Signed copies: update

The first batch of books has come in and I'll very likely mail them out first thing tomorrow. I had to order a second batch, so those who ordered books…

Start squirreling away nuts?

[Update: yes, there has been a title change. The old one was stupid.] The other day, some weather geek friends of mine and I were exchanging emails about the early…

Stand by!

My book is coming! It's almost there, so let me tell you how modern math publishing works these days. The author of course writes the work, and we all do…

Artificial photosynthesis

I don't normally get excited about "Advances in Science" papers, but everything now and then it's fun to let your imagination play. Thus, I recommend this article about an MIT…

Bad news for Bonobo

It turns out---shockingly, to some correct-thinking academics---that the bonobo ape is just as bloodthirsty as the rest of the higher primates. Yes, it's true. Bonobos, a sex- and peace-loving species…