Time for the two-week teaching sojourn. In order to grasp cause, we need a brief, a very brief, introduction to the Aristotelian metaphysics of change. These are ancient views, largely…
As has often been said, PowerPoint is sure proof of Satan's existence. I agree. This is why I eschewed that excruciating, demonic contrivance and instead read a paper. The benefit…
Forgive the brief post. Got back late, got up early, and have to be out early. Don't want to miss Mark Steyn's breakfast speech. See the Twitter hashtag #ICCC10 or…
As predicted, there were cigars. But I missed them. The smoking party left without me while I listed to Ireland's version of the Mr Wizard brothers. A science experiment involving…
I'm traveling to the Heartland Climate Conference today. Special speakers dinner and pep talk later, and, rumor has it, cigars and whiskey. I started that rumor, and I have cigars,…
Democracies are born from elite (hierarchical) societies and for a time can and do retain much of their elitism, but since democracy is premised on egalitarianism ("We hold these truths..."),…
This is the second part of a review of George Gilder's monograph The 21st Century Case for Gold: A New Information Theory of Money. The first part, about the return…