Kyle Rittenhouse Verdict Open Discussion

Kyle Rittenhouse Verdict Open Discussion

This is a hastily compiled post, woefully deficient in coverage. However, on the idea that people might like to discuss it, we go with what we can.

Of all the hot takes, this is the hottest.

The ADL subtweeting the NAACP openly welcoming violence because blacks commit too much crime and therefore draw too much police attention, and the ADL saying only extremists celebrate this, is hilarious.

Bill de Blasio is for state’s rights.

The South shall rise again!

I can just picture Biden leading a mob to lynch Rittenhouse. But dropping his torch and accidentally setting fire to one of his aides.

Why celebrate? Well, this, for one.

Any evil ruler yet say they will bring civil right’s charges against Rittenhouse, the classic regime ploy to avoid double jeopardy?

As soon as I wrote that sentence, I say this:

What’s your take?

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  1. Ann Cherry

    *Copied from someone’s Facebook post:

    (This probably is applicable to 95 percent of Biden voters; at least the ones who were alive when they voted…)

    * I didn’t know that Kyle put out a dumpster fire that was being rolled down to a gas station to blow up, with people all around.

    * I didn’t know that the Police were told to stand down as businesses were destroyed.

    * I didn’t know that Kyles Dad, Grandma and Friends all lived in Kenosha, 20 minutes from where he resided with his Mom part time in Illinois.

    * I didn’t know that Joseph Rosenbaum knocked him down twice and then attempted to kick him with lethal force to the head.

    * I didn’t know that Huber had hit him in the head 2x with a skateboard.

    * I didn’t know Gaige Grosskreutz, a felon in possession of firearm, aimed his gun at Kyle first, as he admitted on the stand.

    * I also didn’t know that in the State of Wisconsin, it is legal for Kyle to have a gun, even at 17 (which was why the gun charge was dismissed).

    * I didn’t know that Kyle did not cross state lines with a gun he wasn’t supposed to have. The rightful gun owner did, as he was legally permitted to do.

    * I also didn’t realize that Rosenbaum was a 5 time convicted child rapist and that Huber was a 2 time convicted woman beater. I didn’t know that Grosskreutz was a convicted Burglar with an assault on his record also.

    IF THE MANSON MEDIA DID THEIR JOB… we would ALL have known this!

  2. Michael Dowd

    Innocent man wins against the mob of Democrat lawbreakers who tried to kill him. Let us celebrate knowing this will be another excuse for the lawbreakers to project their own crimes as Conservatives motivation for defending the law.

  3. Sometimes, occasionally, almost as if by accident, the system works in our favor. Except for the whole part about accusing an innocent young man of murder, and sending him to jail until his family could raise a $2 million bail, and the press vilifying him unfairly, and the President calling for him to be convicted, and the Prosecutors lying, withholding evidence, and violating numerous Constitutional rights of the accused, and the jury being intimidated with their names and addresses published…

  4. DAV

    This probably is applicable to 95 percent of Biden voters; at least the ones who were alive when they voted…

    Agreed. All 5.7 of them.

  5. Ann Cherry

    By the way, I got my post from a great site, recently discovered, called “Politically Incorrect Daily”, except I call the “Media” the “Manson Media” because they are constantly trying to foment race wars, which is also a Communist tactic.

    Here is the “Politically Incorrect” post for today, which also contains some good cartoons and Rittenhouse memes:

    Lastly, thanks to our gracious host for posting on a Saturday, this IS a special occasion. May God Bless you, Matt Briggs.

  6. JH

    Since it is OK to trash others and speak ill of others and claim superiority and whatnot in this blog, here you go. (And there will be a post on Christian/Catholic teachings tomorrow. Hilarious? I think so.)

    May Kyle live a lifetime of nightmares.

    With notably rare exceptions, Kyle is a good kid. Just like, with notably rare exceptions, Trump has been a faithful husband. Right?

    It is such an unfortunate event. When a stupid kid did horrible things, it is even more stupid to extol him as a hero.

  7. JH

    The ADL subtweeting the NAACP openly welcoming violence because blacks commit too much crime and therefore draw too much police attention, and the ADL saying only extremists celebrate this, is hilarious.

    Mr. Spartacus of Cherry Picking, can you identify what logical fallacy have you committed here?

  8. Brian (Bulaoren)

    How can so many people hate this kid? Just look at him; He’s hobbit, He’s Frodo.

  9. Mens Bellator

    As usual, progressives work to try to create the “no win” scenario for others, attempting to morph reality to suit their purposes. In Kenosha in August 2020, no-win scenario; either Kyle defends himself and kills attackers or allows himself to be killed. Yes, he “won” but this is a good lesson to all of us that the “right”to self-defense does not come cheap. Next no-win; Kyle is either found guilty in a court of law so he can be symbolically used to denigrate freedom-loving, gun-owning whites or he is found innocent so he can be symbolically used to denigrate freedom-loving, gun-owning whites. At some level, I suspect the true leaders of their nefarious movement prefer him found innocent and, thus, a more useful political tool. In either case, they will use this to attempt to further curtail our rights.

  10. PaulH

    As a Canadian with no dog in this hunt, I watch the reaction to the verdict with a mix of fascination and indifference. I have a feeling that all will be forgotten by this time next year.

  11. Ann Cherry

    Defense Attorney Reveals Kyle Rittenhouse’s Next Moves, Career Goal | The Daily Wire

    “Defense attorney Mark Richards revealed Friday that his client Kyle Rittenhouse, now acquitted of all charges, will likely have to leave his hometown due to the overwhelming number of threats he’s received.

    “He has to get on with his life, the best he can,” Richards told reporters outside the courthouse. “I don’t think he’ll continue to live in this area, I think it’s too dangerous. He’s had 24-hour security since this happened. We’re thankful that the judge protected his address.”

    “Everybody in this case — and when I say that, I mean prosecution and defense — to me, it’s scary how many death threats we’ve gotten,” the attorney added. Richards said he had to stop answering his phone after receiving numerous death threats in a row.

    “The attorney was also asked by the press if Rittenhouse has at all been deterred about wanting to become a first responder. Richards said the teenager dreams of becoming a nurse.”

  12. Joey Zamboni

    We’ll never win again, the (D)’s have gained complete control, many on the right wailed…

    Then *Virginia* happened…

    It’s taking the jury too long, we’ll never get justice in America, the system is broken, many on the right complained…

    Then the *verdict* happened…

    When all seems lost…

    *God* happens…

  13. Rudolph Harrier

    I’ve very rarely seen anyone explain why they hate the verdict. Those that do generally use one of the arguments used by the prosecution (i.e. that BLM/Antifa owned the streets that night and that anyone who opposed them deserved to die.)

    Everyone else just seems to take it for granted that Kyle Rittenhouse should have been beaten or shot to death and expect us therefore to be horrified by the fact that he defended himself to avoid such a fate. JH here is one such example. Kyle is a “stupid kid” who did “horrible things” and he deserves a “lifetime of nightmares.” But there isn’t even an attempt to justify any of those claims.

  14. Incitadus

    First time I’ve smiled since Nov. 2020. None of this would have happened if
    the police had not been ordered to stand down and let the city burn. The criminals
    in state and local governments that ordered this are the ones responsible for all
    the death and destruction of 2020. It’s time they went on trial.

  15. PhilH

    Once again Twitter shows that feelings don’t care about facts.

  16. JH

    Brian (Bulaoren),

    I don’t have answers to your answer. One thing I know for certain is that Kyle won’t be a bu-lao-ren, but he gets to live longer than the two people he killed. Life is good.

    Rudolph Harrier,

    Seriously, do you believe that my wish would come true? Or you think that I am a Christian who believes that my prayer works? To be honest with you, if you’d like to hear my arguments, you would have to show me that you are capable of understanding both sides and putting out valid arguments. It’s like I don’t discuss my research with people who cannot understand it. I am more arrogant than Mr. Spartacus of Cherry Picking. Just ask him.

  17. JH

    I don’t have answers to your question

  18. Bobcat

    Well, I didn’t really pay much attention to this…I just figured when I first heard about this incident on the radio that the dysfunctional media must be fabricating another “white supremist” shooting. And as I briefing watched a few videos about Kyle on Bitchute, LOL, and behold, as I predicted, it was another farce, another slander that the mockingbird media cooked up. A teenager defending himself against antifa/blm mob was, of course, slandered by the illiberal media and big tech.

    This is just another Zimmerman and Covington High School situation where the media takes an incident and tries to misrepresent and slander innocent persons as “white supremists” so they can cause confusion, divide up the country, and push for cultural marxism. Oddly enough, it’s the leftists, the Biden administration, lamestream media and big tech that are actually pushing for racism – they’re pushing that bogus “critical race theory” into our schools.

    I hope Kyle sues!

  19. Peter Morris

    I haven’t been that relieved/exhilarated in a long time. Facts won, lies were laid bare, and now all the clowns can do is complain about irrelevancies while everyone else questions their motives.

    It’s a good day to be free.

  20. Sheri

    JH: So you would have preferred Kyle die and the criminals walk? Fantasyland and very dangerous. Plus, it’s very communist and evil to decide the outcome of a trial based on the media, which is what the left wants. Did you throw a hissyfit when OJ walked????? Or were you happy his wife was dead and he was free? Do you not believe in the jury system and if not, what would you replace it with? If you don’t want to discuss this, fine. No one really cares what you think anyway. A side-effect of arrogance.

  21. Rudolph Harrier

    The truth is that JH probably doesn’t even know why he hates Kyle Rittenhouse. He just knows that he is supposed to hate him.

  22. Dennis

    Good to see there is still some justice in this country.

    We still need major justice reform to prevent suing people civilly for things they have been cleared of criminally. Any sane person looking at the evidence knows it was self-defense. That should be the end of it all, period.

    The only person suing civilly should be Rittenhouse himself, for all the defamation still being thrown his way (such as deBlasio’s and Cuomo’s statements, which didn’t stop at just saying they disagree with the verdict, but added more about “vigilante supremacism” – repeating the canard that the shooting had anything to do with white supremacism – and “crossing state lines to go shot people – implying intent to just go and kill people from the moment he left his house).

  23. Dennis

    Of course, right now he’s probably basically judgement proof…but if he gets some big wins or settlements on the defamation front, like the Covington boys, then that could be jeopardized if he is subjected to civil suits himself (or continued “civil rights violation” harassment from the Biden Dept. of Injustice.

  24. Forbes

    Rittenhouse scored a Kenosha Hat Trick–He shot a pedophile, a wife beater, and a felon.

  25. Rainmakerman

    Virginia did not “happen”. The prior CEO of Carlisle won that election by the hair on his chinny chin chin. And this trial is just more white noise, as folks are paying more attention to it than what just happened 10 weeks ago. Nor what is happening to our economy right NOW. Or there is another narrative, and it ain’t the Rs vs the Ds. Its them against US. Ain’t gonna get better if the two sides still believe in their own version of the Tooth Fairy. They are all on the same team, just with different colored jerseys.

  26. Joy

    Rudolph, H,
    Probably or evidently, doesn’t know that JH knows Briggs personally, has done for years. They used to be best buddies!
    She is not a he

    JH, do you really wish Kyle ill?
    Re ‘arrogant’ I’d say discussing your research with people who don’t understand it is just a waste of time… more sensible than anything else.
    Finding it necessary to tell people they’re stupid over and over is more akin to unkindness and mean spiritedness. Especially if it’s true and they are stupid.

  27. Shecky R

    well, of course Kyle’s entire life, and death, were already set in place with the Big Bang 13+ billion years ago… we’re trading in mere empty words here. Que sera sera.

  28. Briggs

    From our friend:

    Rittenhouse, among other charges, was on trial for killing Joseph Rosenbaum, a pedophile guilty of eleven counts of child molestation on five boys aged nine to eleven, including anal rape. That this pedophile was not already executed for these crimes — in fact, not even in jail for them — is evidence of a failed state that abdicated any right to a monopoly on the use of violence. If you need any further evidence, just look at what was allowed to happen in Kenosha before Rittenhouse put the fear of God into the rioters. Forty buildings burned to the ground and an additional hundred were damaged. Livelihoods destroyed and the local residents terrorized. They would have us forget our experience of Summer 2020, the tension and fear that hung in the air, knowing that dialing 911 no longer assured someone would show up to help. Americans were on their own. This was the reality of those months, staying up late watching riots unfold in real-time through internet live streams, wondering when this might come to our neighborhoods. This was true of small towns across America. Hundreds of armed citizens in towns like Snohomish outside of Seattle took to the streets in response to rumors that Antifa was planning to come to smash up the downtown business district. Clips circulated on social media of these well-armed gatherings and while there was an outraged response from the left, they never showed up to Snohomish. The Washington State Legislature responded by passing legislation to ban the open carry of firearms near public demonstrations.

  29. Joy

    When people lose faith in the system that’s supposed to protect them and keep law and order, people resort to violence. When channels like Cuomo’s were actively promoting riots as opposed to protests by saying
    “who said protests had to be peaceful”, while citizens were burning buildings and literally showing no civilisation in their behaviour, it’s hardly surprising that locals, who had no faith they would be protected, took actions in self defence.
    The jury thought so too.
    I don’t think his age comes into it, nor his intellect.
    Instincts were operating normally, that day.

  30. Dennis

    I love how that ADL tweet calls “anti-government” an “extremist” category. Dare to question the prevailing Regime, and YOU are the “extremist”! Would they have taken such a Regime-complaint and quietistic attitude toward a certain government c. 1933-1945?

    ADL and SPLC are themselves among the biggest, most well-funded, influential, and dangerous extremist groups operating in the USA today. Take every Right-wing “extremist” group combined, and they don’t have the organization, influence, and money of those two Left-wing extremist orgs.

  31. Tom Weiss

    My gut reaction is that this is our own John Brown moment where the two sides split irreconcilably.
    Either you support what Kyle did (self-defense) or you don’t. For those who don’t there are many videos out there showing what mobs like to do when they turn on unarmed targets.
    The left is coming to realize that people on one side have guns, religion and the original values of the nation and their ancestors. These people are on the right side of history and morality and will win in the end. One morally upright person with God and a gun on his side can overcome an entire leftist mob of brainwashed, sexually-confused cowards.
    Seeing their imminent doom and weakness, the only solution for the left will be to separate and try to get European aid before the rest of the country eats them alive, just like the South did in the Civil War.

  32. M. G.

    Right on! Appeared scripted.
    Was this trail a distraction for another one, Ghislaine Maxwell, starting Monday?

  33. Ann Cherry

    The full article, “America’s Trial”, a portion of which Briggs posted in this comment thread, is the best I’ve read on the Rittenhouse trial. Really fine work, Thank you.

  34. Never forget: the process IS the punishment, and I’m afraid they aren’t finished with him yet.

  35. cameron

    I assume the Christmas parade vehicular-homicide rapper was taking revenge for Rittenhouse. Being the only a little–r@cist type, I actually assumed (as did my son) that it was a white antifa methhead type. My son assumed a dreadlock-rapper type would be too stupid to figure out Waukesha’s demographics but he was local not out of area.

    My wife actually called it right away. A jogger.

    The narrative is going to be that he was running from an altercation (allegedly a knife fight) when he mowed down white grandmas and little girls. So I look forward to them retrying Charlottesville vehicular killer James Fields since he was running from a threat too.

  36. Ann Cherry

    The Wisconsin vehicular-homicide mass killer had just been released on cash bail | Power Line:

    The suspect is Darrell E. Brooks, a black male in his late 30s, with a 50-page rap sheet, including open charges filed on November 5, 2021, in Milwaukee courts for resisting an officer, felony bail jumping, second degree reckless endangerment felony, domestic abuse assessments, and disorderly conduct and battery.

    He posted a $1,000 cash bail on November 19, 2021.

  37. Johnno

    What a joyous day!

    The stunningly obvious has been upheld!

    It’s been upheld so well that fak-checkas are at pains to explain themselves for getting obvious things wrong!

    Upheld as well as the facts that men are nkt women that lefties are screaming and threatening violence and mayhem against everybody else! But likely not Rittenhouse as much as they posture of wanting to… they know he’ll shoot them!

    It’s upheld so well that even JH cannot explain his feelings in any rational manner and compensates for it by bluffing that he can use some fancy trickery words to put us all in our place, but out of some benovelence he refrains from saying much they he would have us believe that he could, but wants us to know that he isn’t!

    It is upheldt s’mightily that the buggers running the NAACP and the ADL can only whine about the great loss of their credibility on Twitter, because they are smart and experienced enough to knowthat they have no other cards in the deck to play and can only toss out jokers and maybe a 2 of clubs.

    Upheld in such esteem that the mainstream media knows they owe Rittenhouse a LOT of money and whilst their camera props hue and cry about the gross injustice, their legal departments are already getting ready to settle in the quiet of the night!

    Yes! We are obligated to celebrate as the cocktails of lefty tears and sputtering floweth forth! Their masks can’t absorb nor stop it all! It’s a crisis! Cases of heart attacks are skyrocketing amongst them before the vexxine can kick in!

  38. Joy

    For accuracy:
    We don’t have a figure for covid deaths in the UK.
    We have “died within 28 days of a positive Covid 19 test”.

  39. Joy

    wrong post! sorry, nothing to do with Kyle

  40. Dennis

    “For accuracy:
    We don’t have a figure for covid deaths in the UK.
    We have “died within 28 days of a positive Covid 19 test”.”

    Wonderful. Further proof that the official “Covid death” numbers bandied about in the UK, and pretty much everywhere else as well, are a sham.

  41. Joy

    “Wonderful. Further proof that the official “Covid death” numbers bandied about in the UK, and pretty much everywhere else as well, are a sham.”
    No, but that quote’s good evidence that you don’t know what you’re talking about, since it’s important to understand that particular definition with regards to the UK.
    If you’ve heard “covid deaths” you’ve heard it from Twiter or a news reader/vendor.
    This might be the fifth time I’ve written this but just to be sure to anticipate later comments on the matter in the future:
    It was estimated last year some time, that the death rate, given, defined as above, is likely to drop
    by around 25 percent as a very rough estimate. I’m waiting for the fuss and bother when that happens. From all those who don’t listen to the sources they criticise so vociferously.
    Germany, on the other hand, I happen to know is picking in detail over patient’s cause of death and setting ‘rules’ about what can and cannot be ‘counted’.
    Yet only someone with zero medical knowledge or experience of complex diagnostics, perhaps lacking in imagination, as the concept isn’t hard, would argue that the problem of cause of death is in some way a proof of wrongdoing. Understanding the nature of diagnostics is a help, none of it is rocket science. It’s just complex to a point where it is impossible to say for certain, much of the time.

  42. Johnno

    Yet only someone with zero medical knowledge or experience of complex diagnostics, perhaps lacking in imagination, as the concept isn’t hard, would argue that the problem of cause of death is in some way a proof of wrongdoing.

    Translation: Fellas, fellas… why jump to the conclusion that this was all 1st degree murder? It could very well be 3rd degree manslaughter! It’s complicated you know?

    Understanding the nature of diagnostics is a help, none of it is rocket science. It’s just complex to a point where it is impossible to say for certain, much of the time.

    That’s right! It’s not rocket science! But I feel pretty confident saying with absolute certainty that when herr Vaxzi authorities start reclassifying every vehicle as a rocket as the basis for diagnosing every vehicle collision as a ballistics problem to create the illusion that there is a missile crisis, that there is something very crooked amiss, and that’s before even bothering to look at the useless diagnostic tests being run on scooters and Toyotas to determine their rocket potentiality after the fact that the government mandated they all be forced to install volatile explosive materials closely under the engine by the spark plugs.

  43. Joy

    Johnno, You’re the one who thinks masks caused dementia and cancer!
    You’ve not answered that paper defence as yet. You were caught on Briggs hook…watch out for that. He has done it in the past and will do it again.
    As for rocket science, you miss the point,
    Medicine is not easy. It is complex and requires different skills from ‘rocket science’ anyway, The concepts regarding covid management, whatever your politics, are not difficult. They can be counter intuitive. Same for any field of study.

    Yet pretending it’s easy , so therefore you know with confidence is unthinking and a little toadish.

    Pathology and diagnostics isn’t easy as just simple blood tests or manoeuvres. The concepts outlining the problems at hand are the part that is easy to grasp, yet you still don’t!
    Your argument from incredulity is not enough. Maybe it helps you in some other way.
    but this is off topic to Kyle’s case, Yes?

  44. Johnno

    You’re the one who thinks masks caused dementia and cancer!

    O’Really? Quote me.

    Medicine is not easy. It is complex and requires different skills from ‘rocket science’ anyway, The concepts regarding covid management, whatever your politics, are not difficult. They can be counter intuitive. Same for any field of study.

    Pathology and diagnostics isn’t easy as just simple blood tests or manoeuvres. The concepts outlining the problems at hand are the part that is easy to grasp, yet you still don’t!

    I’m trying to understand what you are getting at here… and all I’m seeing is, “Science is difficult. We don’t know what we are dealing with. We don’t know what we are seeing. We don’t know what we are doing. We don’t even know if anything we are doing is helping at all whatsoever… But F#@& you! Give up your rights and do everything we tell you to do even if we can’t explain it and refuse to answer your questions and punish you for pointing out our open contradictions and transparent attempts to redefine words and radically alter long established working protocols without any justifiable explanation.”

    Your argument from incredulity is not enough. Maybe it helps you in some other way.

    Honey, I don’t need a phd to see a cover-up, especially when they openly announce their methods at press conferences and in the literature blatantly stating that they are classifying all the water as poison and using methodology to declare every essence of hydrogen as a sign of poison, in order to keep us safe from some portion of water that was poisoned as part of a poison-the-water experiment they themselves conducted, repeatedly denied, then later admitted, all while running expensively organized and orchestrated poison-water safety drills for months prior to the discovery of poison in the water that coimcidentay is right near the source of their poison water experiments. Then they began selling us a poison-water cure, whose ingredients are top secret, free from liability, related to failed experiments know to cause certain symptoms, and as it turns out the people taking the medicine start exhibiting the symptoms, which they blame on those who refuse to take the medicine, without any evidence, given the medicine takers are poisoned and the anti-medicates are not, but do test positive for the presence of hydrogen in their bodies, which as recent findings they themselves made known demonstrated that they were lying the entire time and were always aware of their own data, which they repeatedly tried to hide until FOIA and transparemcy requests forced them to alongside the fact that poison-water medicine enthusiast subject nations only saw increasing poison-water symptoms and bad medicine side effects escalate.

    The critics and sceptics and conspiracy analysts were consistent all along, and have made educated predictions that have turned out to be verifiablly true.

    You and your trust-the-gov-and-THE-SCIENCE ™ masked cohorts have been fumbling and bumbling and xontradicting yourselves and seeking excuses for failure amd just yelling “It’s complicated! It’s complicated! Please! Just shut up! Lock yourselves at home! Keep both your masks on! Stay away from each other! Pay your carbon tax! Don’t ask questions! Don’t protest or demonstrate! Don’t eat or drink without a mask! Vote for Boris Macroon Brandon! Just bend over and OBEY! Or else we’ll beat, lock up,and even kill you!”

    NO! Screw you! Screw your experts! And screw your house of convenient complications for damage control. If you find it all too hard and can’t explain your mountains of nonsense, then no-one is obligated to take you seriously, or follow your ‘management.’ Your exerts and bureaucrats and poison peddlers are suspect of reckless endangerment at best and conspiracy crimes against humanity at worst. The sentence for which is death. And you are either a useful idiot or an adherent collaborator of theirs. Time and information and lived experience has taken away any middle ground room for doubt. The minute the concentration camps are operating and the compulsory poison management is in force, all benefit of the doubt is gone. *Poof*

    Time to pick a side, Nancy. The great separation on the field of Armageddon has begun. Which will it be? A stand against suspect government genocide? Or government’s blessings to buy and work at a pretzel stand as a reward for obedient submission?

  45. Joy

    “Quote you?” You were truly duped!
    Attend the post to comment, that way, it will not be off-topic.

    That post alone, spoke volumes…

    “No, you don’t need a phd to see a cover up because you’re paranoid and can’t read the situation. You are unable to say how this all hangs together except to say that they’re all in it together but making too much money!
    China covered up, because they have proved to be dishonest about the lab. Even that does not explain why they covered up. Yet you are obsessed with the James Bond style notion that the entire thing is a plot…including your claims about the British government.,
    That, and your attitude, shows unfailing faith in your enemies, who you also claim are stupid. It show zero faith in the Truth, or the abilities of yours or fellow countrymen to counter without resort to bad argument in all it’s forms.

    *some of which has involved finding it necessary to pretend to think individuals (who you don’t even know about) must also be complicit, to prop up the belief.

    The latter being particularly apparent when comparing US actions with those of other countries with regards to vaccination. However it is also true of the other branches of intervention and action taken. In order to prop up the belief you throw every tom Dick and Harry into the mix without prior knowledge of their character or the facts. This is how it’s obvious that your belief is flawed. There’s nothing like knowing some facts when people are spreading gossip and lies, to get the measure of the situation.

    Clearly, you shouldn’t underestimate your enemies, but when none of the story really hangs together, or, when offered up against reality, holds no water, and you’re claiming the whole world except a special few, like you, can “see the truth”, you’re really up a gum tree, Johnno.

    Unless Briggs objects, absolutely, we ought to discuss that
    “important New Paper” and the usual suspects’ defence of its parody table, at the top.
    would that people would just have the humility to admit they don’t read the posts, very often. Such faith in the leader, who was, I think, having a laugh.
    (Talk about take people seriously)

  46. Johnno

    You were truly duped!

    So you lied and completely made up something I never said and of course can’t back it up. Got it.

    “No, you don’t need a phd to see a cover up because you’re paranoid and can’t read the situation. You are unable to say how this all hangs together except to say that they’re all in it together but making too much money!

    They are mostly in it for population reduction and a social passport control system. Evidenced by their own documented words, lectures, organizational goals and develooment strategies, which all predate the current fiasco.

    China covered up, because they have proved to be dishonest about the lab. Even that does not explain why they covered up. Yet you are obsessed with the James Bond style notion that the entire thing is a plot…including your claims about the British government.,

    The Chunese were being funded for this research by the U.S. NIH and has worked with labs and universities in Canada and others around the world to the tune of millions of dollars and continues to work with them after the oopsie. How convenient of you to leave that out.

    That, and your attitude, shows unfailing faith in your enemies, who you also claim are stupid. It show zero faith in the Truth, or the abilities of yours or fellow countrymen to counter without resort to bad argument in all it’s forms.

    My fellow countrymen and all the king’s horses and men believe that men can magically turn into women. That’s plenty of good argument to prove their sheer malicious incompetence. They deserve no trust, nor respect. Only suspicion and investigation.

    *some of which has involved finding it necessary to pretend to think individuals (who you don’t even know about) must also be complicit, to prop up the belief.

    But apparently Ms. Joy knows every one of them intimately and personally that she can claim otherwise? This cuts both ways idiot. I judge them having seen what they do and bith their silence and cowardice in the face on blatant contradiction, and the threat of termination of ther livlihoods hanging over them. I believe the men and women whistleblowers who took the risk. Joy believes the revolving door of personalities who cut off the microphones and zoom feeds when confronted and who only read from state approved scripts.

    The latter being particularly apparent when comparing US actions with those of other countries with regards to vaccination. However it is also true of the other branches of intervention and action taken. In order to prop up the belief you throw every tom Dick and Harry into the mix without prior knowledge of their character or the facts. This is how it’s obvious that your belief is flawed. There’s nothing like knowing some facts when people are spreading gossip and lies, to get the measure of the situation.

    Again, we see the classic fallacy of cukt believers like Joy in action – taking the ideals of ‘the benefit of the doubt’ and ‘the presumption of innocence’ and sttttrrreeeeccctttccchhhiiinnngggg them out far past the breaking point. Notice that Joy cannot counteract any of my claims. She is wholly reliant on Abraham’s plea, that if only one guy amongst the city of bureaucrats, experts and medical staff be found innocent, then please don’t destroy it! Pretty please?! Except Joy doesn’t even want any angels to investigate it nor separate out the good or the excusable from the bad. No, Joy has turned salty long before even investigating the facts. She has only presumption and blind faith in THE SCIENCE ™. You’ll find some good people there so make sure to wear a flower in your hair. It’s the happy hippy way of life right up to the concentration camps. Surely thr guards mean well and you shoukd show a little faith in your fellow watchmen. It’s for your own good! They love and care about you!

    Clearly, you shouldn’t underestimate your enemies, but when none of the story really hangs together, or, when offered up against reality, holds no water, and you’re claiming the whole world except a special few, like you, can “see the truth”, you’re really up a gum tree, Johnno.

    Oh, it’s not may narrative falling apart with every vexxine injury. I’d rather be up a gum tree than having my rights violated for unestablishable safety. If you belueve them so much, then please book a room for yourself now at the Quarantine Hilton. I’m sure there will even be a mint on the bed.

    Unless Briggs objects, absolutely, we ought to discuss that
    “important New Paper” and the usual suspects’ defence of its parody table, at the top.

    You are very confused, dear. This is the Kyle Rittenhouse discussion, which you have veered off topic over.

    A bleaker take on what could happen next.

    Compared with Joy’s fervent belief in the competence of modern medical staff…

    Nurses, Hospital Officials: Treatment Of Kids Injured In Waukesha Car Attack Being Hampered By Vaccine Mandate

    I also recommend this old video for insight into how well Joy’s fellow men are so good at things scientific. Nothing has changed since!

  47. Joy

    Johnno. That’s how I take your responses.
    (did you read the paper?)
    I said,
    “You’re the one who thinks masks caused dementia and cancer!”
    Could have equally said ‘one of the ones”
    I do interpret that from the defence you made of the list of negative pathophysiological impacts of masks. It was comic, in both senses
    Taking the “you can’t quote me” line. Is missing what the paper was actually like.
    So you did not “say” that you thought it was true. You did everything short of that, by adding weight behind it and defending elements on the pseudo medical list. That list had no bearing on anything else. It was pinned at the top for no apparent reason

  48. Joy

    The rest of the response you give, Johnno, I did not read.
    It’s Friday, If you said the moon is made of cheese, or I’m a welshman, it will have to stay undefended.
    Going home to Essex, for a while It’s the only way.

  49. Johnno

    Could have equally said ‘one of the ones”

    But you didn’t say that. And I never once said anything of the sort. You lied. Twice. You failed. That’s it.

    So you did not “say” that you thought it was true. You did everything short of that, by adding weight behind it and defending elements on the pseudo medical list. That list had no bearing on anything else.

    What list? Where? There is no list or anything to do with masks in this Kyle Rittenhouse tread. Do you mean elsewhere at sime other time? Did you confuse me with someone else? Where did I do anything short of anything? I have certainly never said anything about masks giving you cancer. How does that even work? I am now very interested in this fascinating source you claim, please provide it. Are you confusing masks with the genetic vexxines, mRNA shots originally developed to fight cancer, but instead could replicate cancer adversely? Stop and think before you reply. Back up your accusation: “You’re the one who thinks masks caused dementia and cancer!”

    The rest of the response you give, Johnno, I did not read.

    Oh, okay, riiighttt… just like all the brave politicians and experts you idolize then, who can’t provide answers to their contradictions and cock-ups when confronted, but to whom we must give up our freedom, lives and livlihoods. That it all closely represents the model of Austwich is purely coincidental.

    While you’re there licking your wounds over in Essex, make certain you keep pulling your mask on and off between each lick. It’s for yours and everyone’s safety. The data is complicated. Unknown if yhis even helps. But do it anyway… think of England.

  50. Dennis

    Just as “misinformation” is just any information that contradicts the Regime Narrative, “white supremacist” is now just the go-to slander for anyone who opposes the Regime in any respect or acts in any way in in which the Regime disapproves, and had nothing to do with the actual beliefs or intentions of those so labelled.

    I had to laugh at this caption to the picture for a couple reasons (don’t know if zerohedge wrote it or just took it from some general media pic service): “A protester with a sign is seen outside of the Hall of Justice during the Reject the Verdict rally on November 20, 2021 in Louisville, Kentucky. Demonstrators from Black Lives Matter Louisville and Louisville ‘Showing Up for Racial Justice’ held the rally to refute the recent acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse…”

    Why am I laughing?:
    1. I’m in Louisville and never heard of this “rally.” A quick check indicates there were about 50 people there. Basically just the city’s usual media-whore left-wing activist suspects making noise – hardly some huge event that galvanized the masses, as people reading the article and looking at the picture alone are being conditioned to think by the media. People as close as two blocks away probably had no idea this “rally” was going on.

    2. The language of the caption demonstrates the basic illiteracy of the media. To “refute” means to PROVE something wrong or false. These people are expressing disagreement with, and disapproval of, a particular jury verdict (which, n.b., has nothing to do with them, their city, their families, or racism); they are “refuting” nothing.

  51. Johnno

    Dennis, I suspect all this Rittenhouse and other brouhaha is all to distract us from the very underreported and quiet trial of the century we should really be paying attention to – Ghislane Maxwell!

    We may either see justice that will grind the entire world to a halt, or an actual example of elite privilege and supremacy!

  52. Dennis

    I’m increasingly skeptical anything meaningful will come from the Maxwell trial. If she or Epstein ever had the kind of video and other evidence they were alleged to have had against high power people, he’d have used it to avoid arrest, or perhaps it’s already been intercepted and destroyed, or at least nullified, by the Regime, and certainly won’t be released publicly in a trial (even assuming the trial is legit – Epstein and Maxwell were both Likely Mossad and/or CIA as well, so perhaps even her trial is part of an op).

  53. Johnno

    Oh it is most certainly an intelligence blackmail ring. It would explain a lot about our world today, particularly why many certain outlets ate so desperate to lower the age of consent. Make no mistake that there are two sides or more running the world and they are not all in lockstep with each other. I’m guessing many certain conservatived who did 180s on covid amd lockdowns recently were given an incentive. It is likely impossible that anyone in charge of anything anywhere is clean. Competency is not what counts. Control is! There is likely some logic behind all that diversity hiring.

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