From Bill Raynor: Hello Matt, You like to discuss P(Y|M) a lot, but haven't spent much time talking about the practical construction of that. A topic I'd like to see:…
As has been our tradition these many years, it's time to register our predictions for the coming year. We look at how well we did last year tomorrow. Rules: Everybody…
NOTHING MORTAL GOES FOREVER Should we quit these updates? I know I've grown sick of them. Are you? Maybe replace them with articles when warranted, such as what our dear…
The excerpt of a collection of sounds from a thing which is called Brian Greene, but which isn't, is here: The full "interview", which isn't really an interview, because…
A well known paper by Duport et al. on radiation hormesis makes a statement about control groups which is not quite right. The paper is "Database of Radiogenic Cancer in…
Let's drag the statistician's hoary threadbare ball-filled bag out of the cupboard to make a point. In it are 3 white balls and 2 black. Using the statistical syllogism, we…
Next time somebody asks you "What's the Probability of X", where X is any proposition, say this: there is no such probability. It doesn't exist. "Briggs, what's the probability of…
Dismally. Lousy. That's how we did on our 2020 predictions. Nobody saw the global insanity of the lockdowns, the Cult of the Mask, the covidiots, the scale of the election…