Insanity & Doom Update VI

Item What's changed in Britain since same-sex marriage? Equalities minister Justine Greening, has insisted that churches must be made to: 'Keep up with modern attitudes'. Likewise, the Speaker of the…

Campus Idiocy Roundup I

For busy readers, here's the conclusion: Nuke 'em from orbit, it's the only way to be sure. Headline Those 'Snowflakes' Have Chilling Effects Even Beyond the Campus. Like Antony Esolen,…

I Get Complaints

From reader R: Hey! I like your posts on statistics. But your posts on marriage equality, gun violence, climate change, diversity etc. are incoherent rants. It sounds like you start…

Satanism & Religious Freedom

Religious freedom is an unalloyed good, isn't it? The idea was so cherished that it was written into the founding document of our nation. "Congress shall make no law", and…