I won’t tell you what! You’ll have to discover it yourself in Mine Tomorrow: Polon Percival and the Political Ploy, a new old science fiction tale. I mean, just published and written in the classic style.
That is to say, it’s not ponderous and boring and long, but fun and snappy and sleek. In the Elmore Leonard style of leaving out the stuff that everybody skips.
Polon (sounds like colon, the punctuation mark or, if you prefer, the nethermost region of the human psyche) has a moustache, a mail-order diploma, and supreme confidence in his own abilities. He takes for a ride a hip robotic professor (who is putting on a play to celebrate The People), but Polon is played a patsy to evil, scheming capitalists, plotting to take over the mining moon Klayton. The plan backfires thanks to, well, thanks to blind luck.
“I doubt they will be able to injure a man of my skill and mental capabilities. Now that Lucy has turned the senors off, I’ll recruit my old friend Surprise and when Mr. Reed returns, I’ll spring my trap.”
Kidnappings! Mistaken identities! True love! Unmitigated detecting! All this for only a measly $2.99! At prices this cheap, you can’t afford not to buy! (Available only on the Kindle at this time.)
Incidentally, careful readers will notice the similarity between the author’s name and Yours Truly’s. Don’t let that put you off. This kid, unlike his sire, can write and tell a story that won’t put you to sleep.
Best Deal Going
The first 10 people who email matt@wmbriggs.com (with subject line FREE BOOK) will receive Mine Tomorrow as a gift, as long as they pledge on their honor to (1) go to Amazon’s book page within a week and rate and write a comment about the book and (2) to email at least three people telling them the good news that the book can be had by one and all.
In order to do this, in the BODY of the email (and NOT just the return address), I need the valid email you use with Amazon, so I can “Give as a gift.” If you give me the wrong email or don’t put your email in the text so I can read it simply, tough luck.
Look to this space for when to stop emailing me after I get the first 10.
Update All 10 spots have been taken! Thanks for the overwhelming response everybody. It’s very much appreciated.
Congratulations to you and your son. I will get the book, and leave a review.
I read it over the weekend, and liked it.
I have read the book — reminiscent of early 1950s SciFi humor — with a main character a mix of Nero Wolfe and Horace Rumpole.
A little (?) wry social commentary, no stats.
I find it more than a little funny that it is only available on Kindle, after the number of threads you’ve hosted about just such a travesty.