My Dear Friends, and, yes, Enemies, Happy New Year. As has been our tradition these many years, it's time to register our predictions for the coming year. We look at…
A judge yesterday whacked the CDC's overreaching mask mandate. The judge said "the mandate exceeded the CDC statutory authority, improperly invoked the good clause exemption to notice and comment rulemaking…
Previous post. It's a miracle! ON MIRACLES 1 Things that are at times divinely accomplished, apart from the generally established order in things, are customarily called miracles; for we admire…
Previous post. And the Word was God. ON THE INCARNATION OF THE WORD ACCORDING TO THE TRADITION OF SCRIPTURE 1 Since, of course, when divine generation was dealt with above,…
You can't say it's been dull. Not when this happened: That's a screenshot from early Monday morning, because I worry the content itself will disappear. Or Wood will. It's only…
The purpose of war is either defense or conquest. Assuming the defense loses, the conqueror faces an immediate question. Which comes first, catechize, or commercialize? The history of man is…
Day five of the week of classical posts on global warming, now "climate change", a subject which I had hoped had faded into obscurity, but, alas, has not. Your author…
Previous post. If you think not, try it yourself. THAT GOD ALONE WORKS MIRACLES 1 It can be shown from the foregoing that God alone can work miracles. 2 In…