Red State Update

If you haven't seen Jackie and Dunlap before, you've been missing out. Here's there take on the New Yorker's terrorist Obamas cover. Hilarious. They have an album coming out. The…

Actual footage

UPDATE: Christian Toto, over at Pajama's Media, has seen the HBO Generation Kill and says "The new HBO miniseries on Iraq is well-executed, but its anti-war bias is clear." Make…

Another increase in moronicity

This story has been making the rounds (I first heard of it from Roger Kimball's blog). It's so incredibly asinine that it deserves broad exposure. The headline from England's Telegraph…

What happened to sultry?

I like Jessica Rabbit. Her voice, I mean---Kathleen Turner. Throaty, a hint of edgy raspiness, alluring, damn sexy. But I just found out that I was wrong. Turns out I…

Lizards all male climate change club

Nature magazine reports this headline: Condemned to single-sex life by climate change. They are talking about a species of lizards called tuatara that live "on about 30 small islands in…