. The…
Item Let's Call It Trumpvirus: If you're feeling awful, you know who to blame (New York Times op ed) Yeah, when you think of Mike Pence you maybe don't think…
Jerusalem -- Israelis police attempted to arrest a man they found emerging from a small cave outside the city earlier today. The arrest did not go as planned, however, as…