Featured Articles Why Science Is Broken: Hillsdale Speech Video & Transcript Now Online The Probability Of A Head In A Coin Flip Is 1, Not 1/2 The Great Global Warming—A.K.A.…
As (then) Monsignor Fulton J. Sheen said1: [I]t is impossible to have any kind of evolution [change] without something that evolves or a change without permanence...It is no escape from…
Democracies are born from elite (hierarchical) societies and for a time can and do retain much of their elitism, but since democracy is premised on egalitarianism ("We hold these truths..."),…
The tile of today's post is the same as the new book by the National Association of Scholar's Rachelle Peterson and Peter Wood, released yesterday and which can be downloaded…
Since our walk through Summa Contra Gentiles is going so well, why not let's do the same with Pascal's sketchbook on what we can now call Thinking Thursdays. We'll use…
Because I was on a secret mission yesterday, the regularly scheduled tour through Summa Contra Gentiles has been preempted. It returns next week. The Western world, particularly in these once…
The working topic for the lecture was "CS Lewis: First and Second Things", no doubt inspired by the words of the Master himself, and perhaps with a wink toward a…
The Appeal to Authority is not a formal fallacy, but an "informal" one, a fancy way of admitting that arguments in the form of "Because I said so" are often…