There is more material in the podcast that I had time to transcribe. Listen on Bitchute, or Gab.
The other day we saw a UN report which claimed that “billions live in regions that have already experienced warming greater than the global average.”
They didn’t say where those regions were, a strange lacuna for such a large number of souls. I thought this an interesting question, so I looked it up, searching with terms like “warming faster than rest of the world” and the like. I used the Regime-approved search engine Google.
Here are the regions of the world which Regime-approved government and media sources—I would never quote from conspiracy-believing denier sites!—think are warming faster than the rest of the world. I believe all of these links are from the last year or two. I did not cheat and use anything from the 2000s or earlier.
- The Arctic: The Arctic is warming four times faster than the global average
- Europe: “Europe hotting up more than twice global average“.
- The Mediterranean: “The Mediterranean region is warming 20% faster than the global average.“
- The Middle East: “Middle East region heating up twice as fast as rest of globe.“
- Africa: “Africa’s climate has warmed more than the global average since pre-industrial times“; “Africa warming faster than rest of world: IPCC Sixth Assessment Report“.
- Russia: “Russia warming ‘2.5 times quicker’ than global average: ministry“.
- China: “China warming up faster than rest of the world: Report“.
- West Asia: “Countries in the eastern Mediterranean and West Asia are warming twice as fast as the global average”.
- Singapore: “Why Singapore is heating up twice as fast as the rest of the world“.
- Japan: “Tokyo’s mean annual temperature has risen by 2.86C since 1900, about three times as fast as the world average of 0.96C“.
- India: “Global warming to hit India the worst in Asia by 2070.“
- Pakistan: “Temperature increase in the region is at 0.42°C per decade, warming twice as fast as the rest of the world“.
- Indian Ocean: “Indian Ocean warming at higher rate than other oceans, says IPCC report.“
- Australia: “Australia is Warming Faster than Global Average“.
- New Zealand: “In the past two decades, it increased 0.0387 C per year, slightly higher than the world average.”
- South-West Pacific: “South-West Pacific region, ocean heat content has increased more than three times faster than the global average rate.“
- Antarctica: “South pole warmed ‘three times faster’ than global average over past 30 years.“
- Earth’s Lakes: “Earth’s lakes are warming faster than its air“.
- Canada: Canada is warming twice as fast as the rest of the world.
- Latin America and the Caribbean: “Latin America and the Caribbean warming faster than global average“.
- Mexico: “Mexico is warming faster than the rest of the planet, they say“.
- Central and South America: “IPCC: Mean temperatures have very likely increased in all sub-regions and will continue to increase at rates greater than the global average (high confidence).“
- The Atlantic Ocean: “The Atlantic Ocean is warming the fastest“.
- Ladies & Gentlemen, I bring you the seat of the Regime, The Once United States of America: “Over the past 50 years, the U.S. has warmed 68 percent faster than the planet as a whole.“
- Every State Also Heating Up Faster Than Every State
- New England: “New England is warming faster than the rest of the planet, new study finds.“
- Northeast: “Northeast region of the U.S. is warming faster than the rest of the country.“
- California: “California Warming More than U.S. Average as CO2 Climbs“.
- Great Lakes Basin: “Great Lakes Basin warming faster than other parts of country, new study finds“.
- Southwest and upper Midwest: “THE SOUTHWEST (ARIZONA, NEW MEXICO, AND TEXAS), IS THE FASTEST- WARMING REGION IN THE NATION: Michigan, Wisconsin and northern-tier states round out the Top 10“.
- Utah: “Climate Analysis Finds Utah Temperatures Rose Fifth Fastest In The Country“.
Have I left anywhere out? I grew bored with the task after thirty minutes, especially when I started to do each individual state. I invite to try your own search and fill in those geographic areas (if any) that I missed.
We all live in Lake Woeonus, where it’s always worse than we thought, there are always five years left to SAVE THE PLANET!, and all the temperatures are rising faster than average.
I’ll save the larger, and more important, conclusion that models, and those that create them, cannot be trusted for another day.
I was scooped on this by at least three years. Here’s a guy who found that same “twice as high” goofiness three years ago.
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It’s hilarious. The government can mandate any blatant nonsense due to “science” and the plebs follow dutifully along. It has always been thus, thanks to the intarw3bz we can see it clearly now.
”We all live in Lake Woeonus, where it’s always worse than we thought, there are always five years left to SAVE THE PLANET!, and all the temperatures are rising faster than average.”
Trouble! Ya got trouble, my friend, right here,
I say, trouble right here in River City,
And that starts with T and that rhymes with C
And that stands for CLIMATE!
With the digitization of press products as cheapest spacers between billion-dollar generating advertising blocks, character assassination & damage to reputation & academizated junk have jumped to the top of journalistic content.
“Science is Settled” is the most unscientific bilge ever spoken. I went to University in the late 1950s. During the first week the Head of Department gave a talk and in it he taught us the little poem of Rudyard Kipling ;-
I keep six honest serving-men;
(They taught me all I know).
Their names are What and Where and When
and How and Why and Who.
We were encouraged to use one of these word if a Lecturer made an unsubstantiated statement.
Such a talk would not be given today. Students are taught WHAT to think, not HOW to think.
Briggs ==> They may be half-right by accident. If the whole planet is truly warming, then 1/2 of the world’s place have to be warming faster than average (while the other half warms slower than average.) That’s how “average” works.
By luck, dear Kip, by sheer luck not quite accident. You’d be kindly advised to get your act right, ie try a byte harder to keep up to date with current lingua trends ;-b
>> In the face of so much uncertainty, getting something right had a hefty element of luck.
>> In some instances, the right people were right for the wrong reasons. In other instances, they had a prescient understanding of the available information.
(h/t Emily-y’know-what, aka trial balloon pilot)
Next you can do “Every major river in the world is suffering from the effects of drought this year”
You’ve got it all wrong, Briggs. There’s undoubtedly some very small, undisclosed piece of the planet’s surface that has cooled so dramatically that it’s throwing off the average!
Kip: “(while the other half warms slower than average.)”
Based on the locations Briggs lists, I defy you to identify the half of the world that’s warming slower than average.
There is a 1 meter square spot, somewhere on the planet, that is at minus 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 degrees.
Great stuff, and I’ve made a note to use this sillyness in the Abington Guinea Pig’s Early Spring Prediction next Candlemass (aka Groundhog day, when each year the guinea pig predicts an early spring and various parody false climate prophets explain why it’s all doom and our fault). However…
As any (physicist) fule of course know, the “Globe” is composed of different materials, in different phases, is rotating and sunny on one side only – and wobbles a bit in its solar orbit.
And that temperature is an intrinsic property of matter. So – you can add up the temperatures of a lump of ice, some gin, a splash of tonic and a slice of lemon, divide by four and announce the result in a peer reviewed paper but it don’t mean nuffin useful.
But this is what these charlatans are doing – and nobody questions it. Maybe it’s time we started. Even “so, tell me, what is the current temperature of the globe? And how will we know if it’s 1.5oC warmer?”
Maybe worth some thought and a post?
You are a blast to read Briggs.
Laughing at liberals is fun and dangerous.
I hope they don’t ever get to you and by “they” I mean the Tribe that controls discourse in America
For gareth:
You can find posts about numbers, averages, and temperatures as they pertain to averages and climate change at these four links. The posts are 2 to 3 pages long and are illustrated. Together, I think it gives a good picture (though hardly complete) of how science (the method, process, practice, etc) is supposed to work.
1) The Scientific Process, 2) Numbers in Science, 3) and Pathological Science 4) Temp Anomalies
These links have been posted here before, so I hope repeating them again is OK. Science is dead in the US, but a slight glimmer remains in Europe where you can see links to three of these articles: . Scroll down at the site … I’m just below Roy Spencer.
for gart:
The hyperlinks didn’t go thru so
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Thanks, I scanned the linked articles. And “yes, we know (most of) that”. However my point is that there is meaningless to talk about global temperature, or average temperature, or even regional temperature. And using temperature anomalies does not fix this.
The reason is that temperature is an intrinsic property property of matter, as opposed to extrinsic: you can take a series of temperatures of different samples of matter and calculate the average, but that average (oC, oF, Kelvin or Rankine) has no meaning, except as a kind of hand-waving proxy for heat (Joules).
Take my silly example from before: if I tell you that the ice was at -15oC, the gin at 20oC, the tonic and lemon both at 5oC, what is the temperature of the whole? 3.75oC? Answer: We don’t know. We don’t have the masses of each element, nor the specific heat capacities, nor the latent heat, nor any knowledge of the environment.
Now try this with a planet composed of many different materials, with different specific heat capacities, water in three phases, gasses at varying pressures, one side sunny, the other dark, rotating, heating, cooling all at the same time… It has no “temperature” in any meaningful sense. And if it has no temperature, it is meaningless to discuss a future 1.5oC warming because that won’t exist either.
See what I mean? The whole Global Doominess is underpinned by an unspoken assumption of temperature that just isn’t true.
Ty an imperial ton for your brilliant parallel! You made me see, in sharp focus 😀
Temperature = nonsensical proxy, just as are all the clinically irrelevant biomarkers the vaccinators pull over our eyes like sticky wool.
PS Useful addition to treasure trove of @C.R.Dickson’s links ;-b ?
I’m not very bright (obviously) but it seems to me that half of all the data points will lie to the right of the center of mass.
So only half of the “places” are warming faster than every place else…er…right?
PS To combat this, I recently purchased a second pair of shorts.
Thanks for this article! Gave me a good laugh.
Pingback: Settled Science: Every Place On Earth Warming Faster Than Every Other Place On Earth | Climate Depot
I guess it’s the “natural” outcome of having to invent facts to support you point of view…
Great post. I had a laugh today when I read this article: https:/lin/
I sent a link to your post to the study contact: Paul Glantz in Stockholm.
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