So these researchers said the worse infection of covid you had the more you now act like our dear President:
In a multiple regression analysis, participants who had recovered from Covid-19 in whom symptoms had resolved in less than 4 weeks or at least 12 weeks had similar small deficits in global cognition as compared with those in the no–Covid-19 group, who had not been infected with SARS-CoV-2 or had unconfirmed infection…; larger deficits as compared with the no–Covid-19 group were seen in participants with unresolved persistent symptoms…
The peer-reviewed paper is “Cognition and Memory after Covid-19 in a Large Community Sample” in NEJM by Hampshire and others.
The first clue something has gone wrong comes in the words that cause, or should cause, shudders in any sane reader: multiple regression analysis. The initial reaction should aways be, “Uh oh. What have they done now.” You can get away with the statistical equivalent of murder with regression. You and I over the years have seen what amounts to conventions of serial killers on a spree using regression.
Is that true here?
They got data from the UK’s NHS and asked a bunch of people in that system to do some quizzes. Then they busted up the data like this:
We categorized participants into six groups according to the duration of SARS-CoV-2 infection.7 Categories 2 through 6 required positive results on a PCR test, lateral flow immunoassay, or participant-reported test. Category 1 was defined as “no Covid-19” (i.e., the participant had not had SARS-CoV-2 infection or had an unconfirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection), category 2 as asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection, category 3 as resolved short Covid-19 lasting less than 4 weeks, category 4 as resolved short Covid-19 lasting at least 4 weeks but less than 12 weeks, category 5 as Covid-19 symptoms that resolved at least 12 weeks after infection onset, and category 6 as Covid-19 symptoms that persisted at least 12 weeks after infection onset and had not resolved at the time of the cognitive assessment.
Maybe you don’t remember, but in the midst of the panic there were two stories that didn’t get a lot of coverage. The first (linked here) was Experts lamenting how some people were ignoring their raging covid infections because they were so minor that many thought it was a mild allergy. Experts wished they could at least act like they were panicked.
The second (linked here) was from the CDC doing its job (it happens) and estimating a huge chunk of the population had got covid by January 2022 but never knew it. You may also remember the hersteria (there is no misspelling) over “asymptomatic transmission.”
Point is, it’s very likely almost everybody has had covid, but not everybody was tested for it or suffered from it. Particularly the young skipped incessant testing—and skipped panicking. Also, the infections the young, and old but healthy, got were also much milder on average, even unnoticed.
This means our researchers’ first two categories are likely the same kinds of people, and not separate. A minor error.
The second error comes in answering these questions: Who does better at these cognitive quizzes, the old or young? Or the easily panicked or sober? The hersterical or the calm? The people who took their symptoms stoically and forgot about them or those who freaked out, cherished their disease, got a shot each time they say a propaganda booster, and now blame every new ache and pain on “long covid”?
The third mistake, which is similar to the second, and one that is unfixable in the current set up, is that we have no idea what peoples’ scores were before the panic. The authors only present one snapshot of data after the fact. That means we cannot—where I use cannot to mean can not—infer the direction of causality from the data alone.
It may be that worse covid caused worse thinking. But permanently? How? Does flu do that? Colds? Another explanation is in the scenarios I painted: worse thinking caused the worse (claimed or real) covid symptoms. That is, less cognitively able people either had worse covid, or complained they did. Plus, we don’t know anything about the dead, which is the worst covid of all. In any case, the worse symptoms, including death, were much, much more likely suffered in the old. The very group that would score worse on these tests.
“But Briggs, they said they controlled for age in their hugeous multiple regression model.”
I have said it too many times to remember, but “control” in a statistical model has nothing to do with how you control for, say, salt in a recipe. You put more or less salt to adjust to your taste. “Control” in a regression does not work like this. It causes changes in the parameters, adjusted for all other parameters in the model. It is a parameter-based maneuver with only distant ties to Reality. And there were many, many, oh many, parameters. Here’s a portion of them (from the Supplementary material):

All this is before the various other statistical tricks played, like something called propensity score matching. This is a self-referential system to group data, resulting in models of models that doesn’t account for all uncertainty. Worse, the differences “discovered” are small anyway, and only seem important because of the large sample size, which guarantees wee Ps and narrow confidence intervals—even if nothing is causally happening. They see this themselves, but don’t see it, when they say “Although previous, often underpowered, studies have offered contradictory evidence for associations between mental health and cognitive deficits after Covid-19,5,37,38 our study was powered to detect small associations with high confidence.” Even if so, it does not get the direction of cause.
Which again they see but don’t see, when they say, “This study has certain limitations, including reliance on subjective reporting to identify persons with persistent symptoms. The relationship of our results to the literature about long Covid is complicated owing to a lack of established, defining criteria for post–Covid-19 syndromes. “
There is no word whether The Leader of the Free World™ took one of these tests.
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Funny, perfect timing, as usual, Mr. Briggs! NPR, as of this morning of 7/18, reports Biden coming down with “mild” COVID symptoms. See? He’s been quite ill with cognitive issues from COVID all along! Not his fault. The Prez gets a pass…on to November! 🙂
Phew! What a relief! And here I thought my mental issues were dissonance and low-level panic being caused by a constant firehose of BravoSierra from the MSM and the State, not only about COVID but everything else too. But it’s just a virus I caught over two years ago, and was immunized against, and so…why do I have symptoms still….??? Anyway, great news!!! I look forward to the drug regime the Pharmapantheon will have me on perpetually to deal with these symptoms.
Up in Canuckistan, every time Justin Trudeau needed to be removed from the public eye he would test positive for COVID. When you have to resort to using HIS tactics you are sunk.
I also heard on local radio that Covid is surging again. The reporter cited waste water analysis as how the surge was detected. Seriously?
Covid the “Boogerman of Maladies”? — you jest Briggs but it’s no joking matter. I had the sniffles once and couldn’t tie my shoes for six months afterwards. Another time I had a fever and tried to eat a Rubik’s cube. But then, confoundingly, there was a time I had diarrhea and could suddenly understand calculus. Anyway, it’s a good question you pose: whether covid makes you stupid, gullible, frightened, and crazy — or does acting stupid, gullible, frightened, and crazy give you covid?
This will last until they need an outbreak for a distraction and some other (minor) disease has naturally spread before they get their narrative on the ground. They tested the waters with RSV, so let’s use that as an example. Then we will hear about all the maladies that “long RSV” causes, how even healthy people can die from RSV due to complications, etc. At the same time they will say that COVID is now so minor that it isn’t worth worrying about or testing for.
Within a week the guy you know who tests for COVID every week will not only be freaking out about RSV, but he will be openly mocking those who are still worried about COVID.
I know people (coincidentally all Democrats) who are constantly “masking up”, testing, and getting boosted, who claim they’ve had covid multiple times and that all of their friends have had it multiple times, and that they had friends who died from covid. I, on the other hand, never put on a face diaper unless I was coerced, never tested, never got jabbed, and (Oh, the humanity!) intentionally walked counter to the arrow stickers on the grocery store floor. In the past five years, I had one mild cold that lasted less than a week. Was it Kung-Flu? Hell, I don’t know, I just walked it off and moved on. Now I understand all those hysterical mask people–they’ve simply failed the IQ test of life.
Corona viruses have a known summer season in the tropics and subtropics. So, yawn, no surprise that we are seeing a “surge” in the summer. For these areas, a good question would be “Does this virus have two transmission seasons?”, then the next would be “How do we find out and not fool ourselves?”; which given how fouled up the system has treated this one, we will never know until sanity in public health system returns.
Have the reporters asked the White House if perhaps another booster might help the Biden? A certain someone said it was just like getting a shot, you know… a shot by a sniper rifle, so therefore the Biden is just as brave as the Trump, and so what’s the big deal?
The Covid, like the Climate, and the Racism, is the convenient cover for everything that gub’mint and Expurts finds inconvenient.
It’s like a panacea, but in reverse.
Johnno: “It’s like a panacea, but in reverse.”
Good one.
The LLM people need to point out AI “hallucinations” are fully in line with the business of science and are consequently of no concern.
Interesting things being discussed here. I guess it’s time to see where this goes…
RE Hagfish Bagpipe‘s response above… LOL!
Similar to my experience of experiencing reduced mental and physical function briefly after ANY virus I’ve had in my 76 years on this planet – except that viruses seem to enhance his sense of humor .