A strong no prize this year. Nobody did well enough. Not enough specific predictions, or those that were specific did not come to pass. Doom predictions are too easy: they…
Stream: The Advent of Lousy Music Ladies and gentlemen, the story you are about to read could be true. The names and locations have not been changed to protect the…
Item https://twitter.com/mattwridley/status/1159395745444900864 Two demonic individuals ("'Their screams music, their pain my pleasure.' Dayton shooter's demonic notebook scrawls reveal he fantasized about massacres, 'hunting' for humans, craved marijuana and speed, called…
Time to lighten things up a bit, if only for a day. First, a palate cleanser, before we get to the main event. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpmDAu_47OE This, and a slew of other…
Bo and Ben Winegard start their Quillette essay (thanks to K.A. Rodgers for the tip) "In Defense of Scientism" by saying "Truth is always provisional". Is that proposition true, or…
Diversity is our weakness. Diversity is the process of giving special consideration to those who have favored demographic or biologic characteristics or who have non-procreative sexual desires. Now you might…
Item From the London Times, a quotation from the print edition, 30 November this year, the "arts" section, page 4, on a PR piece about some screen thot who appeared…