Traveling links

My turn to get patted down and scrutinized. I head back to the States today, after a long absence. I do not look forward to the flight. Here, to take…

Health Care Ping Pong Party

From The Hill: House and Senate leaders have formally agreed to bypass a bicameral conference committee to merge two healthcare bills, and have opted to instead "ping-pong" the Senate bill…

Definitions of Equality

Just definitions today, folks. We'll need them later. You'd think a lot of these would be obvious. Experience shows they are not. This article is solely about equality of outcomes…

Top 10 Spoof Movies of All Time!

The following list are classics, which are defined as movies you'd enjoy watching even when you wouldn't enjoy watching a movie. To qualify as a spoof, a movie must tease…

Newsweek imagines a President Al Gore

Newsweek asks What if Al Gore had won the 2000 election? It provides an alternative oral history with quotes from several journalists as they imagine the Earthly paradise that would…