If you are ignorant in a field, such as I am in ancient Peruvian pottery, you must look to purported authorities to settle disputes that might arise or for guidance…
ENDEMICITY I can't do a better job than this article---Why COVID-19 Is Here to Stay, and Why You Shouldn’t Worry About It by Philip Lemoine---on showing you why coronadoom is…
Steve Sailer highlights an interesting new paper on "cognitive ability" and genetic ancestry (which, in an effort to forestall criticism, perhaps, Sailer calls a "scientific paper"). It's "Linear and partially…
According to time-honored end-of-vacation protocols, I should have a gleaming new post ready to go for tomorrow, full of wit, verve, interest, and words. Let's start a poll to see…
Still on vacation, but thought you'd like to see this: https://twitter.com/nytimes/status/1427993758516264960 They ackshually started the damned headline with ackshually. The only thing missing from the headline is calling Danovitch an…
Did this show with Patrick Coffin last week: Or watch the thrilling video here. From Coffin's description: #244: Lies, Damn Lies, & Covid Stats—Dr. William M. Briggs Mathematician Dr. William…
Mike Jones says we’re winning. I believe him. Seriously. But no, not politically. You can’t ever really win at that game. Why? Because of our lack of a homogeneous society,…