Just upgraded. Anything unusual?

Joy noticed that my older version of Wordpress was once again hacked to insert a list of drug names into the theme header.php file. So, I upgraded. When I did,…

Today’s groaner

How many bishops does it take to celebrate Earth Hour? Tutu. (....pause for laughter....) Those wrestling guys at the WWF have been sending me emails touting earth hour again. Spokesman…

Panda Runner

The site Panda Runner went live over the weekend. You haven't been there yet? Now's your chance. The site is a collaboration between my number one son and his best…

I should be happier

According to CareerCast.com and the Wall Street Journal, I should be one happy guy. This is because Career Cast has done a "study" to rate the best jobs, and mine…

I’m thinking of turning to crime

He is a man of good birth and excellent education, endowed by nature with a phenomenal mathematical faculty. At the age of twenty-one he wrote A Treatise on the Binomial…