The Science Of Transitioning Children

The Science Of Transitioning Children

The story is a “doctor” file-drawered a study which said kids drugged and maimed in service to the lunatic theory that people can “transition” to a different sex, sex now called a “gender” in a vain attempt to remove the theory’s absurdity, did not improve their “mental health”.

According to one story:

A prominent doctor and trans rights advocate admitted she deliberately withheld publication of a $10 million taxpayer-funded study on the effect of puberty blockers on American children — after finding no evidence that they improve patients’ mental health.

Dr. Johanna Olson-Kennedy told the New York Times that she believes the study would be “weaponized” by critics of transgender care for kids, and that the research could one day be used in court to argue “we shouldn’t use blockers.”

An online darling calling himself (herself?) Crémieux had this to say to some person (named Jennifer) who lamented what file-drawering does to trust in science:

I completely agree with Jennifer, but I do want to comment on this particular issue.

Because this issue can be resolved technologically so long as biotech continues to progress, the pro-trans side of things will eventually win out.

So much debate feels pointless in that light.

This Crémieux was teased by many, for reasons we’ll discuss, and was shamed into deleting the tweet. But it was saved here. I also notice this individual, and two others like him or her, I/O and Rabbit Hole, have been given curiously positive publicity lately.

File-drawering happens all the time; so much so that techniques in meta-analysis have been developed to estimate how much. More often, unwanted results are buried in a morass of technobabble, or hid through highlighting the unimportant. The wretched Olson-Kennedy could have used this trick and gotten away with it.

She was right, though, that her unwanted results would be used against her. They should have been. That’s the old-fashioned way to do science. But it is not the modern way, which is the manner Olson-Kennedy adopted. Only evidence which comports with beloved beliefs can be seen. That was the lesson of the covid panic.

Olson-Kennedy is not that bright, or she never would have attempted her “study” without having a plan what to do once the results went against her. It was only her incompetence that got her caught. This is not the interesting part of the story.

The delusional Crémieux is. Consider “The Science” of transexualism. It started by having a man who wanted to be a woman put on a dress. Did this make the man a woman? No, sir, it did not. The Science added lipstick and rouge, and sometimes a wig. Did this make the man a woman? No.

The Science then said, “How about injecting estrogen and implanting silicone under his chest!” Did this make the man a woman? Of course not. We were left with a weakened man in an ill-fitting costume, smeared paint on his face, and goofy bumpers on his chest.

Frustrated, The Science said, “What if we chop off the man’s pertinents, and shunt his colon into a new hole, which we will call a ‘front hole’, to resemble, as a pig does a turtle, a female vagina?”

Did this smelly mess make the man a woman? No, sir, it does not. Even if the odor problem is solved, it does not.

Well, what’s the next step? What does Crémieux envision “can be resolved technologically so long as biotech continues to progress”? More creative microsurgery to make the man, if you squint, while drunk, look more like a woman? But looks alone will never make the man a woman. What’s left? A wholesale swapping of the man’s chromosomes? And the other odd bits which can be inherited (about which, another day). In every cell.

Which is not possible. It is not that it is unlikely. It is that is impossible. You would be removing what makes the person this person, you would be making an entirely different person, even imagining the impossible were possible. The new person, in this sci-fi scenario, might not even be delusional and think they are the “wrong sex”, or again he or she might be. Who knows? You may as well say you are transforming a mosquito into a walrus. The precise same impossibility exists.

There was therefore no reason to “test” whether children, pushed, prodded, and persuaded by perverts that they were “born in the wrong body”, could have improved their “mental health.” Because it would be impossible trying to change the unchangeable, the thing would necessarily fail and could not improve anything, except the egos of the Experts pushing this nonsense, and the bank accounts of the “doctors” profiting from it.

Instantly, if we were to see a “study” which did “show” improvement of any kind in the kids, we would know something had gone wrong, though we might not know what. Maybe the study itself was flawed, bad or biased questions asked, or the “researchers” (what a grand title for these sexual ghouls) made some data or mathematical error. Or, most likely of all, they cheated, lied, obfuscated, bent the wee Ps to come out the way they wanted. But that is wrong is guaranteed.

There won’t be enough millstones in all the quarries of the world when the reckoning happens.

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  1. Carlos Julio Casanova Guerra

    Well, I have to say something: what makes a living being BE WHAT it is and the METAPHYSICAL SUBJECT it is is not the DNA, but the intelligible structuring principle, that, since it is dynamic in living creatures, is called ‘anima’ (animating principle), ‘psyché’ or, in English, ‘soul’. On the other hand, going deeper, what gives me REALITY, so to speak, is the CORE ACTUALITY, the ACT OF BEING (actus essendi), that is the first effect of the causee that put me in reality. Of course, matter is part of my identity; and changes in it will affect my being and my position in front of the totallity of being; but, unless those changes destroy the composite that I am, they are NOT substantial; that is: if I don’t die, those changes, profound as they might be, don’t change what I am or who I am. So, if they could alter the whole map of my DNA in every cell of my body, without killing me, the product woukld be I, deeply affected, but this same metaphysical subject, nontheless. And, since I am a man (species) and I’m a man (sex), I can’t be anything else, unless they kill me; in which case, it wouldn’t be I, but something else. So, if they were to change the Identity of the person, it would mean that the person ceased to exist. But this clowns talk like these: “I transitioned”: well, honey or pal, if you are the one who did wahtever you did, you didn’t “transition”, you just damaged yourself…

  2. Incitadus

    How a handful of clowns in government and media could pull this off and silence all rational debate is
    astonishing. Guess the seeds of liberty weren’t sown that deep for the tree to have been uprooted so

  3. Carlos Julio Casanova Guerra

    To complete the previous comment:

    This people separate conscience and the body, when they say that they have an identity at odds with it. Even the emotions, that are acts of bodily organs are separated, along with perception.

    At the same time, they are radical materialists and say that the identity is utterly a bodily matter. So, changing some parts and getting some bodily substances they get a different identity…. CONSERVING the previous one (so, they talk about themselves as metaphysical agents and subjects of the change).

    Likewise, they say sex and gender are independent, but, then, in order to “transition” from one gender to the older, they proceed to chop body parts and getting hormones of the opposite sex. If gender is perception and independent of biology, perception should suffice…..

    But everybody knows that’s a lie like the 40 beheaded babies: that is, a preposterous justification

  4. NLR

    Ultimately, the opposition to this agenda must be metaphysical, not pragmatic. It’s true that these methods don’t actually work. But they are associated with the underlying philosophy that everything is just grist for the mill of technological manipulation, that natural just means the current givens, and that there’s no deeper meaning to natural categories. That philosophy won’t be defeated by pragmatism. Because people can always imagine that some technology will someday make what they want possible. It will probably never happen, but the idea comes about from a philosophy of life, not from an appraisal of what is technically feasible.

  5. p

    Umm.. what’s the research on the science of human sacrifice as a means of managing weather and/or maintaining the social fabric?

  6. C. Cotterman

    Doctors like Olson-Kennedy belong in prison, with their licenses to practice medicine revoked for life.

    The “experts pushing this nonsense”, and the “‘doctors’ profiting from it” are not the only villains. The proudly leftist parents who eagerly abet their mentally ill children’s gender delusion because it gains them immeasurable cred in their woke social bubble are just as despicable.

  7. C. Cotterman

    I have several dictionaries from a time before publishers went woke, dating from the 1930s to the 1980s. In each and every one of them, the word “gender” is simply a synonym for “sex”. One goes a bit further and says “sex: male or female”.

    The psychological/sociological/metaphysical claptrap attached to “gender” to separate if from “sex” is illiterate nonsense, nothing more than a very recent woke social construct.

  8. Johnno

    Olson-Kennedy behaved like your typical woman who refuses to admit she was wrong. Rationality and evidence doesn’t matter, the only importance is that she CARED! You can’t blame her for CARING TOO MUCH now, can you?

    These women need to be de-transitioned out of the sciences and put in the cloister. I wouldn’t trust them around children. I doubt they even possess the minimum scientific credentials to work in the kitchen, considering what they’ve been feeding the public.

  9. Ray

    When i was in college, we didn’t have a single female in the college of engineering. They were all in the teacher education college. They seemed to like helping people. The civil engineers finally got a co-ed and we were astonished. We decided that she had gotten lost and gone into the CE building to ask for directions and they wouldn’t let her leave untill she joined the CE department.

  10. Dennis

    The research confirms what Dr Paul Mchugh, director of the first transgender clinic in the 1970s at Johns Hopkins concluded. It is why he shut the program down. But today, ideology must trump truth. But what is more frightening to me is the credulity of those who believe this nonsense. Such intellectual blindness on the part of the many does not bode well for the future.

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