You Do Not Hate Rulers, Elites, Experts & The Media Enough

You Do Not Hate Rulers, Elites, Experts & The Media Enough

Please watch this (backup link here and here):

Journalists and reporters for the Regime are not chosen for their intelligence, hence few are intelligent. The intelligent ones are the most dangerous.

Journalists are chosen for their gullibility, obsequiousness, lack of all scruples, ability to lie, and the quality of possessing no memory for past misstatements and having no compunction to self-contradict themselves with great regularity while beaming perfect sincerity. They are bad people.

Never trust anything a Regime journalist says, whether he calls himself progressive, woke, or conservative. Do not talk to Regime journalists, unless you are a master of verbal repartee, which is rare. You may think you have this gift, but probably do not. Do not chance it unless certain.

You do not hate journalists enough.

Elites, comprising actors and actresses, radio personalities, business leaders and the like have varying degrees of intelligence, from blank stupidity (nearly all actors and actresses and similar professions) to working brilliance (found more often among business leaders and suchlike people). Intelligence is not correlated with morality. Indeed, the most intelligent created being in the universe in the evilest.

The dumber on the scale of elites only say what they are told to say. Hence the good joke that models only say what they are told to say. Saying what they are told to say is, after all, their job. They are good at it. They repeat their lines with rich emotion and compelling animation. They are also ever eager to chase after approbation from those higher in the culture, and so will with great energy repeat what they think they hear from them, but will have no real grasp of any situation.

You do not have to hate the dumbest, because they are barely culpable. But you should ignore them entirely.

The most intelligent among elites should always be suspected of having an angle. The premise must be that what they are saying is good for themselves, but not you. When they openly seek something from you, such as your compliance or money, they must be presumed guilty, their motives must be believed impure, and they must work to prove their innocence. This is unfortunate, but at this late stage of the Regime, it is the only sensible position.

You do not hate intelligent elites enough.

Experts can be stupid, but are usually middling, though as with elites there is a small cadre of the truly intelligent. It is among Experts that we find the largest population of midwits. The sort of people who reflexively tout their credentials or position as sufficient proof for whatever they are selling. Experts live among policy-making bureaucrats, doctors, lawyers, university and college professors, researchers everywhere, and “professionals” of all kinds.

Midwit Experts love their models and theories more than Reality. They will be able to see, with near-perfect clarity, any bit of evidence, no matter how obscure, that supports or corroborates their beliefs. They are clever enough to tell just-so stories about evidence, and can spin these out endlessly. Yet they can almost never see, acknowledge, or recognize evidence which disconfirms their beliefs, even when the bodies are stacking up right in front of them and turning putrid. Experts tell us men can be women, and little girls should have their breasts sliced off.

The most intelligent Experts, like the smartest elites, cannot be trusted without ample and sustained proof of their intellectual sobriety and honesty. They must also be presumed guilty. Those aligned with the Regime are.

You do not hate Experts enough.

Rulers. Well, what is not known about Regime rulers at this late date? The range of intelligence runs the scale, bottom to top. Their morality ebbs. Their greed waxes. Their courage in error abounds; in the battle for Reality it vanishes. They will not tell the truth. They lie.

You do not hate rulers enough.

What’s that? You’re a nice guy, or swell gal, and have no hate in your heart for the which is evil? Allow me to water the seed which surely must be there with this current headline: Washington DC Requiring Masks For 12 Hour Bar Exam Despite New Study Suggesting They’re Harmful.

That’s not the water. This is. The submissive lawyers-to-be who acquiesce to this absurdity will turn into rulers.

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  1. James J. Roper

    While hate is a strong word, we should definitely vote idiotic politicians out of power ASAP.

    With respect to masks – I would recommend a simple experiment that anybody can do. Light a candle and determine the maximum distance that you are able to blow it out. Now, put on a mask, and determine the maximum distance you can blow out the same candle. Compare the two. Experiment done.

    Also –

  2. Hagfish Bagpipe

    ”You do not hate rulers enough.”

    Yeah, but, I think they like being hated. I think they need it. They feed on it. It’s their business model. That’s why their provocations are so flagrant and loathsome. They gorge on negative energy. I think it’s why Jesus said to love your enemies. It helps keep you out of their destructive world and starves the Beast.

  3. Hagfish Bagpipe

    Briggs, you left out, “you do not hate midwits enough”.

  4. Hagfish Bagpipe

    No, I’m wrong, you nailed the midwit:

    ”They will be able to see, with near-perfect clarity, any bit of evidence, no matter how obscure, that supports or corroborates their beliefs. They are clever enough to tell just-so stories about evidence, and can spin these out endlessly.”

    It’s pretty funny. Scientific American!

  5. McChuck

    I do not hate Clown World. I despise Clown World, and all its rulers and minions.

    “Beware strong emotion, for it, like strong drink, can make you shoot at tax collectors – and miss.” – R.A.Heinlein.

  6. Johnno

    With respect to masks – I would recommend a simple experiment that anybody can do. Light a candle and determine the maximum distance that you are able to blow it out. Now, put on a mask, and determine the maximum distance you can blow out the same candle. Compare the two. Experiment done.

    Also –

    And…. this little experiment proves… what exactly…?

    Tell us Roper 🙂

    Looks like we have ourselves another cute little fan of the Fak Checkas here fellas! Just look at him and his cute little scientific Americanism!

    Everything you need to know from the subheadline!

    “New mask studies relying on a medical paradigm, do not erase decades of engineering and occupational science that show they work”

    That’s right folks! Don’t let all those studies demonstrating masks do F-all to prevent respiratory diseases fool you into thinking that masks don’t work within other very occupational-specific functions they are sensibly recommended for like when your wife wears one while dusting your attic that you never ventured into for the past 10 years!

  7. Hagfish Bagpipe

    Johnno, it’s gotta be Briggs as “James J. Roper” making fun of midwittery with that masks & candles and Scientific American bit. It’s too funny and perfect as the first comment after a post lampooning midwit experts.

    Good one Briggs!

  8. Briggs


    Ain’t I a racket?

  9. cdquarles

    @JJ Roper,
    How many papers were published, and widely publicized, that examined the minimum infectious dose of any respiratory virus? None? Few?

    With over a century’s worth of papers examining the value of masks as a non pharmaceutical intervention, there’s little to no evidence that masks work, outside of a self contained breathing apparatus & properly fitted personal protection seen in high level biosafety labs. For the general public, none at all as far as I can tell, where the experiments showed in reality what the experimenters thought they were showing.

  10. Hagfish Bagpipe

    A regular riot, pal.

  11. Cary D Cotterman

    Roper–turn down the NPR for a moment and read this: more than a century of scientific studies have shown, without any reasonable doubt, that masks do not work to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses–not even the precious and magical N-95.

    And yes, hate is a strong word, but it’s the appropriate word for how a rational person should feel about those who are destroying everything.

  12. James J. Roper

    Cary D. Cotterman made the claim without the evidence that masks don’t work. I proposed an experiment, and the results of that experiment demonstrate that masks do indeed work. Apparently nobody liked the Scientific American opinion piece, but I notice nobody that complained about it refuted the articles it linked to. And, then there’s logic. Anybody here study turbulence.

    Cary also claimed that more than 100 years of study show that. Ironically enough, that’s surprisingly not true.

    While I have to admit, watching people riding bikes in the middle of nowhere with a mask on, or others with the mask NOT covering their nose, and others taking their mask down to ensure that they are understood while standing close to someone else, is crazy, to say the least, and demonstrates that MANY people simply don’t understand the logic involved. Perhaps prior to the pandemic we should have had mask wearing classes world-wide, in which how they work is explained, but, heck, that’s planning ahead. If we just had better biology education throughout our schooling, everybody would have understood from the get-go.

    I avoided covid-19 until I flew somewhere, in December last. I wore masks when I should, didn’t when I didn’t need to, and avoided covid until then. Seems reasonable.

  13. James J. Roper

    cdquarles asked: “How many papers were published, and widely publicized, that examined the minimum infectious dose of any respiratory virus? None? Few?”

    I’m sure that our statistician could explain exactly why that is a problem proposition, but I will anyway. It’s almost impossible to do experiments on people, and where would you find the volunteers to discover how large a viral dose they needed to get really sick, maybe die? So, probably no studies directly and experimentally tested that. Next, studies that anecdotally tested that don’t get published. That’s a different issue. And again, there IS evidence that masks work. The Scientific American opinion piece explains that and provides links to the research. Here is another:

  14. I don’t hate them I pity them. As miserable as they are now they still have the Lake of Fire to look forward to.

  15. “I proposed an experiment, and the results of that experiment demonstrate that masks do indeed work.”

    Your “experiment” “proves” that a mask makes blowing out a candle more difficult.

    Was that why Experts forced us to wear masks for two years? I don’t think so.

    Are you new to Dr Briggs’ show? He published weekly updates on the insanity that the Experts shoved down our throats throughout the two years of panic. He kept up to date on mask studies. Below are just a couple of posts that detail the studies showing masks don’t work.

  16. kmann

    @ James J. Roper
    “It’s almost impossible to do experiments on people, and where would you find the volunteers to discover how large a viral dose they needed to get really sick,”

    It looks like we need to find better scientists.
    Example: Henry Cavendish – He measured the force of gravity (the gravitational constant) and he did that before the year 1800.
    They don’t make scientists like they used to.

  17. kmann

    This is a general case, not an experiment on people. But I would have thought such an experiment nearly impossible that early.

  18. Uncle Mike

    No, don’t hate them or anyone. Hate is a useless emotion, like anger. But you should fear them. They are out to rob you, jail you, enslave you, and kill you if they can, for a host of irrational “reasons”.

    They are parasites, like leaches, tapeworms, and malaria. Parasites destroy their hosts, which is you. Hating a parasite is ineffective at controlling it.

    More effective are 1) avoidance, 2) eradication, 3) prophylaxis or preventatives, and 4) post-infection treatments. All these are needed today, because the world is experiencing an epidemic of parasites.

    It appears this blog has picked up a parasite. A poisonous little demon. Please treat.

  19. Tom Welsh

    “To write news in its perfection requires such a combination of qualities, that a man completely fitted for the task is not always to be found. In Sir Henry Wotton’s jocular definition, ‘An Ambassador is said to be a man of virtue sent abroad to tell lies for the advantage of his country; a news-writer is a man without virtue, who lies at home for his own profit.’ To these compositions is required neither genius nor knowledge, neither industry nor sprightliness; but contempt of shame and indifference to truth are absolutely necessary. He who by a long familiarity with infamy has obtained these qualities, may confidently tell today what he intends to contradict to-morrow; he may affirm fearlessly what he knows that he shall be obliged to recant, and may write letters from Amsterdam or Dresden to himself”.
    – Dr Johnson: Idler #30 (November 11, 1758)

    For a more recent (and brief) take:

    “Aujourd’hui un journaliste c’est soit un chômeur soit une pute”. (“Today a journalist is either unemployed or a prostitute”).
    – Alain Soral

  20. Tillman Eddy

    We are surrounded by idiots!

    I cannot decide whether we elect politicians who possess double-digit IQs or they develop such after being elected. Your opinion, please…


  21. James J. Roper

    kmann said: “It looks like we need to find better scientists.
    Example: Henry Cavendish – He measured the force of gravity (the gravitational constant) and he did that before the year 1800.
    They don’t make scientists like they used to.”

    This was in my comment that the experiments on viral infections that are potentially fatal have not, and cannot, be done, because 1. no volunteers, and 2. it’s against all ethics codes.

    Cavendish wasn’t experimenting with people.

  22. James J. Roper

    Kent Clizbe said “masks don’t work” in reply to my suggestion that they do. A war of publications ensued. That’s kind of how science works, innit? We read pros and cons and then using logic and reasoning and experience, we decided which scientific report we’ll accept. However, what we accept is often due to confirmation bias, both ways. So, we need to distrust most the thing we want most to believe, to avoid confirmation bias. That means double-fact-checking our favored viewpoint, while also fact-checking the alternative.

    My “thought experiment” of blowing a candle out and comparing the distance with and without a mask is reasonable, considering how particles in a fluid act under turbulence (air is a fluid, by the way). So, the experiment would show exactly what logically we expect a mask to do – reduce the distance the particles get to. I’ve noticed that nobody has refuted the idea.

    And, here’s an article for you to read –

  23. John B()

    Mr Roper

    What are your thoughts on Climate Change?

  24. Rick Happ

    Masks for the 12 hr bar exam? But it’s future lawyers! I’m gonna give that one a pass.

  25. Mark

    “I avoided covid-19 until I flew somewhere, in December last. I wore masks when I should, didn’t when I didn’t need to, and avoided covid until then. Seems reasonable.” I only wore a mask when I had to I flew lots and when every I could did not wear the dam things. Never caught COVID other than March 2020, have not had it since. 2018 study the CDC pointed out mask we useless against virus. I check further and found out when mask were worn in an operation room the infection rate was 1% higher then no mask surgery, Not that bacterial infections which are magnitudes larger than viruses. If N95 mask are so effective against virus why does the labeling tell you they are not. Lastly I assume you use chain-link fence against mosquitos and haul gravel in shopping carts. Both don’t work for those tasks that how effect masks are to viruses.

  26. Hedge

    nobody is voting their way out of this. if you think you are you’re a fool.

  27. Johnno

    Meanwhile, in the news…

    The Medical Journal The Lancet Retracted the Fake Study that Prevented Use of a Known Cure for Covid-19

    Over 300 COVID-19 Papers Withdrawn For Not Meeting Standards Of Scientific Soundness

    My “thought experiment” of blowing a candle out and comparing the distance with and without a mask is reasonable, considering how particles in a fluid act under turbulence (air is a fluid, by the way). So, the experiment would show exactly what logically we expect a mask to do – reduce the distance the particles get to. I’ve noticed that nobody has refuted the idea.

    Yes yes… your experiment is very good at demonstrating that it is harder to blow out a candle with a mask on…. SCIENCE!

    It does nothing to demonstrate that it prevents viral contagion.

    Now let’s put Roper’s “thought experiment” (non-experiment) in it’s proper context. Let’s think very hard of the masked person continuing his/her best to blow out the candle for approximately 1 hour.

    Let’s take note of the moisture on the mask, loosening the pores with every breath, eventually making the mask more porous and allowing not only more air, but MORE fluid to pass through with every expelled breath such that the candle not only eventually gets blown out, but now MUCH WETTER than it otherwise would’ve been. That’s your average mask deteriorating – very quickly – and therefore becoming MORE DANGEROUS with the passage of time, and not a lot of it, especially not a lot of it if you’re a heavy breather, and it’s hotter, or you’re exerting yourself more, and a host of other factors that are not accounted for in Roper’s perfect little vacuum sealed room and model test subject and perfect N-95 type medical quality mask not manufactured on the floor of India or China….

    But as we’ve explored before, even assuming all conditions are right for Roper, the analogy of a candle is a poor one. Let’s construct something better.

    – In one corner we have Roper as our subject.

    – Roper then puts on a bullet-proof vest, the vest is the analogical equivalent of the ideal mask.

    – Then in the other corner is a SARMAT RS-28 (Satan-II) missile, this represents the virus, and it is aimed at Roper.

    – The missile is fired in the general vicinity of Roper.


    – We will now conduct an inspection of the results after it is safe.


    – Pieces of Roper’s body are all over the place, very unrecognizable.

    – We do, however, possess a suitably intact torso of Roper, the part protected by the Bullet Proof Vest.

    – We note that a suitable amount of shrapnel has been stopped by the vest. We estimate at least a 20% reduction of harm that otherwise would’ve been caused to Roper had he not been protected by the vest.


    – Bullet Proof Vests WORK! They protect your body from harm by Russian-made missiles. A 20% reduction.

    – We therefore recommend that the government mandate that all men, women and children wear a bullet-proof vest at all times in the event of a Russian attack or similar such terroristic acts by far-right-white-wing radicals, whom journalistic testimony and FBI psychological testing has proven to exist in agitated individuals refusing to shop at Target and buy Bud Light and complaining about trans athletes competing in women’s sports.

    – Anyone who suggests that the vest does absolutely nothing to protect or reduce harm done by missile attacks should be subject to deplatforming and censorship by the Official Truths Ministry . gov

    This study has been brought to you by Scientific America.

    Blah blah blabbity blah blah blah…

    This is an opinion and analysis article, and the views expressed by the author or authors are not necessarily those of Scientific American.

  28. Johnno

    Literally Terrorism!

    Leftists argue that this amounts to censorship of LGBT products and businesses by conservatives, but of course it’s the same tactic they’ve been trying to use for years. Conservatives just did it better. The free market gets to decide what businesses succeed and what businesses go bankrupt; companies are not owed customer loyalty or financial survival merely because they virtue signal.

    Unlike progressive cancel culture which uses intimidation, stalking, doxxing and personalized targeting to frighten individuals and businesses into compliance, all conservatives have done is stop buying from particular corporations, and it’s working. Whenever anti-woke efforts get good results, the goal of leftists is to then associate those efforts with some form of aggression.

    Keep in mind that the mobilization of Americans against trans concepts and social justice politics never would have happened if activists and activist corporations had simply left children alone. But, they have decided to die on that hill instead and insist that your children are actually their children to indoctrinate as they please. The backlash is only going to get worse for leftists from here on.

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