Insanity & Doom Update V

Item & Prediction Why this winter could turn out to be a surprisingly sexy Oscar season It's not that Call Me By Your Name is especially explicit (though the famous…

Insanity & Doom Update

We used to call these "This Week In Doom", but except for our Summa Contra Gentiles series, I cannot stick to a schedule. Item "California Lesbian Couple Chemically Alter Their…

Insanity & Doom Update IX

Item University looks to add diversity rating to faculty evals Ball State University's Faculty Council plans to allow students to rate the inclusiveness of classroom environments on end-of-semester evaluations... While…

Insanity & Doom Update VII

Item It's time to take the 'great' white men of science off their pedestals As this latest controversy shows, science also has its monuments to white supremacy. Like Confederate monuments,…