The Pathetic Madonna

The insane level of self-regard and idiotic self-indulgent behavior we accept from our celebrities should embarrass us. There will always be utterly spoiled brats, but that these blots on humanity…

Classical music is dying

That's the sort of headline you see from time to time in places like Arts & Letters Daily and the arts sections of major newspapers. Invariably, what follows a few…

Top 10 Sci-Fi Movies

Since we had so much fun with the Military List. Plus, it's Friday. Star Wars The original 1977 theatrical, error-filled release only. Han did shoot first. The storm troopers did…

What is the worst crime?

Depends on what you mean by worst. If it means what most of it think it means---individual agony and suffering---then the culprits for worst are obvious: murder, torture and other…