Daily Links & Comments

Boo! @1 Taiwan's new military uniforms are Halloween scary. Yikes! Link @2 Received several emails from "Jesus" (from a dummy account) who insisted, "1900 - 1.6 Billion People; 2012 -…

Daily Links & Comments

@1 False widow spiders on the march! Under orders from global warming. Link @2 Washington Post's astonishing database of non-profit shenanigans. The big secret is millions go missing from NGOs:…

Daily Links & Comments

@1 Characteristics of Near-Death Experiences Memories as Compared to Real and Imagined Events Memories Link @2 Dogs are not people too. Even though this guy says Science says they are.…

Daily Links & Comments

@1 Russell "My Bookie Wook" Brand (shades of Jon "I'm a Comedian" Stewart) edits The New Statesman; quotes Sophocles. Readers die of embarrassment. Link @2 Did Hitler flee bunker with…