Men Are Better Than Women

Men Are Better Than Women

Men are better than women, says Peter Kreeft, at being men. Just as, he emphasizes, women are better than men at being women. Let’s look at a couple of things at which men are better.

Our age not only no longer knows the undeniable facts about differences in the sexes, but tries to deny them, but in these attempted denials affirms them. Sound confusing? For not only will our Experts say there are no differences between men and women, they will simultaneously insist some men are acksually women, yet the only way a man can ackshually be a woman is if men are different than women. It is those differences (behavioral and physiological) the delusional man aims at. And if men and women were the same, there would be no way to tell the sexes apart, and so no reason to cry “Sexism!”

We live in a deeply unserious, confused age.

“Briggs, you can’t just assert these things. What does the science say?”

This, from Scientific American:

Inequity between male and female athletes is a result not of inherent biological differences between the sexes but of biases in how they are treated in sports. As an example, some endurance-running events allow the use of professional runners called pacesetters to help competitors perform their best. Men are not permitted to act as pacesetters in many women’s events because of the belief that they will make the women “artificially faster,” as though women were not actually doing the running themselves.

The Science is, at least, being consistent. The theory of Equality insists, as regular readers know, that all are equal, so that if any “disparities” are noticed, such as in sports performance between men and women, those “disparities” must be caused by active powerful, often occult, anti-egalitarian forces. Forces which must be crushed, the most preferred mechanisms being legalisms and shrieking. It’s a toss up which is more effective.

Yet to prove we are unserious, and that the whole thing is a farce designed solely to fill positions with women because they are women (or the favored race because they are the favored race), the obvious and immediate solution is avoided. And, when it is spoken, ignored. I shall now speak it: it will be ignored.

The solution is this: Cease separating the sexes in sports.

No boys teams and girls teams, just teams. No races only for the ladies, and others only for the men. Races for everybody, with no distinction of sex. Male and female boxing? Male and female golf? No. Only boxing, only golf. Let all men and all women come to the games, all games, and let the best person and best non-segregated teams win. No awards and no recognitions by sex. Equality demands this!

This obvious and consistent solution will be ignored because, except for that sport where they bounce around on a mat and wave flags on sticks (yes, really), and similar gymnastic curiosities in which tiny flexible bodies are an advantage, no woman will ever win again. Nor place, nor even show. Nor find herself on any team. Because everybody knows The Science is lying. Because everybody knows women are smaller, weaker, and slower than men. Because everybody knows men are better – at sports. The few that say they don’t know get their information from only movies, universities and NPR.

The lie has carried the day, however. Instead of advocating for True Equality, as I propose, they insist on spending equal amounts of money on women’s sports. Enforced by Title IX and extra-loud shrieking. Which are open acknowledgments of the lie. Lucrative ones, however destructive of sanity. (Incidentally, our proposal also solves the tr00n problem.)

“No, Briggs. The real solution is to keep the sexes separate, but to treat women and men equally.”

Alas, no. You cannot treat the unequal equally—by definition.

“Look here, Briggs. You’re forgetting the solution has already been tried. In the military.”

You remind me of this headline: “Lesbian Captain Loses Ship.

The Royal NZ Navy ship’s HMNZS Manawanui sank this morning after running aground on a reef near the southern coast of Upolu, Samoa, last night and catching fire. \$100 million down the drain.

No one will put the lose down to having a female where she should not be, not having won her position by merit but because of Equality Quotas. They will instead pay the millions to avoid being shrieked at.

Which reminds us of our Navy’s lady Chief who was censured over installing an easy-for-enemies-to-see antenna so she could watch her soap operas. Then there was the lady who piloted the USS Fitzgerald into heavy traffic, crashing it and causing the deaths of seven sailors and injuring others. But it was okay in the end. She cried at her court martial (cliches are cliches for good reason), and the hard old men couldn’t see fit to punish her harshly. One imagines she is an admiral by now.

There are other instances, but you have the idea. We may look forward to many more, now the Navy will install women in submarines. In the name of Equality.

There are only two ways to think of this. One is to acknowledge that, so far, women in combat roles have been LARPing, and only barely making it because they have not been put to the test, in the same way pick up or practice games do not reach the same intensity of professional sports. That when our rulers get the war they so clearly long for, the failures of putting women where men are better will become immediate and important.

These failures are now embraced, which brings us to our second way. Here is the CEO of @gCaptain, maritime journalist, former ship captain, on his interview of a “female veteran who served as an officer on ships about this incident” of the lesbian losing her ship.

She said that it took men centuries and thousands of shipwrecks to master commanding ships without major incidents, and we should expect some losses as women, who think differently, learn the ropes and gain that experience too doing it their way.

She said losses are to be expected and they are ok especially if there’s no loss of life.

She said we shouldn’t try to investigate this from a male perspective but learn lessons from a female perspective.

The death and destruction proves that Equality is working.

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  1. Robert Arvanitis

    Fine analysis. Irrefutable in fact.
    But only if we cling to that obsolete, sexist, Aristotelian dualism.
    We must embrace the anti-logic that a thing may both be, and not be, at the same time.
    Accept the healing power of “and…!”

  2. Robert Arvanitis

    Nice piece. Solid conclusion. Irrefutable.
    But only if we accept that obsolete Aristotelian dualism.
    Instead, embrace the healing power of “and.”
    So a thing may both be and not be!

  3. Dan MacDougald

    We have a USNA graduate attending Ga Tech post grad who is playing rugby with us. He is in submarines. So is his girlfriend.

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