Why is so much of Science now fake? There are many small reasons, but one big one. Our Expertocracy. Here is a small survey proving this. Anon posted a cri…
In old science fiction movies the mad scientist was a lone genius intent on world domination. He usually had a grudge against his colleagues for ignoring or slighting his obvious…
ALL CAUSE DEATHS This is usually in the numbers section, but I worry the point I'm making is getting lost. The week-of-the-year all-cause deaths. Green line is 2021, red is…
From Z man I got the link to a debased Harvard site which claims the coronadoom was caused by---no, not white supremacy, not directly---by climate change. The site is, if…
So this psychiatrist, James L. Fleming, "the chair of the American Psychiatric Association's Caucus on Climate Change and Mental Health, member of the APA's Committee on Climate Change and Mental…
DEAD BODIES https://twitter.com/le_Parisien/status/1457786009232424964 Here is a thread of young men, mostly athletes, who have recently dropped dead from heart attacks and the like (clots, etc.). Many such cases. Many such…
This is update CIX. Let's summarize, shall we? My first post on the panic was 27 January 2020: "Taleb Chastises Calm Journalist, Advises Precautionary Panic To Coronavirus". Taleb almost at…
Day two of the week of classical posts on global warming, now "climate change". Your author has many bona fides and much experience in this field: see this. Announcement. I…