Mark Twain On The Dictatorship Of Health

Mark Twain On The Dictatorship Of Health

This post is originally from 9 November 2012, twelve years ago. It warned of the coming health dictatorship and the zeal of Experts banning whatever displeased them. Whether it displeased you was, and is, nothing to them. I invite you to add to the list of banned things. This was also, of course, before the covid panic, where medicine was mandated. So Experts got us coming and going.

I have quoted these words from Mark Twain many times. They never lose their relevance:

There are people who strictly deprive themselves of each and every eatable, drinkable and smokable which has in any way acquired a shady reputation. They pay this price for health. And health is all they get for it. How strange it is. It is like paying out your whole fortune for a cow that has gone dry.

I am willing to sink to my knees and plead with any bureaucrat to explain Twain’s simple meaning. I will not succeed and convert my audience more than five times out of every five hundred, but I will do my level best.

With the coming of Obamacare, the reign of the progressive mantra “Right to Choose!” is over—to be replaced by a “right” to listen to government “guidelines”, which will be mandatory. You may not choose to smoke. You may notchoose to drink a pop over 16 ounces. You may not eat, drink, or smoke that which the government and its Enlightened advisors fears.

Why? Because health is all that matters. Quantity of life will replace quality of life as the ne plus ultra of medicine. Living here and now and for as long as possible, when all there is, as we will increasingly be told, is nothing but the here and now, will be our only goal.

Until one becomes too old. Paradoxically, once people pass an age where they are too unattractive, or deemed unfit to serve society, or it is gauged too expensive to prolong their lives, seniors will rightly fear having wandered into a 1970s-era Charleton Heston movie.

Here are just a sample of what we will see in the tsunami of regulations about to appear from Obamacare.

  1. Ever-present calls for more spending. Bureaucracies are like malignant cancers which grow without restraint unless their food supply (money) is cut off. This has happened in every country which implemented socialized medicine.
  2. An increase in disease. Rather, an increase in diagnosed diseases, and not necessarily in real rates. And a rise in the number of new, mostly mental diseases or mild but exaggerated somatic “syndromes”. These findings will lead back to #1.
  3. Rules, bannings, regulations, and then more of the same.

As evidence of the last, this simple list built in just five minutes internet searching. I invite you to add to it. As the government will invite itself to do, ad nauseum.

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  1. Uncle Mike

    It’s a topsy-turvy world! The schools ban lunches but allow boys in the girls bathrooms. Peanuts bad, rape okay.

    But don’t worry, MAGA’s. We have Demo reject RFKJr who’ll ban food and farming. I saw a report that said when Bobby was on Trump’s jet they served him big macs. Trump used to work at Mickey D’s you know. That outfit may be short listed now.

    Could schools possibly ban poison jabs first? Instead of mandating them?

    PS — Mark Twain famously said Congressmen were like babies. They both need changing frequently, and for the same reason. The same could be said about bureaucrats.

  2. spaceranger

    I think it was Twain who said that if you don’t maintain at least a few bad habits to get rid of if need be, you’ll be like a ship without ballast to jettison when you get old.

  3. Uncle Mike

    I wish to be clear. I don’t need RFKJ or anybody else telling me what I may or may not eat. My body my choice. It’s time to NOT panic.

    Furthermore, the number one US children’s health care issue is the 70 million aborted babies since RvW. That’s 10 times the number killed in the Holocaust and more than 20% of the entire US population. Former Catholic RFKJ has no qualms about abortion. He’s not going “fix” that problem.

  4. BadThinker

    And of course Health now also means “medically assisted dying” for those deemed unfit or sad or too white.

  5. Phileas_Frogg

    @Uncle Mike

    Stop bitching. RFK is a flat improvement because of his stance on vaccines alone. His skepticism towards the use of nonsense industrial products in our food is just a bonus. Politics is not the place to look for miraculous eucatastrophic victories, but rather tedious, frustrating and temporary wins. Accept the temporary and ultimately disappointing win for what it is.

    Stop looking for a grave just because you smelt flowers.

    On topic, barring a man his God given free choice is tyranny, but insisting upon a choice and making it for him is the essence of his enslavement. I remember clearly the day they took our French Fries from us in High School. If you’d have put Mike Obama in the room with us, we could have stoned her to death.

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