2,800 — And Growing — Scientists Butthurt Over Elon Musk Squeal To The Royal Society

2,800 — And Growing — Scientists Butthurt Over Elon Musk Squeal To The Royal Society

Of all the glorious winning we have had this last month, this is my favorite by far. Some 3,000 squealing scientists signed a petition addressed to the Royal Society to express their displeasure Elon Musk has a fellowship from that organization.

The petition’s real reason, as we’ll see below, is pure vice-signaling: nervous hersterical academics shouting “Look at me! I’m not like Trump supporters!” This has nothing to do with Elon Musk being given some useless honorary title (likely awarded because he is rich). This is arrogant scientists demanding to be given your money because they cannot imagine a world in which they have no paycheck.

The petition asks the Royal Society to rebuke one of the world’s more powerful men. It will thus be of interest to see what the Royal Society does. If, as I suspect, nothing, then from the RS’s point of view, it is all about money. If they revoke Musk’s fellowship, then European science will have become a nonentity.

The Royal Society, like all major science-in-name organizations, is indeed overtly political. Every such group, that I know of anyway, in the West has bowed their knee to pathetic secular gods and stupid science. Hello, “gender theory”, “climate change”, DIEing and all the rest. In this, they followed the money, grew rich, but lost their scientific credibility.

Stephen Curry, a retired Professor of Structural Biology at Imperial College London, and sometime Guardian contributor, is organizing the petition. As of this writing, there are 2,854 signatures from universities all over the world, though most come from the UK.

The petition opens:

I write to express my dismay at the continued silence and apparent inaction from the Royal Society over the Fellowship awarded in 2018 to Elon Musk.

The Society was made aware of Fellows’ concerns over six months ago about how Musk’s behaviour was in contravention of your Code of Conduct...

To that we can now add his post on X (Twitter) about the Rt Hon Jess Philips MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Safeguarding and Violence Against Women and Girls, falsely accusing her of being a “rape genocide apologist” who should be jailed, an utterance that placed her in physical danger.

It goes on in that vein, pure effeminate bilge. The hubris-filled weak always view disagreement, which they cannot bear, as “physical danger”.

The best laugh lines come in this paragraph, dripping with wounded pride:

The situation is rendered more serious because Mr Musk now occupies a position within a Trump administration in the USA that has over the past several weeks engaged in an assault on scientific research in the US that has fallen foul of federal courts. It has sought to impose huge cuts in funding and a regime of censorship (particularly with regard to EDI and climate issues) that is a direct threat to freedom of expression and academic freedom.

Assault on scientific research! Darn right. There is too much of it, much of it bad, and too much done by the weak-minded, the proof of that contention being this very petition. DIE-minded brook-no-opposition professors appealing to “academic freedom” is particularly hilarious.

“That’s too strong, Briggs. Sure, you have some disagreements over methods and results in science, but there’s no need to get personal.”

That so? Then what do we make of this pee-in-the-pants passage that thousands of so-called eminent scientists are keen to sign their name to?

What message does it send about the Society’s commitment to upholding its code, its values and its declarations about the importance of diversity and inclusion? What message of support does it send to our friends and colleagues in the USA, especially women, people from ethnic minorities, and disabled and LGBT researchers who are most exposed to the Trump-led offensive that has recruited Elon Musk FRS as its most enthusiastic general?

The message is: Grow up, Official Victims are no longer to be accorded special status; start doing real work or get out.

The petition is pathetic. And so are its signers.

I wanted to thank Curry for bringing to my attention the state of European science, and so wrote this comment on his blog. Which, alas, never made it out of moderation. However, my thanks, as I said, are sincere, so I repeat it here:

This squealy hersterical (there is no misspelling) overreaction is hilarious, its existence a terrific argument for dramatic and very, very large cuts to public science funding.

As such, and sincerely, I can’t thank you enough for producing it.

Incidentally, above you used the term “EDI”. By that, did you mean DIE, i.e. Diversity Inclusion and Equity? Or is this something else?

I think “EDI” is DIE, but I welcome correction.

The good news is that the Royal Society ignored Curry’s first (and another) attempt. This gives some weight to the idea they’ll ignore this petition. Best bet is they pretend it doesn’t exist. Money is money, after all, and they always need more of it.

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  1. Michael Dowd

    It struct me while reading this is that the Catholic Church has become an NGO for the U.S. government particularly since Bergoglio arrived on the scene, e.g., the suppression of dissent.

  2. Michael DeLong

    “Throw a rock into a herd of pigs, and the one that squeals is the one that got hit.” I quess the author at the society is afraid they they will lno longer be funded.

  3. Brad

    “Nullius In Verba!” — Funny thing about where I learned that.. It amazes me how many claiming to be scientists forget what it means.

    Those who join together do tend to succeed. i.e. why it is 2800+ scientist signing isn’t truly terrible. It is just that motto points the other way. It points hard the other way.

    Jess Phillips, honorable? She refuses to attempt to understand anything but “how do I get more people to hate the people I don’t like”. She couldn’t handle the joke thrown in her direction to point at her own privilege.

    But the Royal Society has taught me with missives like this that they lost touch…

  4. john b()

    Looks like Stephen Curry isn’t a Fellow?

    TTHAT seems to be a problem … professional jealousy?

  5. JH

    This has nothing to do with Elon Musk being given some useless honorary title (likely awarded because he is rich). This is arrogant scientists demanding to be given your money because they cannot imagine a world in which they have no paycheck.

    In the UK, similar to the US, the vast majority of professors have a base salary, and research grants allow them to reduce teaching responsibilities to focus on research. I doubt that cuts made by Musk’s DOGE have affected UK professor’s pockets much. It’s the lab assistants, PhD students, postdocs, and research scientists (who are not professors) who suffer by budget cuts, not the professor. Briggs, you know this already.

    The honorary title is useless to me, as it is often used to impress others, similar to dressing up to impress, albeit in different ways. I know of people who work extra hard to become a fellow of some scholarly society. Maybe, it is more about claiming bragging rights. Silly human beings.

    The petition’s real reason? I’d take the petitioner’ words at face value.

  6. Johnno

    If scientists want to make themselves useful, they should spend less time “studying” (modelling) non-existant nonsense, like black-holes in space, and spend more time analyzing the Black-Hole that is the U.S. Treasury, where Trillions in untraceable wealth have been sent by department professionals (expurts) to unidentified aliens living amongst us who lived for over 300 years. Maybe in Roswell.

    What secrets do they hold? We need their services!

  7. Uncle Mike

    His face value words: “It has sought to impose huge cuts in funding and a regime of censorship (particularly with regard to EDI and climate issues) that is a direct threat to freedom of expression and academic freedom.”

    Nobody is censoring scientists or abridging their freedom of expression. DOGE is merely cutting the fat from bloated budgets of scientific fakery. You can still howl to the moon about the pending Hotpocalypse and it’s dire impacts on the gender dysphoric. But I don’t have to pay for it anymore. Too bad. Sucks to be you etc.

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