The Death Of DIE—In University Science

The Death Of DIE—In University Science

The true test will be a television commercial that contains, and only contains, a happy white family. Say a family with a (seeming) husband and wife finding pleasure, humorous or dramatic, over whatever product the ad agency is trying to shift.

Watch for it. It will likely only be one, because of demographics, but that one will be the last signal. For the Death of DIE is upon us (I use the proper spelling throughout).

Trump ended Affirmative Action. The joy, the joy.

You can read the text of the Executive Order and discover your own happiness. All will have their favorite part. Because it involves Science, mine was Section 4, “Encouraging the Private Sector to End Illegal DIE Discrimination and Preferences.” Which contains this gem (my emphasis):

A plan of specific steps or measures to deter DIE programs or principles (whether specifically denominated “DIE” or otherwise) that constitute illegal discrimination or preferences.  As a part of this plan, each agency shall identify up to nine potential civil compliance investigations of publicly traded corporations, large non-profit corporations or associations, foundations with assets of 500 million dollars or more, State and local bar and medical associations, and institutions of higher education with endowments over 1 billion dollars;

Universities were supposed to stop DIEing after the Supreme Court slapped their hand with all the force of Liberace striking a high C. As Steve Sailer and others showed, the slap had its expected effect. Which is to say, universities went right on DIEing, but stopped crowing about it.

True, some universities eliminated their DIE oaths, in which professors, and applicants, had to say why they didn’t think whites were worthy of employment. But that doesn’t mean hiring committees couldn’t see the race and sex of professors (and students). Or “gender”. They DIEd on the sly.

They still will. Rather, they will still try. Because “top” universities are still femanned by absolute ideological lunatics. And yet, and yet: there’s that bright spot of the one billion demarcation. Those ideologues must answer to their boards.

It’s true that several seats are DIE placeholders on the boards of colleges like Harvard (see also SCOTUS). But they are a minority (good joke!). The sober folks serving on university boards know the value of a dollar, even if pampered midwit profs and the glutinous superfluous army of administrators don’t.

“Top” universities rake in Uncle Sam’s green by the hectare, not to mention student loans. All of which is, or will be, in jeopardy if universities continue DIEing in ostentatious fashion. DIE was all fun and games when the money was rolling in. It will become a grim burden when the flow ebbs.

First thing that will likely happen is the odd appointment that would have gone to a DIE candidate will instead go to someone who merits it. Look for uni press releases announcing hopeful new hires in this line. Words about grants expected, with all their juicy overhead, will be highlighted in these pieces. Without that overhead universities cannot sustain themselves.

Research money often went to DIE, as we discussed many times over the years. We saw recently (blog/Substack) a good quarter of the NSF budget went straight to DIE. Which helped set Science back years. Real death in the spirit of DIE.

There is now no way NSF will be able to get away with DIEing. Not to their former extent. Sure, the odd grant will still go to girls or other Official Victims, but they’ll have to thin the cash and extent of these set-asides. And largely keep quiet about them.

The EPA, another source of grants, sent out an email already calling out the caustic nature of DIE. They even say they know all about “coded or imprecise language” used by DIE maniacs in attempts to slip a little DIE in here and there. They are onto you.

DIE maniacs aren’t going to give up without screeching about it. Here’s a woman this week at Johns Hopkins whining that NIH dropping DIE endangers “disparities research”. What a redundancy! “Disparities research” just is DIE. It is impossible, in any practical or real-life sense, not to find differences between groups. Any difference was labeled a “disparity” and then blamed on whites (or white men) and used as an excuse to keep DIEing. The entire field is a sham.

DIE is not going to keel over and collapse in a lifeless heap at all once. Universities are too heavily female coded, and therefore devoted to Equality and Be Nice!, for that to happen. But the fight is on.

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  1. KGB

    A single commercial is not enough. I want entire networks overtly and publicly dedicated to providing white-only entertainment, much as blacks and Hispanics enjoy. Every last commercial on these networks must eschew non-white characters. No suave, intelligent, and patronizing blacks will be allowed to set whitey straight about his many flaws.

  2. Cary Cotterman

    In much the same way “global warming” became “climate change”, “affirmative action” became “DEI” and just kept going. They’ll just call it something else now, or stop publicizing it, and double down.

  3. Uncle Mike

    Yay. Old white hetero conservative Christian men rejoice! All three of us.

  4. McChuck

    DEI must die!

  5. spetzer86

    My company was just bragging about its DEI program in early Jan25. I’m betting it’ll just go back to dark and continue to happen under the radar. I think it’d take a lot of stamina to thoroughly remove the DEI concepts from corporate HR groups.

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