“Racism” As An Expert Theory Health Crisis

“Racism” As An Expert Theory Health Crisis

No need to look further. I have the answer to this provocative headline: “Hundreds of places in the US said racism was a public health crisis. What’s changed?”

I’ll tell you what’s changed. In the days of yore, many (but of course not all) Experts tried to match their theories to Reality, and when they spoke to the public and to rulers they were more or less honest about those theories.

But now? Now Experts are lying, they are deranged, they are nincompoops, their minds are rotted and their brains by the potent corrosive acid of Equality.

There are a number of words in common use, all slang, and all have the exact same meaning: incel, Nazi, bigot, fascist, sexist, homophobe and others which all mean bad person and nothing more than that. Here we have Elon Musk’s son (who is pretending to be a girl) calling him an incel, i.e. an involuntary celibate. It would thus seem the boy he sired is a special kind of idiot who needs to be led by the hand to the drinking fountain lest he forget to drink. But no. He uses the word correctly. “My father,” the deluded boy means, “is a bad person.”

Racist is similar, and nearly the same, with a small twist. It means bad white person. A racist can only be a white person who does not dislike lower class whites. I do not mean class in its economic sense alone, but that together with its cultural trappings. Whites on the outside.

It’s true some on the right occasionally try calling blacks who hate whites as “racist”, but the word never sticks, and is always dismissed. This is correct, too, because racist is like incel, words with no surviving connections to their etymological roots.

From this we deduce that racism means any act which is not sufficiently disparaging of lower class whites. Thus if racism is a public health crisis, as Experts claim, it must mean there are whites who still act in the interest of other whites in the same way those from other races act in the interest of those in their races. Let’s see the article for the truth of this.

More than 200 cities and counties declared racism was a public health crisis in the past few years, mostly after George Floyd was murdered by police in Minneapolis in May 2020. Racial justice advocates said they finally felt heard by the quick swell of political will to address disparities like disproportionate COVID-19 deaths or infant and maternal mortality rates.

Finally felt heard. Ah, the feminine impulse. Let that pass. Focus instead that there is no sense that those screeching “RACIST!” have not been heard for many years. I recall academic job announcements when I was getting my PhD (because back then I thought such a career was good), which read “Women and minorities encouraged to apply“. Meaning white men were not encouraged. This was in the 1990s.

White men are now not only not encouraged, but they are actively purged. Canada is particularly good at this.

But experts, officials and advocates all agreed on one thing: The declarations were an important first step toward creating a racially equitable society. Extensive research shows racism can have detrimental health impacts on people of color, including chronic stress and anxiety and higher rates of heart disease and asthma.

That “research”, as you and I have discovered over the years, is crap. It ascribes bad health to “racism” and not behavior and biology. Example: that blacks die by violence at rates many times higher than whites means “racism” must be the cause. Point out that one explanation is that blacks are 10 times more murderous, and you are informed their higher criminality is caused by “racism”.

Recall: all models only say what they are told to say. These models all start with the premise that “racism” must be the cause of “disparities.” And, lo, the models then “discover” that “racism” causes “disparities.”

Here is a female “racism!” crier from Milwaukee:

“If racism as a public health crisis was truly operationalized, we would have more people graduating from high school. If it was truly operationalized, people could live to their full potential and not worry about being mistaken by a police officer for having a gun,” said Paine, who was the chief of staff at the city’s health department from late 2019 to March 2021. “And those aren’t changes you can speak to overnight.”

It’s not clear to me what you can say about this other than that it is delusional. It is a fantasy in minds ravaged by Equality. But we all know, and must know, that fantasy can be a powerful driver of acts.

In Sacramento they created a “racial equity unit”. One imagines stern-faced fat blue-haired women roaming the streets looking for white men to scowl at. But not yet, because they have not yet hired a DIE “chief to oversee the action plan.”

Maybe you can apply, Anon. But not if you are a “racist”. Which is to say, a white man.

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