Does watching TV cause autism?

I have no idea, but two gentlemen from the Johnson School of Management at Cornell and one from the Economics department at Purdue seem to think so. They have written…

Do not try the WPAU plugin

I had a hell of a scare when I tried the WPAU plugin. It is the Word Press Automatic Update software, maintained here. This blog runs on Wordpress, served by…

On Bias

UPDATE: some statistics on this from Investor's Business Daily. What would you think if you were reading a new research result, written by people who all had advanced academic degrees…

A Rhetorical Question

A tip of the hat to Dennis Dutton's Arts and Letters Daily where this article from the Chronicle of Higher Education appeared. Incidentally, since the Chronicle bought out A&LD, there…

More Art

The New Museum is hosting an exhibition entitled "After Nature" whose tagline is "THE earth will pass away with a great noise and there will be no place for it."…

Shifting Baselines Syndrome

If you doubt any claim made about man-made global warming, Jennifer Jacquet thinks you are a "miscreant" and on par with those who deny that "smoking causes cancer." She also…