England Voted To Have Doctors Kill Their Patients

England Voted To Have Doctors Kill Their Patients

The MPs in the UK passed a bill that will allow doctors to kill their patients. Maybe this is their solution to the rampant immoral immigration they can’t make themselves stop? Who knows. In any case, there is some to-ing and fro-ing left in the legalities before the bill becomes an official law, but all expect that it will.

Doctors in the UK have grown squeamish, coincidentally, I’m sure, at the same rate the profession becomes female. So this bill says doctors will only give Death Pills to patients, and have the patients swallow them on their own, albeit under supervision of Dying Experts. This is contrasted with the manly way of just bashing patients over the head, or slitting their throats.

At this early date, we won’t see, like in the Netherlands and Canada, doctors sneaking into patient rooms in the dark of the night and slipping them the needle. At first, anyway. Doubtless the Slippery Slope is being greased even as you read this.

They won’t slather on too much, though. Because consider: if you kill patients as they walk in the door, what you gain in dying efficiency and bed space you lose in the amount you can bill insurance companies. There has to be a balance of killing and care that maximizes revenue.

The UK Bill says doctors can’t kill just any old patient. Or any young patient, come to that. Doctors first have to pronounce the patients have only six months to live. Now I have read countless stories of doctors insisting patients are “brain dead”, right before the patients come back to “brain life”. Meaning the prognosticative ability of doctors is right up there with their ability to make moral arguments. Look for lots of “six months left” diagnoses to be charted.

Surely some pharmaceutical has tasked its marketing department to develop a clever, happy name for its Dying pills. Easy Off? No, that’s an oven cleaner. Could be the same ingredients, though. I see the possibilities for a tie-in here, especially as those crematorium’s ovens have to be cleaned by somebody. “Hands free death with scouring power!”

Maybe Endia. But, Wokepedia tells us, this is derogatory slang in India, so it can’t be marketed under that name there. Curryfinia might work there, though.

Gonegrinnia? Chokecheerica? Happy Exit?

How about Releasia? Don’t be satisfied with death pills that will have you spitting up blood — try new Painless Releaseia™ for your final release!

Can you imagine the commercials? People cavorting, smiling, one last push of the granddaughter on the swing. Dancing, even, then marching off to swallow Releaseia and leave their troubles for others to deal with. Ask your doctor if Releaseia is right for you.

Not a joke, my friends. The ads are already here, and indeed, the image leading today’s post is one of them. Presumably that ad was right next to the Suicide Prevention hotline poster. Seriously, have you ever seen anybody about to kill herself as joyous as this? Besides Kamala, I mean.

Somebody pointed out the ad featured a white woman, which is odd in a culture that features Official Victims in nearly all ads. Some thought the ad was because of hatred of whites. That might be part of it, but consider if they instead had a happy Official Victim tap dancing her way into the grave. The hue and cry—there is no charge for these jokes, friends—would be ear splitting. How dare you express the desire for Victims to die!

I made the observation on Twitter that a cardiologist is a doctor who specializes in heart disease. An oncologist specializes in cancer. What do they call a doctor who specializes in killing his patients? Doctor.

What a good joke!

Somebody else suggested necrologist. I like it. It sings.

No sense being angry about any of this. Won’t do you the least bit of good. It would only increase your blood pressure, increasing the chances you’d make a visit to the doctor, and she’d only recommend death as treatment.

I say “she” in honor of Ellen Wiebe, a Canadian doctor who has sent over 400 of her patients to an early grave. She worries about anger too. She says “We know that angry family members are our greatest risk (laughter).”


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  1. Michael Dowd

    Dreadful as it is, for many it would be a welcoming idea. Wonder when “Pope” Francis will endorse?

  2. Rudolph Harrier

    There is an inevitable progression. When suicide is not an option, then preventing people from committing suicide is paramount. When it becomes an option, then prevention efforts most necessarily be lessened. You can’t say that suicide is a valid choice for dealing with a bleak life and simultaneously say to someone that he shouldn’t kill himself because suicide is never the answer. At best you can say “well you could kill yourself, but let’s consider other options first.”

    Inevitably bureaucrats will cease considering other options, since it is easier to just go along with the patient’s suggestion for suicide. This will be accompanied by a social campaign that celebrates suicide as the ultimate freedom of choice, something so sacred that no one is allowed to question the choice and certainly not to talk someone out of it.

    From here suicide will be immediate upon request, but there will be many who qualify and yet stubbornly insist on trying to survive. They will be pressured. “Everyone else in your situation has killed himself, what makes you so special that you should live?” “There’s no longer anything shameful about committing suicide, but think of the resources you are wasting and the torment you are causing your family by refusing to kill yourself.”

    So not only is suicide prevention no longer an option, but encouragement becomes the norm. And once it is the norm those who still do not agree to it will be killed anyway, with doctors claiming that they eventually came around and made the “right” decision. By this point the only doctors left will be those who are glad to kill their patients, and so they will tell themselves that they did what was best for their patients, and who is going to question the doctors anyway?

    All of this is inevitable once you legalize suicide, especially if you legalize it with the explicit intention of reserving it for the seriously ill. Canada is already near the end of the process.

  3. Robin

    The NHS automatically identifies every patient as an organ donor. The onus is on the patient to opt-out.

    Under the circumstances of this new legislation, I would advise persons enrolled in the NHS to opt out with a witnessed signature and copies of the signed and witnessed document kept by nearest relatives.

    Midazolam, or Versed as it may be known, will be the method of choice.

    Death is being “de-stigmatized” throughout the entire British system, legally and in actuality.

  4. patrick healy

    Over here in grey gloomy Calvinistic Scotland you have to wait a minimum of two weeks to see a doctor.
    Sometimes after hanging on the phone for up to an hour you can arrange for a doctor to call you back to tell you to take a few aspirin’s, keep warm (fat chance with the price of energy) and take plenty fluids (alcohol is too expensive so it has to be tea). When the bleeding stops, they will probably send you a little pill in the post to end it all.

  5. Fodia ( F off and die)
    Goodbye shorts?
    Truce (Tpyc)

    In countries like Canada in the UK, with government healthcare, the patient Is seen and treated as a cost to the hospital or system’s fixed budget, not as a source of revenue. Therefore the incentives are all toward killing the patient as quickly and efficiently as possible.

  6. john b()

    Maybe that’s why Ellen Degerate and her spouse are going there

  7. Shawn Marshall

    Bloody Mary

  8. Cary Cotterman

    My mom rode it out to the natural end. I sat with her in a hospital while she spent almost thirty hours in agony, slowly suffocating. It wasn’t pretty. In contrast, my dog gently, painlessly dozed off in my arms about a minute after the veterinarian gave her a shot. If I end up having to face a tortured end, I know which way I’d rather go.

  9. gareth

    My suggestion is “The Shipman Care Pathway” – a portmanteau of Harold Shipman and The Liverpool Care Pathway.
    Shipman was a kindly looking English doctor who killed hundreds of mostly old, female patients by injecting them with heroin. He was possibly the world’s most prolific serial killer. The Liverpool Care Pathway was the system of “caring” for dying patients; offing them by dehydration while drugging them up so they couldn’t complain about it.

    In the UK we have a nationalized healthcare system, Our NHS, which is worshiped and must be protected from inconvenient sick people wasting its resources. Getting rid of useless eaters with lives not worth living reduces the waste of NHS resources, with no need to squander money on palliative care for hospital bed-blockers. And it boosts tax revenue by bringing forward the income from death duties.

    In this enlightened country with Our NHS there is no need for doctors to bill insurance companies – they get paid a flat fee per person registered to them, even though, when sick, those patients might have to wait what could be weeks for an appointment to see them. Although killing a few of these patients would in theory reduce the fee income, we have so many immigrants – legal and illegal – that the the numbers will be rapidly replenished. What’s not to like ?

  10. Suicide in Islam, much like in Catholicism, is considered a mortal sin. The Pope will undoubtedly get squarely in line behind this idea, the Imams not so much. That would be my guess anyway.

  11. Rex8or Legitimax Prime

    For anybody wandering about it pain relief & sedation has in the past often been the main cause of death for people with long term serious conditions.
    Absolutely no need for any new legislation.

  12. I like “necrologist”. I think that should be the official name for the specialists. And “necrology” is obviously the specialization.

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