See if you agree with me: agreeing with me isn't proof that that which we agree about is true. Doesn't mean that that which we agree about is wrong, neither,…
Memorial Day in the Midwest isn't just celebrated on the last Monday of May, but it starts weeks before when volunteers from the local VFW stage themselves in front of…
When last we met, that sodden yet miserably cold, supposedly summer-ish day, we gandered at the top 20 posts of all time, as decided by you, the reader. It's not…
You know that we have begun at the peak and that it's all downhill when a scientific paper starts with a sentence like this: La sexualité occupe une place très…
If there was ever a paper which was in danger of refuting itself by its title, this is it. "Were the Victorians cleverer than us? The decline in general intelligence…
To summarize what we know, but only in brief and leaving out many smaller scandals: The White House lied about the cause of Benghazi. They knowingly, willingly, and falsely claimed…
(All the stuff in this series is, in a fuller form, in my new upcoming book, which is tentatively called Logical Probability and Statistics---but I've only changed the title 342…