Blinks As Lie Detectors

The holy grail of behavioral psychology is a test which determines if a person is lying. One hasn't been discovered yet, though not because of a lack of effort. Pretty…

Daily Links & Comments

@1 Amen! One should at least suspect [BS] when symbolism and other formal techniques that could easily be dispensed with without loss of rigor and with a great gain in…

Daily Liks & Comments

@1 Free concert tomorrow, Sunday, 27 October. 1:30 pm. Salve Regina: Music for the Heavenly Queen. St. Catherine of Sienna. 68th street between First and York. Gregorian Chant, Ave Maris…

Daily Links & Comments

@1 The Loss of the Permanent Things in Higher Education: trivial, multicultural, relativistic, sexual and politically correct studies supplant what had been a focus on Western civilization. Link @2 November…

Vitamin D And Cancer

This is our second big week focusing on colorectual cancer. Three weeks makes a streak. We'll see. Our paper is Mapping Vitamin D Deficiency, Breast Cancer, and Colorectal Cancer by…