Cursed Are The Fear Mongers

Cursed Are The Fear Mongers

Cursed are the fearmakers, for they will be called children of Satan.

More than two years. A good twenty six months of idiot fear, panic, rash decisions, saturation propaganda bombing, roiling of the rabble, shrieking hersteria, forced compliance. Lives lost, livelihoods gone, spirits wounded, sanity ruined. The “elites” and ruling class crushing dissent, growing rich, growing richer, the arrival of tyranny.


Not one damn lesson learned. We pivoted from the coronadoom moral panic to the Russia moral panic in the twinkling of an eye. No pause for breath. No delay to think things through. In a day, in a trice, the same elite set who sported masked avatars switched to blue and yellow. All to say I AM A GOOD PERSON.

Moral panics are not a bug but a feature of a democracies. Where all people must have an opinion on all things. And not just an opinion, but the right opinion. This is why people who disagree with the right opinions are called dangers to our democracy.

Their minds rotted by popular “entertainment”, our elites and rulers cast the war as a children’s comic book movie. Ukrainian supporters assemble! Propaganda explosions on every source of media. All with the same message: Ukraine is an Innocent Victim, and they are winning, would never lose, could never lose, which is why you and the rest of the world must go to war for them. If you aren’t in favor of war, you are a bad person.

Fear, always fear. Be afraid. Ward off the evil using masks, flags. Fear.

The lies, then as now, are constant. Jen Psaki said, “The reason why the price of gas is going up is not because of steps the President has taken. They are because President Putin is invading Ukraine”.

Some propagandists feel they are fulfilling their duty, doing what they must. But this one. She enjoys lying. She takes pleasure in your pain. Those that rule us are evil.

The propagandist supreme, the New York Times, boasted of the benefits of lying to the public: “Viral stories like the Ghost of Kyiv — a Ukrainian pilot who supposedly single-handedly shot down several Russian fighter jets — are of questionable veracity. But they’re a key part of Ukraine’s war plan, experts say, as it tries to keep morale high.”

They lie. They say the lie. They say lies are good. Therefore we should know not to listen to or heed then. We do not know. We welcome the lies. Jen Psaki lies regime change is “not the policy of the United States”. We believe.

Most propaganda is asinine, as befits a moral panic. The Economist—which switched its banner to a bloody Ukrainian flag—is an enthusiastic source of nonsense. Example: “More Russians are asking Google ‘how to leave Russia’ than have done so in 18 years since such data became public.” Many will believe this.

The vice-signalling and wretched attention-seeking nitwittery in our elites is as nauseating as always. Here’s blabbermouth Keith Olbermann weeping he has lived his “entire life with the stain of Russian heritage”. Condemning your own people is as about as low as you can sink.

The ever-hectoring Stephen King was aghast that Coke could be found in Russia, and called for boycotting the company.

They were not alone. Indeed, it is a challenge to find any in the elite that has not rushed to let you know how deeply, how very deeply, they support the Current Thing.

Worse were the corporations, all woke, all cutting their own throats, shedding their own blood to show how much they care. None will do business, visible business, anyway, with Russia. They say. They shout. They support the Current Thing. They must force you to support it, too.

It has already become a meme on Team Reality of the Russian victory over Netflix, TickTok, Twitter, and others sources of cultural decadence, all of whom gifted Putin’s land by retreating from it.

Funniest were Visa and Mastercard, who shut off their services, knifing without warning anybody relying on them. China, well prepared, replaced their woke money with Unionpay. You have to laugh.

Many such cases. So many that optimists on our side are hoping our latest moral panic decapitates globalism. It may.

Anybody not joining in on the latest frenzy is called an “apologist for Putin”, or some other nonsensical name, like “science denier” during the last one. The left is hot for war. Not surprisingly, the “conservatives” are right there with them.

Worst are our rulers. No surprise about that.

Lindsay “Hello Boys” Graham and Marco “I’m A Big Boy” Rubio both called for Putin to be assassinated. Out loud. Our Affirmative Action VP said, “So, Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So basically that’s wrong.”

There is no memory, at all, that it was the globalist empire, the USA, that caused the crisis by first fomenting the bloody color revolution in Ukraine, overthrowing the government, and threatening, merely for the sake of threatening, installing NATO on Russia’s border. There is no memory, at all, of it all happening before in Georgia for the same damned reasons in the same damned way.

As we say, nothing is learned from history except that nothing is learned from history.

Our rulers do not live like us, in Reality. They have little exposure to it, shunning it, seeing it as dirty and low. They live in Theory. The loudest noise they hear are praises of their intelligence coming from fellow elites.

In Theory, Russia and China will do what theory says they will do. Theory says “We do X, they must do Y.” If instead Russia and China rebel act against Theory? Well, our rulers would sacrifice us before they sacrifice Theory.

The only comfort in this latest panic is that if our rulers succeed in their mindless frenzy and missiles fly, DC would be left as a glowing pit.

Addendum Hilarious demonstrations of outright whopping lies from the usual sources. To juice the moral panic.

Buy my new book and learn to argue against the regime: Everything You Believe Is Wrong.

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  1. bruce g charlton

    “In a day, in a trice, the same elite set who sported masked avatars switched to blue and yellow”

    Yes, but within a few days – a few hours! – most of the masses (including too many Christians who had survived the birdemic without aspostatizing) have gone-over to frenzied support of Satan’s side in the past fortnight.

    It is no longer Us and Them – because We are now (mostly) actively on-side with Them.

    Populism is useless when the masses choose and will their own enslavement, death and damnation.

  2. Kenan Meyer

    The great danger is that some idiots within NATOstan actually believe this BS and feel an urge to go in and save poor ukrainians from russian atrocities. Putin has expressed himself very clear: “There is no need for a planet without Russia”

  3. Kathleen

    >> It is no longer Us and Them – because We are now (mostly) actively on-side with Them.


    And so very tiring.

    But some are capable of breaking out of the fever.

    Thanks Briggs, for being dependable voice for sanity. It will do some good.

    And thank God for Abp. Viganò, he has been a lion through this mess and he will wake a good few up:

  4. Jerry

    The Pandemic taught me more about our world than I learned in the 63 years prior. It was and continues to be a very painful education.
    A related side note: Perhaps no one has embodied my disillusionment and disappoint more than the once-esteemed storyteller Stephen King. One of my favorite, if not the favorite author, he took me on many incredible journeys of imagination. I ate up his works of horror fiction with delight.
    Then, a few short years ago, I noticed the first hints of social justice in his books. Not quite deal killers, but just enough to notice and wonder why.
    THEN, I was introduced to the world of Twitter, where he feels the need to display his elite woke status in all of its disgusting glory.
    It’s not just Mr. King, he’s just a tiny representation – but he was once part of my world, very admired, and a part of me wishes that particular rock had never been turned over. How could someone with such talent and perception turn out to be THAT person? Does fame and money always corrupt so completely?

  5. Incitadus

    Naw Putin’s got this not only is it Caucasians killing Caucasians it’s
    Christians killing Christians nothing could make the WEF happier.
    The same thing Europeans have been doing for 2000 years.
    The long column of stuck Russian tanks you keep hearing about have
    secured a route for an above ground pipeline to supply fuel and water.
    Operations will resume.
    This Hungarian perspective maybe not a 100% but noteworthy:
    “Russia is actually doing us a favor.” Intelligent insight into Ukraine, Russia, USA, WEF, Freeland

  6. John B()

    So this is Fear Update CXX?

    To coin a phrase: “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”

  7. Hagfish Bagpipe

    A fitting piece for formerly Plague Panic Tuesday, Briggs. Plague is last week’s terror. War is this week’s. On deck: Famine. All deliberately fomented. A criminal cabal, with malice aforethought, planned and perpetrated one of the greatest crimes in history: a fake pandemic to frighten people into accepting a totalitarian New World Order satanic dictatorship while injecting millions with experimental genetic poison. And then, to distract from that monstrous crime and further the totalitarian New World Order satanic dictatorship, they stir up a war, a monstrous new crime based on more brazen lies in which millions instantly and stupidly believe, as before with the plague hoax. Front row seats at the Global Satanic Fecalfest — what a show! What an education!

    I’ll say this for the cabal masterminds: they’ve got sinful man figured out, they know how to lie, they know how to corrupt and manipulate, and they seem to have all the money in the world to do just that. And this has been going on for quite a long while, didn’t just oddly pop up two years ago.

    It’s positively Biblical.

  8. Ann Cherry

    Another fantastic post, Dr. Briggs. Kathleen, thanks for posting that Vigano article, which I just finished reading and was about to post myself. It is very long, the most comprehensive and truthful thing I’ve read about this situation.

    As Archbishop Vigano demonstrates, “globalists have fomented war in Ukraine to establish the tyranny of the New World Order.

    “The Ukrainian people, regardless of what ethnic group they may belong to, are merely the latest unwitting hostages of the supranational totalitarian regime that brought the national economies of the entire world to their knees through the COVID deception.”

    When reading that superb article, note the imbedded video of Pres. Zelenskyy’s “campaign commercial” wherein he mows down the entire Ukrainian Parliament with two submachine guns. Blessed are the peacemakers!

  9. Forbes

    The mob psychology is strong, moving from one distraction to the next. The next question becomes how will TPTB distract the public from raging consumer price inflation due to soaring supply shocks and commodity prices, which then crushes the economy? $1,400 checks won’t cover it anymore.

    Russia holds two high cards in this poker game, fuel and fertilizer–and there isn’t a surplus stockpile sitting around anywhere to fill the gap in supply. The Globalists got their globalism, and the integrated inter-dependency resulting. Now, they don’t like the fact that Russia holds enormous resources that can be used to their strategic advantage.

    Biden, the EU, Ukraine, the West, Klaus Schwab/WEF gambled badly and lost. The only answer that remains is how much this will cost people everywhere?

  10. 1 – I keep wondering how visa and mastercard expect to collect outstanding balances.. (and who will pay for those losses?)

    2 – On the primary theme here, here’s something I wrote about a week ago:

    A nice little conspiracy theory in re Putin v. Zelensky et al

    Here it is March 2nd, 2022 and there is now enough information to speculate about what’s going on in Ukraine, and, more importantly, about what comes next.

    But first, a conspiracy theory: I believe that the generic left’s hatred of all things Russian, largely based on factors like its abandonment of communism, it’s mostly white population, and the reversion to Christianity among much of the population, provided the emotional support and shared “truth” needed for a small number of conspiratorial manipulators to emplace and support a major lie. The lie is that Russians are the enemies of the west in general and America in particular, and what that lie serves is Chinese expansion across what is now Siberia and Kazakhstan.

    In this context what’s going on in the Ukraine should have been a sideshow: just one more round in the endless civil wars and boundary adjustments the area has been heir to for centuries – triggered, in this case, by the opportunities created through western weakness and the expectation that bringing Russia’s energy exports into China’s banking system would provide an unsanctionable market while strengthening that nation’s commitment to peaceful co-existence with Russia.

    It became a world changing event when Russian ground forces were unable to deliver the swift, effective, and low casualty Zelensky decapitation they promised – that changed the Russian calculation and brought the manipulators into the open as everyone from George Soros and Switzerland to Emmanuel Macron and the Canadian Junior Hockey League spontaneously erupted into a well orchestrated chorus of undying support for Ukrainian democracy.

    What we’re going to see next, therefore, is some senior Russian officers coming splat-face to the end of their careers and a slow and grinding halt to the conflict as urgent orders to stand down get ignored and players on both sides feel their way to the resumption of business as usual with just enough shelling and sniping to keep the fight alive for their home audiences.

    As a result the body count will leave the world’s headlines while the left continues its con brio denunciation of Russia at least until Chinese peacekeepers enter first North Korea and then Kazakhstan – at which point Russia won’t have the resources to defend its borders, it will be politically impossible for the west to come to Russia’s aid, and Moscow will have to choose between going nuclear or mounting a desperate rear guard action against overwhelming forces as China takes over everything east of the Urals.

    So what’s east of the Urals to make all this worthwhile? about 12% of the world’s land mass, perhaps 15% of above water accessible natural resources, and hardly any people – enough space, materials, and arable land to take several hundred million Chinese migrants while making China independent of the western world for food, energy, and metals.

  11. Cary Cotterman

    I cry and laugh at the same time as I watch civilization fall before my eyes. I never imagined I would live to see it happen. I was certain that sort of thing was all in the distant past, or on the pages of fantasy fiction. The left is working very hard to destroy the world, and they’re good at it. I don’t see any hope of a return to reason or even the level of comparative stability we had just a few years ago. It’s over. Normal is history. My only consolation is that I’m getting old, probably down to my last fifteen or twenty years. To be young, and have another half century or more to live in this bizarro-world Armageddon that grows worse day by day, and that evil is going to win, would be an unthinkable nightmare.

  12. Milton Hathaway

    I dunno. Same fecalfest (thanks, Hagfish), different day. My recollection is that it has always been the very, very few that eventually save us from evil-doers, and the shifting whims of the mindless masses are ultimately irrelevant. Not to say that the very few will always save us, I’m just saying that the mere existence of the mindless masses is not prognosticative of the ultimate outcome.

    There’s no point in constantly getting worked up over the mindless masses, they are ever-present, and just go wherever they are herded.

  13. swordfishtrombone

    Condemning your own people is as about as low as you can sink.

    The only comfort in this latest panic is that if our rulers succeed in their mindless frenzy and missiles fly, DC would be left as a glowing pit.

  14. Incitadus

    Paul writes
    “It became a world changing event when Russian ground forces were unable to deliver the swift, effective, and low casualty Zelensky decapitation they promised.”

    Funny but Putin never said this it is pure western fantasy propaganda. Putin plays
    to win and the Russian stall is to secure supply chains and allow as many civilians to flee as
    he surrounds and shells cities. A lot of the destroyed Russian equipment may actually be Ukrainian
    equipment with a Z painted on it. Biden’s NATO agreement with Ukraine in November is what lit
    the fuse on the dynamite that been stacked on Ukraine’s boarders since last April. Biden knew
    this would launch a war as he desperately needed a covid distraction. As indicated by others
    this is all about destroying the world economy and resetting to ‘the new normal’. China and
    Russia are all in on the play working hand in glove with the west. A lot of people will be killed
    and prices will soar but Putin, Xi, and Biden will remain unscathed once all is over. The world will
    be left reeling scratching for sustenance, the highest death rates will be in the third world as food
    prices soar. All calculated to destroy personal freedom and consolidate state power in all spheres.
    You might say this is the new world order, out of chaos order.

  15. Mick Jagger Gathers No Mosque

    Our Affirmative Action VP said, “So, Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So basically that’s wrong.”

    She was appearing on a black radio station and chose to frame the problem in this way because she thinks blacks are so mentally incapacitated/incompetent that they require such explanations.

  16. Kathleen

    >> It’s over.

    This AGE is Ending. And it is going to get increasingly ugly.

    But there IS HOPE. It’s not over.

    The Apocalypse of St John Chapter 3

    [1] And to the angel of the church of Sardis, write: These things saith he, that hath the seven spirits of God, and the seven stars: I know thy works, that thou hast the name of being alive: and thou art dead. [2] BE WATCHFUL AND STRENGTHEN THE THINGS THAT REMAIN, which are ready to die. For I find not thy works full before my God. [3] Have in mind therefore in what manner thou hast received and heard: and OBSERVE, AND DO PENANCE. If then thou shalt not watch, I will come to thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know at what hour I will come to thee. [4] But thou hast a few names in Sardis, which have not defiled their garments: and they shall walk with me in white, because they are worthy. [5] He that shall overcome, shall thus be clothed in white garments, and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, and I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels.

    According to Ecclesiology, the SEVEN CHURCHES referred to in Apocalypse refer to the SEVEN AGES of the Church.

    We are in the FIFTH AGE.

    The Church of Sardis.

    Understanding this and the implications are urgently important to us as Catholics in this age. We live in a terrible age full of peril, but there IS HOPE.


    Recently two important works on this, not previously available in English, were translated by Fr. Roberts.

    The portion of the commentaries by Venerable Bartholomew Holtzhauser that deal with the Apocalypse of St. John and the portion of Cardinal Louis Billot’s book De Ecclesia that deals with the Apocalypse.

    The Seven Ages of the Church: Revelations from the Apocalypse Paperback – May 25, 2021
    by Fr. Marshall M Roberts (Author)

  17. Shecky R

    Does Putin write ALL of your blog posts now, or just the non-statistical ones??? And nobody fearmongers more than YOU do. (p.s…. quit calling yourself a “Catholic” for goodness sake; it’s embarrassing).

  18. Joy

    This wasn’t up to Carlson’s usual standard, he just sounds bitter and quite a bit mistaken about the overall plan with regards NATO countries. Putin is escalating, personalising the war, playing the victim, Murdering innocent people, and making the world watch while daring them to join in. Like a sadistic gangster. Just wondering what pictures and news videos are shown in the US, just as with Covid 19, the louder element on the right are going wrong again.
    Letting Biden’s awfulness turn them sour

  19. Geoman

    I’m Ukrainian. And I mean, I’m REALLY Ukrainian. With Ukrainian parents, grandparents, and great grandparents, both sides. I grew up in America, but spoke Ukrainian at home. I ate the food, went to the cultural events, even visited the homeland a few times.

    I’m disgusted by these people. These elites, these cowards, fools, and knaves. I’m sick of the posturing, of the looking for some, any way to steal glory from the Ukrainian people and wrap themselves in it. Of their attempts to sweep under the rug their own perfidy and lies. Of their attempts to damn others as not being sufficiently patriotic, or supportive.

    They created this invasion. They were thoughtless maniacs. Fools.

    If we had kept producing oil and gas, built the keystone pipeline, built the Alaska natural gas pipeline. allowed fracking on federal lands, we could have broken the back of this invasion before it began. Invasions run on MONEY. If we had exported weapons to Ukraine back in the Obama administration, when they begged for them, we could have avoided this war. Now they pretend to care?

    Day one of the invasion NONE of these people cared. You know why? They thought Putin would roll right over Ukraine, and they were all right with that. It was only after 3-5 days of determined resistance that they actually started to care, and act. So spare me you hypocritical horse hockey.

    Putin thought he would win, and thought he could get away with this. You know why? because we let him win, and let him get away with this before. In Transnistria. In Crimea. In Luhansk and Donetsk. In south Ossetia. The same people now claiming to care about the Ukrainian people allowed all of that to happen without much of a peep.

  20. Joy

    Here is the character of the man who was let down by his “allies” in 2021, when they pulled out without even consulting us. So here’ someone who DOES care:

    Then listen to this, on the situation in Ukraine and the bogged down military traffic jam. That is where the massive loss is coming from in the Russian force. Those soldiers are the ones who were lied to, by Putin. That is why so many have surrendered and morale is so low. They were sent to attack their own neighbours.

  21. Joy

    Ben Wallace is telling the truth. He is not bearing false witness.
    Glad you commented!

  22. Johnno

    There is no memory, at all, of the fact that the US screwed up their overthrow of Ukraine into the hands of a third party Neo-Nazi regime who took over the reigns of Ukraine after sniping both sides of the demonstrators. The US, realizing their bungling, instead chose to recognize a coup government and threw both democracy and the Ukranians overboard. The nazi coupers then began making overboard moves to ban the Russian language and go after the Russian populace, who are the ones who happen to be in Crimea and the Donbass provinces. Crimea sensing the crazy exercised democracy to leave and return to Russia, being originally a Russian province anyway. The Donetsk and Lugansk also wanted to be annexed, but Putin said no, realizing that given they were Ukranian territory, he didn’t want to be blamed for seizing Ukranian territory and further feed the West’s hersteria.

    Further, there is no memory, at all, of the fact that rather than guarantee peace and security to these provinces, the Ukranian aggressors instead continued to kill and shell these regions amd continued doing so with US assistance and arms, demanding that this is their ‘Taiwan’ and they had a right to destroy these insurgencies. Putin finally had no option other than to use legalism to recognize these provinces as independent states and have them request Russian assistance for their defence, and then when guarantees from the US not to bring Ukraine into NATO were not forthcoming, go on to have his “special operation.”

    Russia has all the justification it needed to take this step. The US have it to them. The US very likely WANTED this to happen! The price is Ukranian lives, though at least the Russians haven’t gone the NATO route of complete carpet bombing Ukraine then giving reconstruction contracts to their friends at Halliburton. Very likely because Russia doesn’t have American taxpayers to pay for total bombing missions. If ot is any solace to the Ukranians, at least Russia ain’t NATO.

  23. Johnno

    So this is Fear Update CXX?

    Why not? It’s all related!

    The Russians mentioning the biolabs in the Ukraine… you know… the ones involved in certain gain-of-function research…

    The US admits it too! And we all need to protect them! They are more important than Ukranian lives!

    What an embarassing time to be one of dem fak-chakers! You know… those “reputable” sources of information that declared those labs never existed! How embarassing! But even more embarassing for those guillibles that believe them! Don’t you feel bad for them?

  24. Joy

    Putin has a small posse of Americans and a moderately sized number of his own, fooled.
    Rather they are fooling themselves.
    Open your eyes. Russian soldiers are dying in their thousands in a false war, they are also prisoners of their own leader, that is as sad as some of the other stories heard. Those soldiers are very young and they were sent in up front…
    The degree of convolution of the commentary here claiming Putin’s the victim is looking not just beware but ridiculous. Whatever you think about Zelensky, that doesn’t make Putin any better, vice versa. Whatever you think about Biden, doesn’t make Putin the innocent party. There’a s lot of simplistic facile and binary thinking in the above, commentary. All having to do with phoney notions of history and yes, fear, from the side which has spent almost two years now claiming the others are afraid. It looks like some of you are very afraid and definitely losing sight of reality. Gas lit all the was…

  25. Joy

    <blockquoteThe only comfort in this latest panic is that if our rulers succeed in their mindless frenzy and missiles fly, DC would be left as a glowing pit.
    but presumably the wilds of upstate worthiness will be well out of the firing line…
    Get some blow up beds ready, and a lot of blankets, soup, and some board games.

    You’re going to be expecting company very soon, from Washington!
    If they have any sense they’ll move towards less hostile territory. 
    Perhaps Montana? Maybe, I always fancied Canada.

  26. Joy

    Here it is again!

    The only comfort in this latest panic is that if our rulers succeed in their mindless frenzy and missiles fly, DC would be left as a glowing pit.

    but presumably the wilds of upstate worthiness will be well out of the firing line…
    Get some blow up beds ready, and a lot of blankets, soup, and some board games.

    You’re going to be expecting company very soon, from Washington!
    If they have any sense they’ll move towards less hostile territory.
    Perhaps Montana? Maybe, I always fancied Canada.
    Stick that in your pipe and smoke it

  27. Joy

    NORTHYNESS! not worthiness.

  28. Joy

    Nick jones,

    This is not a false war. It is a war for survival for The Ukraine and Russia.

    tell that to Putin, he calls it a
    “special military operation”
    The BEEB?
    The links I linked were from LBC, nothing to do with the BBC.
    However, LBC is not a radio station I listen to.
    However, Ben Wallace is defence secretary, ex captain of the Scots guards and is a seasoned solider in his own right.
    BBC is irrelevant, as are all mainstream media outlets, except in their ability to stir or calm, help or hinder operations, whichever Side you’re ‘supporting’
    It won’t change you though, you’ll have to double down as Putin’s doing.
    This is not a war of survival for Ukraine or Russia. Putin has to turn this tanks around and go home.
    Russia will still exist long after Putin and the Curren population. Most of the people in Russia do not support the “special military operation”. Both sides have relatives and friends across both borders.

  29. Joy

    This is essential listening for those who are still able.
    Skeptics or deniers, as they truly are, in the truest sense, can only claim that the woman is an acress, since I nor presumably you can prove her identity. She sounds genuine. Out of the same playbook as the others from Russia who have spoken. The poor woman believes she’s on the side of righteousness. That’s going to create some very serious mental illness following such cognitive dissonance. if she makes it through the
    “special military operation”.

  30. Joy

    Just in case that link went to the twitter feed with the Russian spy taking her clothes off!
    here’s the link:
    The full interview is linked above the interview play button.

  31. Joy

    That didn’t work either!
    The very long link above goes to the full interview but the twitter page has to be closed first to reveal the interview link. Why it’s been clipped I don’t know, perhaps MOD are looking at it first.
    Here is a more calm and honest assessment, again, from a military man in the UK air vice Marshal
    Philip Osbourn

    Listen to what the man says. Trevor Phillips or the venue of the interview is irrelevant as to the man’s testimony.

  32. This is pure poetry and deserves to be reposted over and over. I will do this on my substack.

  33. Sylvain Allard

    My favourite lie came from Joe Biden at the onset of the Russian special operations.
    He said that there are no Nazi problem in Ukraine, when western media published hundreds of stories about the neo-Nazi problem in Ukraine for 8 years.

    The USA empire is crumbling fast. Good for you

  34. Johnno

    But… but… fak-chakars and experts ans credible media sources said that all this wasn’t true… whatta ya mean there are US funded biolabs in Ukraine???

    But… but… fak-chakars and experts ans credible media sources said that all this wasn’t true… whatta ya mean there are US stashes of weapons hiding near nuclear power facilities in Ukraine???

    But… but… fak-chakars and experts ans credible media sources said absolutely nothing about this… whatta ya mean the US, Israel and NATO are supporting actual Nazis in Ukraine???

  35. Kathleen

    My favourite lie came from Joe Biden at the onset of the Russian special operations.
    He said that there are no Nazi problem in Ukraine, when western media published hundreds of stories about the neo-Nazi problem in Ukraine for 8 years.
    ==========/END QUOTE========

    I know, it’s utterly insane how the very real nazi infestation of the Ukraine and the support of it by the Soros-Puppet Zelensky regime and by US covert operations is entirely ignored along with their years long terror campaign on Ukranians.

    To top it off, the research on how it ties back over to this side of the pond is very much out there.

    Toronto Catholic Witness has done a TON of work on this that deserves MUCH more attention. There is a large series of current articles and articles going back years over there:

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