This is meant to clear up some confusion in the Lady Tasting Tea series, which featured a problem people hoped would be easy. Here are two possible outcomes, comparing the…
I cannot do a better job than Northwestern's Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky in describing their peer-reviewed paper "Enclothed cognition," which appeared in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. We…
Publishable p-values If it weren't for the miracle of statistics, specifically the p-value, a device which can be used to "prove" anything, scientists would have a lot more time on…
If there is one subject which fascinates academics more than any other, it is why are they so smart and the rest of the populace not. Although there is no…
Analytical thinking in action (source) Somebody some enterprising young academic, not realizing he should keep his mouth shut before attaining tenure, will publish a study which examines the bizarraries found…