Joyous Happy Birthday to Our Lord, and a Merry Christmas to you all my friends.
I don’t know how to avoid the cliche, but without you, my loyal supporters, I could not do this. My plan was always to keep all material free, because not all can pay, but to welcome those who wish to contribute. And boy do I welcome, and am most heartfelt grateful and humbled, for my generous helpers. You are the best present a guy who can’t shut up could have.
Indeed, just two days ago on my YouTube channel (in the Newcomb’s Paradox video), I got what I consider the most apt thoughtful important comment I have ever received: “You talk too much!!!”
I could not say it better. But I am sure to try. At length.
God bless us one and all.
Classic link! How does Santa Claus get all the presents to children all in one night? Turns out he hires an army of consultants to help him work the magic. This video describes how. From the old History Channels show Weird US, in which Yours Truly is interviewed.
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Merry Christmas Mr. Briggs and may your new year be wonderful.
Merry Christmas Mr. Briggs. Lest talk and more thought is a Christmas message for all of us.
May God Bless all your good work.
Merry Christmas Dr. Briggs. May the New Year bring you much deserved happiness, joy, and peace.
Here is a lovingly played ‘Ode To Joy’ to enjoy as we celebrate and reflect upon this Christmas season:
J.S. BACH – Jesus bleibet meine Freude, BWV 147 (Jesus Joy Of Man’s Desiring) AI de Parcevaux, organ
Merry Christmas Matt — enjoyed the “How Santa Gets Presents to Children” clip — SCIENCE! Life is amazing. And thanks on this special day to the beautiful BIRTHDAY BOY! You’re doing great, kid!
John 1:5 – And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.
Merry Christmas Matt, to you and to yours. and Jesus” precious love to us all and all of our families ,too!
God bless, C-Marie
Merry Christmas!!!
A very merry Christmas to all!
Great parting shot on the “Santa Math” episode: “Come back if you want to hear about the Easter Bunny”. Always leave ‘em laughing, Sarge. Merry Christmas to all!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas Matt!