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Fatima, Russia & You, Part III — Guest Post by Ianto Watt
Fatima, Russia & You, Part IV — Guest Post by Ianto Watt
Read Parts I, II & III. This is the last part. It is long, but since today is the 100th anniversary, we have to finish.
Let us depart to Portugal! Where is Portugal? Everyone says the western edge of the Iberian peninsula. Here’s what I say. Portugal is where the people speak Portuguese. Today, where would that be? Brazil. But that is only for today. In 1917, Portugal was in Fatima. Named, of course, for the daughter of Mohammed, and his wandering horde, as they overran the Iberian peninsula.
Fatima, said by the Mohammedans to be the holiest woman of all time—except for the Mother of Jesus, the Prophet. Well, they got it half-right. Anyway, this name is not by chance, I contend. The future will reveal its meaning. Perhaps it will be soon. Perhaps.
Back to the story. The story of how Russia and the Empire are connected. Connected through Portugal. And the real story of 1917. The story that will connect the Anglo-American set-up of the sinking of the HMS Lusitania to the Russian Greek Orthodox origins of WWI. The story that will show why both sides in this epic carnage were falsehoods. And how both were opposed to Holy Rome. And this opposition is what guided their every strategic move in the carnage we now know as WWI.
The following is the excerpt of Watt’s book, The Barbarian Bible. In this book, he is talking to his grandson, explaining the meaning of Portugal, and how it relates to our present-day situation of the Empire (USA) and the Empire-in-Waiting (Russia). All references to ‘Weiner-dogs’ refer to Watt’s extremely low opinion of modern-day historians and anthropologists. ‘Operating Systems’ are the set of dogmatic beliefs all must choose. Now, back to the story…
Excerpt of The Barbarian Bible
I know, you think I’m wandering here, don’t you, grandson? After all, I said we were going to Portugal in search of the meaning of Russia, and so far, all I’ve done is talk about Churchill and FDR and some silly ships, right? Fair enough, but I’m warning you now. If you don’t understand the lessons of the venal nature of most Emperors (east or west), then you’ll never understand the true meaning of history. So now, let’s get on to the real meat of the meaning of Portugal, and how it relates to Russia.
As for those ships, just remember this for now—the sinking of the HMS Lusitania (and all her civilian passengers) was designed to allow America to drop her supposed neutrality and join in WWI, on the side of the Anglish bastards, of course. And that move would be to the detriment of Germany, of course, and Austro-Hungary as well. But more importantly, it would work to keep the Russians at bay, because Angland was on the verge of collapse, economically and from a manpower standpoint. If America did not come to the aid of Angland, and if Angland’s financiers (who also financed Germany) hadn’t sent Lenin to Moscow to subvert the Czar, then Russia would have won the Great Game, by default. And that would make it a bad day for the Chosen Ones who make their money by financing perpetual wars amongst the Gentiles. Why? Because they hadn’t loaned any money to the Czar. Which meant that if Russia won, the financiers wouldn’t get to collect on their bets. Get it? All right, now, let’s get back to Portugal, to understand the real import of Russia, and why she is the Great Pretender to Rome.
Let’s first stop in the Portugal of 1908, when her king, Carlos I was assassinated. That’s when the first Socialist revolution of the 20th Century began, not in Russia, but in tiny Portugal. Portugal had been independent of the Spanish kingdom of Leon since 1139 AD, and all of her kings could trace their lineage to her first king, Alfonso Henry. The Portuguese people are Celtic in origin, meaning they are our near cousins, grandson. The name of Portugal means, literally, the Port of Celts. They were (and are) a noble people who have held to their faith for well over a thousand years. They can trace their historical lineage back before Imperial Roman times. Their national hero was Viriathus, who led them against Imperial Rome when Caesar tried to subdue the Iberian peninsula.
These people were known to Imperial Rome as the ‘Lusitani‘, and they were the fiercest opponents Rome had ever encountered. Says who? Well, Strabo, the famous Greek geographer/historian, for one. He was from Pontus (at the east end of the Black Sea) which is to say from the extreme eastern end of the Roman Empire. Yet Strabo wrote knowingly of the Lusitani who were from the farthest westernmost (continental) edge of the Empire. But Strabo was no backwater hick. He had travelled throughout the Empire from east to west and studied under many of the most learned men of his time. And what did Strabo say of the Lusitani? Simply that they were “the greatest of the nations of Iberia, and the one most frequently and longest engaged in war with the Romans.”
And the result of these wars, under the leadership of Viriathus, was not defeat, nor surrender, but rather a peace treaty with Imperial Rome (around 140 BC). This treaty recognized Lusitania as a separate nation, but one in friendship with Rome. And that would have been swell, except the Romans broke the treaty and bribed Viriathus‘ 3 best friends to assassinate him. See the problem with friends, grandson? Try not to have many, as they are pretty expensive to keep. Besides, someone will always pay them more than you can. So, sleep with your Kevlar on, my boy.
And by the way, remember when I mentioned that Odysseus had founded the city of Lisbon, at the westernmost edge of the known world, after returning from Troy? And that his mission, in repayment to the gods, was to evangelize these people to a belief in the Olympian gods? And in the sweetness of ancient irony, Lisbon fell to the city of Rome, which was founded by Aeneas. Sweet! Hah! Too bad it was Imperial Rome. But that’s OK, because these Celts weren’t going to buy either version of the gods. And maybe that’s why Portugal holds a place of honor in the Empyrean Heavens today. But we’ll get to that soon, I promise you. Here, have some more wine. Yes, I know your mother will be here soon, all the more reason to drink now. Don’t worry, I’ll handle her.
Anyway, Lusitania was eventually subdued by treachery, and brought into the Empire. And that would be the end of the story, if it was the end of the story, which it isn’t. Why? Because Lusitania is now the nation we know as Portugal, and this nation holds the key to understanding Russia. How is this so? Well, to begin with, Viriathus‘ favorite tactic was feigned flight, wherein he would entice the enemy (the Roman Legions) to pursue him and his apparently retreating army right into a deadly ambush. He did this time and again, and the Legions never learned. It worked every time. But someone did learn from this, but they all had Russian names. And their titles were always ‘Field Marshall’.
Well, so what, you say? Who cares about this pipsqueak known as Portugal? What does it have to do with the giant known as Russia? Plenty. The Northern Rus’ learned from Viriathus and his bogus ‘retreats’, and applied it in their military operations in the 19th and 20th centuries. The Viking Rus’ counterparts in the Russian Saga, the Southern Russians (the Judeo-Bolshevik Khazars), learned their political lessons from the Portugal of the early 1900’s. And what lessons did the southern Judeo-Khazar-Bolsheviks learn? How to conduct a revolution, of course.
I’ve already told you that Portugal was the scene of the first successful Socialist Revolution in Europe, right? Their revolution in 1910 was the prototype of the Russian (Commie) Revolution of 1917. How so? Well, the first thing you have to do, if you want to do it right, is you have to assassinate the king. Why? Because you have to remove the monarchy and the aristocracy, or else there will always be people who try and restore it. Like the Stuarts of Angland, remember? Anyway, these Portuguese revolutionaries weren’t idiots, although they were Freemasons, so there’s a fine line here that sometimes is hard to discern. These Portuguese socialists had paid very close attention to the Anglish Revolution wherein the rightful king was killed but his surviving relatives made life tough for the revolutionary Tudor clan for many years to come. Yes, the Tudors. The same Welsh traitors that betrayed us, grandson. The Tewders.
And the Roundheads eventually did figure this out, but their answer was to put up a figurehead monarchy that was subservient to the Parliament. What silliness! How can a king be subservient to the people? Here’s a little clue for you stupid Saxe-Gotha’s (aka Windsors); if you have to ask Parliament’s permission, you aren’t really a king! Hah! Anyway, the Anglish commoners were idiots by this time, as they had thrown away everything in search of freedom from taxation, so they bought this line. And look what they got in return—they’ve been ruled by women (or effeminate men) for most of the last two centuries. Long live the Queen. Idiots.
But the Portuguese Socialists weren’t going to make this same ‘constitutional monarchy’ mistake, and they didn’t. So, King Carlos was assassinated. And the Portuguese socialist revolutionaries weren’t going to make the second mistake either. And what would that be? They weren’t going to put up with the notion of a ‘nationalist’ church either, unlike the silly Anglish who still keep their ridiculous Anglican Church myth alive, even unto today. And once again, we have the specter of the Anglish being ruled by women, as the Anglican Church now has women bishops. And wanna-be women (gay) bishops. Next, mark my words, grandson, there will be an animal bishop somewhere in Angland. And that could actually be an improvement. I’m serious. I tell you, there’s nothing sillier than the Anglish!
But these Portuguese Socialists were serious men who knew what they wanted, and it didn’t include the Crown or the Church. They weren’t particularly fond of women and children either. And so, once the king and his heirs were out of the way, they went to war against the Church. The Holy Roman Church, of course. It’s the only Church worth fighting. And this is where things get really interesting, because these tough-guy socialists didn’t count on something. That something, of course, is the one thing that scientific materialists can never anticipate. Why? Because they are incapable of believing that this one simple thing can exist. And what is this one thing that can stop the runaway socialist train from reaching their materialist destination? Something non-material, of course. And what would that be? A miracle, silly boy.
So, we’re back to miracles? Yes, it couldn’t be otherwise, could it? Isn’t it the height of irony that the one thing materialists say can’t exist (God) always derails the revolution? Why? Well, if they cannot believe in it, they cannot prepare against it. And just what was this miracle? It was the Miracle of Fatima. Huh? Yes, the miracle wherein 3 little children completely destroy the hard work of dedicated rationalist revolutionaries who will stop at nothing to achieve their socialist utopia. Incidentally, have you noticed how socialist revolutions (made in the name of ‘the people’) always put their leaders in charge of everything, neatly destroying the concept of social equality? Pretty swell idea, eh Komrade? Stir the people up against Church and Crown and voila, you get to rule without restraint!
Unfortunately for the materialistic revolutionaries, they never figured out that the Crown and Church are simply symbolic representatives. Representatives of a spiritual reality that cannot be defeated simply by denying the existence of what the symbols represents. You may be able, here and now, to deface the symbol, but you can’t destroy the substance it points to simply by your vandalism. Yes, you can spray-paint a wall with graffiti, but the wall is still there. Oh well, idiots never learn, regardless of which organization they lead.
All right, so what was this miracle? After all, we’ve gone over 100 pages or so without any mention of these kinds of miraculous occurrences, right? Aren’t we firmly in the modern age, where these supposedly mythic occurrences don’t matter much, much less occur? Sure, you can believe that if you want. All you have to do is explain how these happenings involving three little children somehow totally derailed the powerful machinery of the socialist totalitarian state. Go ahead, all you Weiner Dogs, explain this for us, please. Take all the time (and chance) you need. Hah!
Alright, so let’s get down to it. What happened in Fatima, Portugal, and what did it mean? What was the result, and how does it affect Russia? OK, let us begin. First of all, let us remember something from the past. Remember Mohammed, the founder of Islam? What was his daughter’s name? Yes, it was Fatima, and that is who the little town of Fatima is named for in Portugal. Remember too that Mohammed’s followers had invaded Europe by crossing the Straits of Gibraltar in 722 AD, and reached as far north as Tours, France, where they were defeated by Charles Martell in 732 AD. This invasion started the longest war in history (the Reconquista), as it took the people of Spain and Portugal 770 years to expel the Moslem invaders, ending in 1492, the year America was discovered. A nice little present for those who kept the faith, eh? And by the way, have you ever read of any Anglican miracles?
And so, when the New World was discovered by an Italian, funded by Spaniards using Portuguese navigational discoveries, it set off the squabbling amongst allies that always accompanies a great victory. In fact, the Reconquista was the greatest of all victories. And the discovery of the New World was seen as a gift from heaven, in return for the defeat of the Moslem invaders in 1492, when Columbus sailed the ocean blue, as we learned in grade school. I know, you never heard of that poem. Oh well, how sad. Anyway, to resolve this intra-Hispanic fight over the spoils of the New World, the Pope drew a line, north to south, pole to pole, and Portugal got everything east of this line, and Spain got the rest. Except those parts called North America, where the French and Anglish ignored the Pope and stole all they could.
Anyway, the Portuguese part is what we now call Brazil, the most populous country in South America (200 million people). Now, let us ask a silly question—-where is Portugal, grandson? Isn’t it where the people speak Portuguese? And don’t the people of Brazil speak Portuguese? And don’t they have the same faith as Portugal? Isn’t Brazil the largest single country professing the Holy Roman Operating System? And didn’t the King of Portugal actually live in Brazil during the 1800’s, as the head of the Empire of Portugal and Brazil (which also included numerous Afrikan and Asian colonies as well)?
Alright, I’ll get on with it, after I have another drink. Here’s one for you, too. There, now we’re ready. Here we go. Portugal is reputed in prophecy to be the one place ‘where The Faith would always persevere‘ according to the one who gave us the greatest miracle of modern times, the Miracle of Fatima. And who made this prophecy and delivered this miracle, known as ‘The Miracle of the Sun‘? Mary, the mother of Jesus. That would make her the Mother of God, in the Holy Roman Operating System. So, just what was this miracle of the sun? And is there a word-play going on here? As in, the miracle of The Son? Quite likely, I’d say. But here’s the story.