We Are All Accidents Of Birth

We Are All Accidents Of Birth

You will have heard that to be English is now classed as a mere accident of birth. Accordingly, rulers who happen to accidentally be, at least at this moment, on that land mass will remove all those who stubbornly hold to hereditary accident-of-birth titles from their House of Lords.

According to the story, one ruler “said the ‘accident of birth’ should not give people the right to make laws.” He does not say what should give that right.

Nick Thomas-Symonds, minister for the constitution, said: “This is a landmark reform to our constitution.

“The hereditary principle in law-making has lasted for too long and is out of step with modern Britain. The second chamber plays a vital role in our constitution and people should not be voting on our laws in Parliament by an accident of birth.

I looked up this hyphenated fellow, and if Wokepedia is correct, then he is relying on his own accident of birth (in Wales) to position himself, legally, as a ruler in Britain. This is grossly unfair.

It he believed what he was saying, he should support, say, people who were accidentally born in the Congo, and accidentally still live there, as being members of the British parliament. Indeed, since everybody was accidentally born somewhere, there is no justification from holding back anybody from any position anywhere by reason of birthplace. I myself was accidentally born in Detroit, the very city itself, and if I had had a choice, and I don’t recall anybody asking me, I would have chosen more wisely. In any case, I should be eligible to be UK Prime Minister.

It is true rulers in the Regime have never met a hypocrisy they didn’t embrace, but I would bet good money that if it were asked of Hyphenated to explain his inconsistency, he would very quickly discover he had to be somewhere else.

But only for the short time it would take him to consider that my accusation was correct. He would make an exception for himself, as he would realize he has reached an advanced stage of enlightenment not yet shared by the masses, but he would at last agree that all people really are Equal. He would say that is it true one person accidentally born in Zaire and one accidentally born in Wales have no right to claim superiority one over the other in any way, and that, yes, indeed, why not make a Congolese or a Chinaman or anybody from anywhere a member of Parliament?

Disallowing accident-of-birth to be used in any consideration is the natural and correct deduction from the egalitarian premise. All are Equal at base, and can be made Equality at last by the proper application of force. This is the blessed state of Equity.

Consider. Everything about everybody is the direct or eventual result of an accident-of-birth. Where you live, what language you speak, your biological makeup, the amount and type of food you get, the schooling, the weather you experience. Every thing.

Like my superior birthplace (and circumstance), none of it was my doing. It would therefore be unfair of me to take any credit for it, or use it to boost myself above any other. None of what you have is, in the end, or rather the beginning, because of your efforts.

This is why our egalitarian elites are for Open Borders. All those people on the other side of the dividing line are there because of accident of birth, just as you are on your side by accident of birth. Egalitarians really do believe this. Here is Carl Gerstacker, the once chairman of Dow Chemical Company, notable for its early timing (1972):

I have long dreamed of buying an island owned by no nation and of establishing the World Headquarters of the Dow Company on the truly neutral ground of such an island, beholden to no nation or society. 

This is a now common opinion. Oligarchs do not love nations, or the idea of nations. It is not good for profits.

People in a nation must maintain some “racist” beliefs if they believe themselves of that nation. People in nations must insist on accident of birth having authoritative meaning. The idea of having a purely “idea” or “proposition” nation is an absurdity, for several reasons, one of which is because those who hold with the nation’s propositions but who do not live there because of accident of birth cannot coherently be barred from living in that country. Hence Open Borders.

To egalitarians there are no peoples, only people.

With one exception. Egalitarians allow that there do exist non-egalitarians—who must be punished. Who must be brought into line and taught, the hard way if necessary, that all people are the same. Hence the airlifting of Haitians. Who only seem to be, but are no different, than Ohioans: they are both Equal, but they are not yet living in Equity. Soon.

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