Two days ago a report appeared in various places announcing the results of a new paper tying malaria to "global warming." I'd like to find the paper but I haven't…
Wired article on copulas Reader Scott Bury forwarded this article from Wired on the probability function that many used to quantify the risk of certain financial instruments. You can think…
A busy week, with many sending in links and ideas. Thanks everybody! Art That's art, folks. I finally figured out how to get pictures off my crappy phone, so this…
The Books of Absolutes: A Critique of Relativism and a Defence of Universals William D. Gairdner McGill-Queen's University Press Recommendation: Read Let's play spot the flaw. In 1994, professor Mark…
This is mostly catch up...I'm spending my free time getting ready for a talk on the 15th... A History of the Vikings Gwyn Jones Oxford University Press Recommendation: read If…
This was an investigation that I did a long time ago, but I never properly wrote up. I was inspired to finally do so by reading Joe Nickell's similar sleuthing…
Your university's science and engineering programs might be "Titled nined" if Those That Care have their way. Title IX, or the "Patsy T. Mink Equal Opportunity in Education Act", is…
Recommendation: read When Fussell wrote in 1982 (and published in 1983), he said that acknowledging the class divisions that exist in America exist was poor form and that doing so…