Insanity & Doom Update XVII

Insanity & Doom Update XVII

Item Science proves kids are bad for Earth. Morality suggests we stop having them. If you buy this view of responsibility, you might eventually admit that having many children is…
Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

2^3+2^2-2^1 ... 2^3+2^2-2^1-2^0 ... 2^3 ... 2^6-2^5-2^4-2^3-2^1-2^0 ... 2^8-2^7-2^6-2^5-2^4-2^3-2^1 ... 2^7-2^6-2^5-2^4-2^3-2^0 ... 2^7-2^6-2^5-2^4-2^3-2^2 ... 2^7-2^6-2^5-2^4-2^3-2^2-2^0 ... 2^5-2^4-2^3-2^2-2^1 ... 2^7-2^6-2^5-2^4-2^3-2^2-2^1-2^0 ... ?