Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Dearest readers, It is has been a remarkable year, my dear crew, but, God willing, next year will be less noteworthy. Either way, I am glad you are all here…
A Visit From St Fauci

A Visit From St Fauci

'Twas the night before Boosters, when all round the floors, The doctors and coroners were forming a corps; The beds were made ready for the bodies to come, For the…
Bleak Friday Deal

Bleak Friday Deal

We are in a crisis. This crisis is itself comprised of many small crises. Safety First tyranny, whites discovering they are responsible for all evil, Santa kissing daddy, pretending two…
End Of Vacation

End Of Vacation

According to time-honored end-of-vacation protocols, I should have a gleaming new post ready to go for tomorrow, full of wit, verve, interest, and words. Let's start a poll to see…
I’m On Vacation

I’m On Vacation

The coronadoom update will still show tomorrow, but in abbreviated form. I am Up North. Where I belong. Posting will be sporadic until next week. Guest posts, perhaps classic reposts.…