Do Nones Really Have No Religion?

Bishop Robert Barron delivered this year's Erasmus Lecture last Monday, "Evangelizing the Nones", sponsored by First Things magazine. Your Roving Reporter was there. Nones are those who profess, when asked…

Insanity & Doom Update X

Item The UK continues its slide into bat-guano crazy: "Human Rights Committee Draft General Comment No. 36 on article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, on…

The Coming Christian Unity

Stream: The Coming Christian Unity There is disunity in Christendom, and has been since at least the gnostic Cerinthus around 100 anno Domini gained a small following by teaching that…

Insanity & Doom Update IX

Item University looks to add diversity rating to faculty evals Ball State University's Faculty Council plans to allow students to rate the inclusiveness of classroom environments on end-of-semester evaluations... While…

More On SJWs & STEM

Had to leave quite a bit out of last week's article SJWs Coming for Mathematics. The impetus for that column was an ad for math education professors who were first…