How We’ll Know If The Vax Is Killing Kids — Coronavirus Update CV

How We’ll Know If The Vax Is Killing Kids —  Coronavirus Update CV


Here is a thread of young men, mostly athletes, who have recently dropped dead from heart attacks and the like (clots, etc.).

Many such cases. Many such threads.

But how many more are to come? How will we be able to tell how much harm the vax is doing? We can look to VAERS, or Open VAERS, and that’s a help. But given the inconsistency in reporting, to include self-censorship by confident Expert doctors, we need something else.

One thing that can’t be juiced, not easily, is total all-cause deaths by age. And also the deaths by heart disease. But we have to be careful with specific causes, because if, say, the vax killed a kid with a clot, the temptation to put the death down to coronadoom and not heart disease.

Here’s what I mean, in two pictures I’ve been trying, I think without success, to explain.

That’s the all-cause death for age groups under 24. A curious dip in 15-24 in January 2020, when it should have been high from flu and other deaths—recall deaths for all groups always peaks in January in the northern hemisphere.

But largely flat lines, except maybe a slight improvement in infants.

Got it? It means for almost two years people 24 and under are dying at expected, i.e. historical rates. Nothing to see here. All is usual.

Just as expected.

Got it?

Now look at this:

This is attributed covid deaths. Suddenly, and supposedly, we see the coronadoom is killing more and more and more 15-24 year olds.

If that is so—accept it—then why aren’t these counts showing in the all-cause deaths?

If that is so—accept it—it means these young ‘uns must be dying much less of other things so that the missing dead bodies due to other causes are made up for in coroandoom deaths.

What is happening?

All right, now look at the all causes by cause in time:

We see the five attribution peaks of covid in puke green (one very small in spring 2021). But in light green and teal we see heart disease and cancer. The drop off at the end of late counts. This is a big problem. It means we’ll have to wait about two months to get solid information. Likely more, since the vax rollout for the young is only now gearing up to panic levels.

Now official attributed covid deaths are declining:

All right, so how can we use all this to tell how many the vax is killing?

We can’t, directly, because nobody is interested in publishing deaths with vax status (golly). But we can look for increases in all cause deaths in the young, increases in heart disease in the presence of decreasing covid deaths. All those would require explanations of why it wasn’t the vax.

The vax (some of them, I mean) is killing people, though exact numbers are hard to come by.

WSJ headline: Covid-19 Vaccines and Myocarditis Link Probed by Researchers: “One new theory under examination: improper injections of the vaccine directly into a vein, which sends the vaccine to heart muscle.” “…most commonly in men under 30 years and adolescent males.”

Yet there may be similarities between the spike protein and proteins found in the heart muscle, prompting the body’s immune defenses to mobilize against the heart, according to Biykem Bozkurt, a professor of medicine specializing in cardiology at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.

Golly. Now where have we heard this before. Meanwhile the government’s evil mandate that you must be vaxxed or be fired and starve to death continues.

This is the official European Parliament site, in which they say:

whereas the EMA states that around 5 000 people have died in the EU as a result of taking the COVID-19 vaccines:

  • 4 198 due to the Pfizer vaccine[2],
  • 1 053 due to the AstraZeneca vaccine,
  • 392 due to the Moderna vaccine,
  • 138 due to the Janssen vaccine;

This isn’t normalized by number of jabs, and there is no age breakdown. And it was the end of September.

Anyway, these numbers are more than large enough to be concerned.


Wells is, I believe, the former head of some similar UK group.

Gist is ONS concluded unvaxxed much more likely to die than vaxxed by using a biased sample, choosing data from beginning of pandemic for unvaxxed and summer (always low deaths) for vaxxed.

That kind of time series trick, incidentally, is used all the time in global warming. In the old days you and I dissected many examples.

We saw that the USA’s CDC did something similar last week, concluding vax immunity better than acquired, using hospitalizations, forgetting the acquired group wouldn’t be in hospital. Sloppy or cheating?


Your rulers lied to you. Openly, brazenly, and repeatedly.

But the lies are in a direction you like. So you excuse them. You trust them because they lied.

You are a fool.


Why would you trust these people, who are willing to lie about biology?


Here’s the headline, “Plans to reimpose quarantine and testing for those who have refused third vaccine are currently being drawn up by Ministers to protect UK against spread of new coronavirus variants”.

That the persons previously known as Fully Vaxxed, now Unvaxxed, are responsible for spreading those variants is not mentioned.

Vaxxed people spread the bug more easily because they don’t know they are infected as early as those unvaxxed. This allows mutations to develop more easily.

I haven’t counted, but since this is update 100-something, we must have said at least half as many times that vaccines did not cure flu, a disease that transmits itself in a similar way to coronadoom, and thus there was never any reason to suppose that vaxxines would eliminate coronadoom.

Yet here we are. People already being fired for not taking a medicine governments dictate. Not just here in the United Soviet of America, but in many places.

They say you have the freedom not to take the dictated medicine, but you must suffer the consequences of not being allowed to go out or to work, thus no money, and thus no food or shelter.

So the Expert plan is to starve people into submission. Not so much into taking the dictated medicine, but in acknowledging the genius of Expert solutions.

Which, as all evidence, before and still, shows is no solution at all.

Experts, however, are unable to admit error. By this mark ye shall know them.

Be careful about who is an Expert! It is not just a person with credentials and training. It is that plus an allegiance to rulers. People like Neil Ferguson who, as far as we can tell, has never been right about anything, is an Expert. As I always say, you cannot be fired for being wrong in the right direction. People like Robert Malone, co-inventor of the mRNA gene therapy medicines governments are dictating, is not an Expert. Malone is always on the edge of being canceled.

Many, and as far as we can tell, even the majority of knowledgeable trained in the relevant fields (medicine, etc.), are not Experts.

So, since the vax isn’t going to work, and will cause great harm, and Experts will never admit this, what will happen?


Many lawsuits are in progress (example) against the government dictate of forced medication. All expect this will end with a SCOTUS ruling.

It’s amusing in discussions of this how this will play out revolve only around Roberts, Barrett, and Kavanaugh, and in some cases Gorsuch. Which of these will cuck? Which simp? Which will screw us?

It’s amusing because of the names absent from this list. Two we already know will stand strong, and three we already know will agree with whatever the oligarchs demand.

You have to laugh.


Dictators behind Biden dictate you must take this state-sponsored drug. Or die of starvation.

     Dictator > Courts (1)

Equation (1) is one of the simplest true math equations in politics.

No one is coming to save you.


Cult of the vax, too.

Listen to WHO and eschew useless masks:

If you’re a lefty, you’ll enjoy these comments from a lefty politician on the usefulness of masks.


We’re hearing much about new pills from Merck and Pfizer with efficacies against death and serious illness in the high 90s.

Just like I openly predicted when the Pfizer vax stats were first released in December 2020, these numbers will certainly shrink once the pills get out into the wild and the pharmaceuticals no longer control the data.

Look for real-life numbers to fall quickly to 50%, then 40%, then lower.

Anybody want to bet against me?


As predicted, deaths creep back up in the north as people go back inside, and decrease in the south for vice versa. Get ready for this.

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  1. Rudolph Harrier

    It’s going to be rough for the people who though it was two jabs and done. Especially for those that had a bad reaction to the vexxine. (I’ve heard from many people who were put out of commission for a week after the jab and were told that this was a “minor, expected reaction that shows it’s working.”) They had thought that they did their sacrifice, and now they are safe (both in terms of the disease and in terms of keeping their jobs.) It’s going to be a big shock for them to learn that they are never getting out, no matter how many times they get jabbed.

    However, that doesn’t mean that they’ll change their minds on the vexxine and on mandates. Sure, they’ll ask for a medical exemption first and will be shocked when all their friends turn on them in the same way that they themselves attacked the “unvaccinated.” But their self image is too wrapped up in not being a “filthy antivaxxer” for them to flat out resist the mandates. Many of them would literally rather a repeat of severe reactions, possibly even leading to death, rather than be called unvaccinated. And once you’ve convinced yourself that it’s a good idea to take one booster, it’s a really, really hard thing to do to convince yourself that the second or third or fourth might be a step too far.

  2. RT

    People getting flu shots were told the shots wouldn’t cover all the variants, but would lessen the effects of some. Correct? When others died from the various flu strains during the twelve months before the next shots were developed, these same people were not told to mask up and get booster shots every few months. But, then again, flu shots aren’t free or paid for by taxpayers, or free from liabilities, or ….

  3. Sheri

    RT: I think that last line explains it all.
    Sort of on topic of “all deaths”:
    I don’t know how accurate this is, since the same was said about Covid and turned out to be all lies.

    Okay, back to the “how many young men drop dead from heart attacks and clots before the vaccine”? I personally knew of one and my circle of acquaintances and friends would barely fill a thimble. It’s either a really huge coincidence, or it’s pretty common. Science says the latter. The Science probably agrees. However, pretending this does not exist when discussing vaccines is scientifically dishonest.

    “Just as expected.” based on models, trend-lines and predictions. I’m checking with my psychic, just in case. Cover all bases.

    My pharmacist tried the “trust me and your doctor” line yesterday. He just dropped to my dimwit status. Maybe because I’ve read drug company guidelines and the doctor ignores them. Or maybe because I’ve been around too many doctors and pharmacists. Just honestly say “Do this as a CYA for me and I admit it has no validity” and I’ll go along. Yes, one doctor actually did that and I did my A1c as asked FOR HIM, not for science or myself. Honesty–try it sometime.

    There are many jobs for the unvaccinated. Just not ones they want.

    SCOTUS will screw us over. If anyone ever says vote Republican due to supreme court vacancy fillings, that damn Trump had three and we are totally screwed by all three.

    Again, why are we looking for the origin of the virus and not of the ones that created the stupidity and ignorance and laziness that this turn into dictatorships? That is the important part. Why is no one even slightly interested?

  4. RT

    A friend’s husband has cardiovascular disease “yet to be determined what” and experiences intermittent headaches and memory loss since first vaccinated with Pfizer. It was attributed to aging-in-place and not the proximity to the dates of the two injections. He was considered “fully vaccinated” and is currently encouraged to take boosters. He is not permitted to handle finances or drive. His wife is now his caregiver who constantly monitors his actions or inactions while also caring for her elderly mother. He was previously a diabetic controlled by diet. Now who knows?

  5. brad tittle

    With the flu, they were playing the pick 3 variants from many many and make a vaccine. With this bastard they seem to be play the “we have a protein that seems to mimick a protein created by the virus, let keep jabbing it over and over again”.

    Maybe the pieces of virus in those flu variants are just proteins in a different form.

    I have to return to my local mortuary. The deaths they are processing are double normal. The COVID deaths are clearly stamped COVID. They are not the majority of the increase. I must be counted as among the lazy. I have not called all of the mortuaries in my state to ask about business.

  6. David Beckham

    @Sheri, “pretending that this does not exist when discussing vaccines is scientifically dishonest”.
    I don’t think that’s what he’s saying. The point is that while such things exist (perhaps more common that we thought), now they seem to be everywhere. It’s like adverse reactions to vexxines, any of them. I know they exist, but now you can’t walk around without hearing about it. Personally, I don’t know anyone who ever got adverse reactions from vaccines before this whole fiasco. Yet pretty much anyone I know who got this “vaccine” has some sort of adverse reaction. Allegations like ‘vexxines caused autism’ were just straight up insane to me pre-c0v1d. But now I can see the logic behind the accusations regardless of the truths of them.

  7. Johnno

    Whattayaguys worried about???

    Heart attacks in children are TOTALLY normal!

    You just think it’s up because nutty anti-vexxers are making you pay attention!

    Well that’s nothing a marketing campaign can’t solve!

    Children’s heart attacks – a part of life!

    CDC Director Refuses To Tell Senators How Many CDC Employees Are Fully-Vaxx’d

    NYC Firetruck Availability Down To 55%, Manpower Shortages Due To Vaccine Mandate: NY Firefighters

    Pfizer Shares Surge After Release Of ‘Miracle’ COVID Pill That Is 89% Effective At Preventing Hospitalization

  8. Rudolph Harrier

    The sad thing is you could outright say “this vaccine increases your chance of myopericarditis by about 40 fold in order to reduce your COVID risk from practically nothing to practically nothing” and most people would not see an issue in that tradeoff. That is, it’s not even that they don’t believe that there can be no side effects to the jabs. It’s that even when they do see side effects they see that as acceptable losses, as long as it might prevent one COVID case.

    There is no disease but COVID and Fauci is its prophet.

  9. Joey Zamboni

    How come no one is filing complaints with OSHA for the *grave danger* of being exposed to toxic levels of CO2 because of forced mask wearing…?

    It should be pretty easy for some science minded attorney to prove mask wearing forces one to breath in excess CO2 & potentially toxic bacteria as well…

    I believe some parents (in FL?) sent their kids masks to a lab & were horrified at what was found on them…

    Another study found kids breathing in several times the allowed amount of CO2 in a short period of time…

    If CO2 is toxic for the environment (according to the left) why is it not toxic for us to breathe in excessively…?

  10. Dennis

    “Cult of the Mask” resurgence: After having disappeared for months, local post office had a “You must wear a mask to enter,” sign up again yesterday. On the other hand, only about 20% compliance among customers I saw. The mask really is like some new religious totem to these people. No matter the evidence, even after 21 months of lies and BS, they can’t think of any better response to a handful of “cases” than just “mask harder next time, that’ll do the trick.”

    As for SCOTUS, my bet is: Roberts cucks. Gorsuch and Kavanaugh side with Alito and Thomas. Barrett – I just don’t know, which is not good. I don’t trust her so far.

  11. vince

    Remember when we noticed there was no correleation
    between covid deaths and excess deaths on a week by
    week basis. By July/August 2020 the CDC STOPPED issuing the
    week by week data. Since there is no correlation between deaths
    and positive test resultsm there can’t be causation–their game was
    over. Of course, that didn’t stop them from using combined monthy
    data, etc. to keep their scam alive for the lapdog media. That fat lady
    has sung. She has left the building. How do yo spell nonsense?

  12. C.R.Dickson

    Here is a contractor who has to worry about OSHA and air quality in the workplace. He has to measure it for safety. He puts a mask to the the test and it fails. Think of all the children….

  13. Ann Cherry

    Rats, not again. More vax madness, this time our Dear Leaders presume that everyone under age 60 is an IV drug user. Big Pharma and their stockholders must be rubbing their hands together with glee. One wonders what little nano-goodies they’ll slip into the serum this time:

    “NEW YORK (AP) — A government advisory committee on Wednesday recommended that all U.S. adults younger than 60 be vaccinated against hepatitis B, because progress against the liver-damaging disease has stalled.

    “The virus is spread through contact with blood or other bodily fluids and many recent cases have been linked to the opioid epidemic.

  14. Dennis

    “NEW YORK (AP) — A government advisory committee on Wednesday recommended that all U.S. adults younger than 60 be vaccinated against hepatitis B, because progress against the liver-damaging disease has stalled.”

    We’ve known all along they won’t stop at Covid if this mandate and “vax pass” insanity is allowed to stand. Covid will be just one marker on your Big Brother Health Surveillance Life Passport in order to be allowed to live, work, eat, travel, etc.

  15. RT

    Rudolph Harrier

    Appreciate your comment, including the end: “It’s that even when they do see side effects they see that as acceptable losses, as long as it might prevent one COVID case.” And a case doesn’t need to be symptomatic to count….

  16. DEEBEE

    Sloppy or cheating?

    From the people who are comfortable publishing papers that proclaim (amplified by CNN) that Covid vaccines reduce non-Covid associated deaths too. They of course had a mealy mouthed confounding factor of “health conditions” in the paper, covering all bases.

    To me the choice is obvious

  17. philemon

    How We’ll Know If The Vax Is Killing Kids?

    We’ll know when parents get upset.

    Well, those who haven’t taken lucrative insurance policies out on their own kids.

    Yes, there are mothers who are neurotic hypochondriacs, but most mothers don’t want their children to die. For the F of the S is more D than the M.

    Take a look at Martin Walsh. What are his odds against outraged mothers?

  18. Aaron Glover

    Honestly, I think there’s something in the water.
    Or, in other’s vax lots.
    Up North, things are peachy.

    “Findings indicate prolonged two-dose protection and support the use of mixed schedules and longer intervals between doses, with global health, equity and access implications in the context of recent third-dose proposals.”

    The declaration of interests section is curious enough.
    (that pfizer company keeps rearing it’s ugly head…state media suggest we’re closing in on approval for that sought after age group 5 – 11 with a proffering by pfizer. Un-capitalized out of disrespect for purported remarks by said company’s ceo)

  19. Johnno

    Link round-up. All the insanity needs to be collected, analysed and documented to be appreciated in its scope!

    Parents Increasingly Worried About Being Forced To Vaccinate Young Children As Biden Tightens Mandates

    Florida Court Reinstates Governor’s Ban On Masking Mandates In Schools

    Unvaccinated Troops Now Threatened With Losing All Their Veterans Benefits

    “Health Should Not Be Political”: Packers’ Aaron Rodgers Deflects Hysteria About Being Unvaccinated In Lengthy Interview

    “People Don’t Know The Special Fund Exists” – Feds Pay Zero Claims For COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries/Deaths

    Texas, Florida Governors Pitch Shippers To Send Containers To Their Ports Amid California’s Logjams

    COVID-19 Spreads To 31 Provinces In China, Residents Panic-Shopping, Communities Locked-Down

    Study Reveals ‘Dramatic’ Decline In All Three COVID-19 Vaccines’ Efficacy Over Time

    Global Elite “Fear A Rebellion Is Brewing”, Says CEO Of Large Doomsday-Bunker Builder

    Austria Moves Closer To Imposing Lockdown On The Unvaccinated

    Bill Gates: “Germ Games” Needed To Prepare For Bioterrorist Attacks

    Surgeon General: Biden Admin ‘Prepared To Defend’ OSHA Vaccine Mandate After Court Ruling

    Courageous LA County Sheriff Tells The Truth About COVID Vax Mandates

    Hundreds Of Thousands To Go On Four-Day Nationwide Strike Over Vaccine Mandates

    For Moderna, Inventing The Jab Was The Easy Part…

    At Least 50 Shot & 10 Killed In Chicago As Police Stalemate Over City Vax Mandate Drags On

    So Now Most Truck Drivers Will Be Exempt From Vaccine Mandates

    White House Pushes Schools To Vaccinate 28 Million 5-11 Year-Old Students. Should They?

    Internal Report: More Than Half Of Border Patrol Agents May Be Fired For Being Unvaccinated

    White House Won’t Rule Out Mandating Vaccine For Domestic Air Travel

  20. Dennis

    The very worst punishments and pain imaginable in this life and the next will be too mild for those who have wrought such evils upon the world in the name of Covid.

    The greatest collective crime against humanity ever perpetrated. A thousand Nurembergs won’t be enough to punish them all.

  21. Ann Cherry

    Here is a companion piece to Philemon’s post about poor Mike Granata, RIP:

    “41-yr old former FL congressional candidate, Richard Rowe, tells anti-vaxxers “I don’t give a s**t what happens to you”, and is dead seven weeks after second Pfizer mRNA injection”

    Probably beside the point, but in his photos, he looks like he has a lobotomy scar. It strains me to avoid gloating over the deaths of people like this.

    Meanwhile, some 284 intelligent people quit their well-paying jobs at Los Alamos Nat’l Labs, over the vexxine mandate. This tempers my pity for the likes of Richard Rowe, but may God have mercy on his soul.

    It should be noted that Mr. Rowe got his jabs AFTER having had Covid. We never see the statistics on what percentage of people who’ve died from the Vexxine, had already had symptomatic Covid. It’s doubtful whether the CDC is bothering to keep track of this seemingly important statistic, but if Briggs or anyone else has found something in this regard, please let us know.

  22. Dennis

    Minos to Richard Rowe, as the latter disembarks from Charon’s ferry across Acheron, and Minos prepares to coil his tail: “Karma’s a bitch, Dick!”

  23. Dennis

    Here’s how our local News is fanning paranoia over an alleged “spike” in “cases” that’s putting us in the “Red Zone”: Headline: “COVID-19 cases increase two weeks before Thanksgiving”:
    “Metro Louisville is back in the “red zone” when it comes to COVID cases and transmission.
    Louisville health officials said the recent spike in new cases is most likely because of fall break and Halloween activities.
    Hospitalizations and deaths are still on the decline in the Louisville area.
    The quick rise in cases comes two weeks before Thanksgiving. Holiday gatherings were almost non-existent during 2020.
    A lot has changed in the past year, including vaccines and the booster shots. On Thanksgiving of 2020, Jefferson County reported about 3,400 cases of COVID-19.
    Right now, cases are half that at 1,700. That number is still too high for comfort though.
    ‘We’re still in a pandemic, people are still dying,’ Dr. Beverly Gaines said.
    Health officials are reminding people that cases could still spike because of holiday gatherings. They recommend getting tested the week of Thanksgiving, limiting travel, and following basic health and safety guidelines.
    ‘I would keep the gatherings small, and if I’m vaccinated, I would invite other people who are vaccinated into my home,’ Gaines said.”
    Abe Lumpe said vaccination is the key to his family gathering.
    ‘I think everybody in my family has been vaccinated and I feel comfortable gathering together,’ Lumpe said.”

    Half the “cases” of last year at the same time, declining deaths and hospitalizations, but they invent some alleged “cause” for a “spike” which they relate to children’s activities, and their alleged Expert Doctor spouts nonsense like ‘We’re still in a pandemic, people are still dying,’ (Does she think the “pandemic” is not over until no one dies again ever? Good luck.) and, “If I’m vaccinated, I would invite other people who are vaccinated into my home,’ (Imagine being an actual doctor and thinking, and saying publicly, at this point that the vaccines actually prevent either infection or transmission such that it’s somehow dangerous to be around people who aren’t jabbed with these experimental concoctions. The mind reels.)

    Red Zone. What a sick joke. This is what passes for quality news coverage in this country.

  24. Johnno


    The cause of death has not been determined and will be investigated by the BC Coroners Service.

    Keep an eye on it and get back to us with an update, yes? Though considering that story was from a week ago, surely there is a relevant update now, right? Well, we can certainly rule out the vexxine for this one!

    Now for more! MORE!

    Michael Granata: 56-year-old California man dead 10 weeks after Moderna mRNA injection, warns others “don’t do it unless you want to suffer and die”

    Mr. Michael Granata received his first Moderna mRNA injection on August 17. He did not want to get the shot “for fear that [I] might die.” But his doctor continually insisted that the mRNA injections were in Mr. Granata’s best interest. So he “gave into the pressure” and almost instantly regretted it.

    Mr. Granata started feeling sick just three days later. General malaise morphed into multisystem inflammatory syndrome for adults (MIS-A) and multisystem organ failure. Mainstream media and the pharmaceutical industry say that MIS-A only results from COVID-19. They also push the fallacious idea that only Black and Latino kids get MIS-C, with the “C” being the children’s version of this syndrome.

    Mr. Granata said all of his muscles completely disintegrated within weeks of the injection. That means he was paralyzed and his heart wouldn’t beat on its own. It’s best to let Mr. Granata’s own words describe his last weeks of life.

    “I was in ICU for several weeks and stabbed with needles up to 24 times a day for those several weeks, while also receiving 6 or 7 IVs at the same time (continuously). It was constant torture that I cannot describe. I was no longer treated as a human with feelings and a life.

    I was nothing more than a covid vaccine human guinea pig and the doctors excited to participate in my fascinating progression unto death. I wished I would have never gotten vaccinated. If you are not vaccinated, don’t do it unless you are ready to suffer and die.”

    For Whom Do The COVID “Fact-Checkers” Really Work?

    Scottish Nightclubs Bypass Vaccine Passport Mandate By Placing Chairs On Dance Floor

    Media Outlets Report Fake News That UK COVID Hospitalizations Are 14 Times Higher Than Last Year

    COVID Boosters Likely To Be Annual “For The Foreseeable Future”: Aussie Pharmacists Guild

    Australian Nurse Charged After Pretending To Administer Vaccine

    Aussie Health Chief Says People Who Don’t Get Vaccinated Will Be “Miserable” And “Lonely” For Life

    “Oh, they’re crazy not to get vaccinated, life will be miserable without getting vaccinated,” said Dr. Chris Perry.

    “You won’t be able to hide, you won’t be able to get a doctor to sign off that you got an exclusion because there’s quite set rules on that and doctors will be audited, every one of their exclusions will be looked at very carefully,” he added, before threatening doctors with fines and termination.

    Perry also threatened people who falsely obtain a vaccine exemption that they will also be hit with fraud charges if they “try and get round the system.”

    “It’s going to be very hard to maintain your employment if you’re not vaccinated and you won’t be able to go anywhere for any entertainment,” he said.

    Perry concluded by saying that those who don’t get double jabbed will have “a very, very lonely life” and wouldn’t be able to maintain a job.

    Now tell me again how the vaccine isn’t mandatory?

    During subsequent comments, Perry blamed “conspiracy theorists” for making people hesitant to take the vaccine.

    Singapore Cancels Free Healthcare For Those “Unvaccinated By Choice”

    With 7.4 Billion COVID Shots In Arms, Bill Gates Admits The Quiet Part Out Loud

    The world’s most influential “public health” advocate has come to seemingly doubt the technology behind mRNA injections, following their deployment into more than 7.34 billion arms worldwide.

    A little-noticed interview from last week with a U.K. think tank saw Microsoft founder Bill Gates make some incredible statements about his most prized “solution” to the pandemic.

    “We didn’t have vaccines that block transmission,” said Gates, contradicting previous interviews in which he claimed the shots significantly block transmission.

    “We got vaccines that help you with your health, but they only slightly reduce the transmission,” he added.

    [The vast majority of the interview involves Gates demanding totalitarian solutions to bad weather, which he refers to as climate change. The part about the COVID shots comes at minute 27.]

    Gates is correct about the fact that the shots aren’t blocking transmission. With record COVID numbers coming out of Europe, it’s become obvious that the mRNA shots are doing little, if nothing at all, to stop transmission. Moreover, the impact these shots have in preventing a positive COVID test appear to expire after 6-9 months.

    Gates wasn’t done.

    He added a pretty shocking statement to top it off:

    “We need a new way of doing the vaccines.”

    Just like that, Gates appears to be wiping his hands clean of his involvement in the worldwide mRNA experiment.

    10 States Sue Biden Over COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate For Healthcare Workers

    Taiwan Halts 2nd Dose Of Pfizer Jabs For 12-17 Year Olds

    Florida May Withdraw From OSHA Oversight Over Vax Mandate

    Supercut: Media Goes To War With Aaron Rodgers For Defying COVID Groupthink

    When Will The CDC Correct Its COVID Death-Counts, As Italy Just Did?

  25. Ann Cherry

    Swordfish, when we google “What did Mak Parhar die from” we get no answer, even though he died some time ago. I think we can be sure that IF he had died “with Covid”, the biased Canadian media would have said so, what with instant Covid tests and all.

    We also notice in that biased Canadian article you linked, they refer to Ivermectin only as a “horse de-wormer”, although its efficacy as an anti-viral and anti parasitic that has saved (likely) hundreds of thousands, if not millions of HUMAN lives, mainly in tropical regions, earned its developer a Nobel Prize.

    Similarly, Hydroxychloroquine has saved millions of humans from dying of malaria and other diseases both viral and parasitic, and my doctor insisted I take it as a preventative when I went to Calcutta (now Kolkata) in 2011.

    I recently heard that in the southwestern U.S., the states of Utah, Arizona, Oklahoma, and Texas, are all experiencing extremely low death rates from Covid, while New Mexico and Colorado have experienced increased death rates.

    It can’t be coincidental, that those states with low death rates encourage EARLY treatment (and it needs to be early) with Ivermectin, Hydroxy, and monoclonal antibodies, while New Mexico and Colorado virtually outlaw these treatments, preferring to wait until people get really sick and put them in hospital and on ventilators. Indeed, the Democrat Governor of Colorado recently announced that Colorado hospitals can deny treatment (for anything) if the person seeking treatment hasn’t been vexxinated.

    One couldn’t be faulted for thinking that these states’ leaders actually want their residents to die. It’s downright horrific.

  26. Johnno

    Something tells me it’s not the profits that Moderna is worried about…

    For everything Russia gets right, it also gets much so very wrong…

    Air Canada Union resists the vexx

    Vexxine and unvexxined tracking devices. Enjoy your stay!

    Good news everybody! Scientists have proudly announced that they are working on a new smallpox! What a great day for the advancement of THE SCIENCE ™! Oh what our smart men and women get up to with our funding!

    The new normal inconvenience of once-convenient public washrooms.

    Eric Clapton interview on his experience with the vexx.

    Australian government seizes your private medical information… because covid!

    Moroccans ain’t taking this vexxine passport.

    Uh oh! Germany/France limiting Moderna vexxes!

    Uh oh! Regulator Reviewing Reports Of “Rare” And Serious Condition Linked To Moderna Vaccine

    The Frankfurter of Rome continuing his anti-popeness.

    Non-covid Excess Deaths soaring in the UK… whatever could it be…??? Experts are puzzled!

    Vexxined more stunning and brave and masculine than those who fought in world wars!

  27. Johnno




    Pfizer “Secretly” Added Heart Attack Drug Tromethamine (Tris) to Children’s COVID Vaccines … But Why?

    Goodbye Premier Dan Andrews. The Melbourne Rebellion Has Begun.

    The curious case of the missing Newsom

    Top NIH Scientist Opposes Vaccine Mandate, Will Host Live Ethics Debate Next Month

    Feds Seek To Block Promotion Of Nasal Spray Against COVID-19

    I keep telling you that Antifa is a state-run outfit posing as a grassroots movement.

    German Newspaper Highlights “Unusually Large” Number Of Soccer Players Who Have Collapsed Recently

    French Health Authority Warns Men Under 30 To Avoid Moderna Jab

    The left still can’t meme…


    ‘Murica is just tryin’ ta help.

    Germany Latest EU Government To Warn Young Adults, Pregnant Women Not To Get Moderna Jab

    Guv’ment is very very uoset at these celebrities for not towing the line…

    UK Vaccine Mandate May Force 123,000 Out Of Health Care Sector

    Based Bolsonaro!

  28. swordfishtrombone


    The cause of death has not been determined and will be investigated by the BC Coroners Service.

    It’s also not been determined whether the death cited by Ann Cherry was caused by the COVID-19 vaccine, so your response applies more accurately to your own position.

  29. swordfishtrombone

    Ann Cherry,

    Swordfish, when we google “What did Mak Parhar die from” we get no answer, even though he died some time ago. I think we can be sure that IF he had died “with Covid”, the biased Canadian media would have said so, what with instant Covid tests and all.

    This applies far more so to your own claim in which someone died from some cause at some point after being vaccinated. Where is your evidence that the death was actually caused by the vaccine? You have nothing. Regarding the media, Parhar isn’t exactly a celebrity, and you’re making an argument from silence, which is a very weak argument – there are no extra-biblical reports of Jesus’s resurrection, but I doubt you’d accept that as evidence *against* the resurrection.

    We also notice in that biased Canadian article you linked, they refer to Ivermectin only as a “horse de-wormer”, although its efficacy as an anti-viral and anti parasitic that has saved (likely) hundreds of thousands, if not millions of HUMAN lives, mainly in tropical regions, earned its developer a Nobel Prize.

    The article doesn’t say ivermectin is “only” a “horse de-wormer”, so you shouldn’t lie. Ivermectin is effective against parasites, not COVID, and the fact that its inventor has a Nobel prize is irrelevant and an argument from authority fallacy. You are the one who is biased against the scientific consensus on this, not the media.

    Similarly, Hydroxychloroquine has saved millions of humans from dying of malaria and other diseases both viral and parasitic, and my doctor insisted I take it as a preventative when I went to Calcutta (now Kolkata) in 2011.

    Again, HCQ is effective against malaria, not COVID.

    It can’t be coincidental, that those states with low death rates encourage EARLY treatment (and it needs to be early) with Ivermectin, Hydroxy, and monoclonal antibodies, while New Mexico and Colorado virtually outlaw these treatments, preferring to wait until people get really sick and put them in hospital and on ventilators.

    1. Why can’t it be coincidental?
    2. Why can’t it be due to some other factor?
    3. What has this got to do with Mak Parhar?

  30. Dennis

    “Ivermectin is effective against parasites, not COVID… HCQ is effective against malaria, not COVID.”

    Imagine pretending not to know that numerous drugs have been developed for specific purposes, only for later usage and studies to show effectiveness for other maladies as well.

    But midwit stamps his feet in tears and whines, “That’s not what they were made for…wahh, wahh…the bureaucrat ‘approved’ use says it’s only for this one thing, not politically inconvenient ones!…boo hoo”

  31. Who was it that defined crazy as “doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”?

    We are *in* that cycle with Covid-19 and endless (to come) BOOSTER shots.

  32. john b()

    Again, HCQ is effective against malaria …

    My, my LOOK at the uses for HCQ
    Objective: To determine the relationship between current hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) use and 2 indicators of glycemic control, fasting glucose and insulin sensitivity, in nondiabetic women with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) or rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
    Conclusion: HCQ use was associated with lower fasting glucose in women with SLE or RA and also lower (log)HOMA-IR in the SLE group. The use of HCQ may be beneficial for reducing cardiovascular risk by improving glycemic control in these patients.

    The NIH is full of these stories … but that had to stop with Covid
    I’ll agree that HCQ probably doesn’t help much if you take it AFTER you catch it, but willing to bet that it sure helps as a prophylactic, but SFT says SHUT UP, MALARIA

  33. Dennis

    Indeed John…the Ivermectin and HCQ protocols are clear that they be used either as prophylactic (and in conjunction with other drugs, not alone) or within at least 5 days of signs of infection. Some of the early attempts to discredit HCQ involved using for very advanced stage patients (usually with co-morbidities) in hospital, then claiming, “Oh see, HCQ just doesn’t work at all for Covid” Totally disingenuous).

  34. swordfishtrombone

    Ann Cherry,



    Imagine pretending to know what someone else thinks! Stop bearing false witness, otherwise your God might get cross with you.

    john b()

    HCQ quite possibly does work against other conditions, but it doesn’t work against COVID-19. The truth is simple, lies are complicated.

  35. Dennis

    No Fishy, your lies are not complicated. Just banal and boring, typical midwit Regime Narrative regurgitation.

  36. Luke


    Are you not aware of India virtually wiping out Covid in highly populated provinces using Ivermectin?

  37. Dennis

    He knows. He just doesn’t care. More interested in getting a pat on the head for being a good Regime lapdog promoting the Correct Narrative.

  38. Dennis

    “Ivermectin is effective against parasites, not COVID…HCQ is effective against malaria, not COVID.”

    One thing that’s abundantly clear in reading the first chapters of RFK JR.’s well-researched and copiously footnoted new book on Fauci and his decades of malfeasance (though its been clear for a long time to those with ears to hear – RFK just does a great job of collecting and presenting it all in a well organized narrative), which chapters focus on the initial official Covid response lead by Fauci and aimed at suppressing development of effective early treatment protocols with existing remedies in order to promote a vax-only-centered Covid response to line his and his Pharma buddies’ pockets, as compared to early treatment protocols developed by Dr. McCullough, Dr. Zelenko, Dr. Kory, FLCCC, and many others worldwide, IS THAT ANYONE CLAIMING THERE IS NO BASIS FOR THE USE OF IVERMECTIN OR HCQ-BASED PROTOCOLS, AS WELL AS MANY OTHER ALREADY EXISTING (and usually out-of-patent, and therefore inexpensive) REMEDIES IN VARIOUS COMBINATIONS TO PREVENT AND TREAT COVID (particularly in early stages – which has been the key all along – and very effective, inexpensive, and easy to do), IS EITHER WILLFULLY IGNORANT OR DELIBERATELY MISLEADING PEOPLE. It’s really that simple, and either way amounts to being nothing but a PR errand-boy and cheerleader for the downright criminal actions of the whole medical, Big Pharma, and public policy establishments – from the Fauci-Gates cabal on down (including most politicians and media) – with regard to Covid. Utterly criminal, evil, and sickening.

  39. swordfishtrombone


    No Fishy, your lies are not complicated. Just banal and boring, typical midwit Regime Narrative regurgitation.

    Sorry, but the truth is often boring – that’s why we invented stories and myths, like Star Wars, Christianity, and conspiracy theories. And you shouldn’t accuse someone of lying unless you know for a fact that they know what they’re saying isn’t true, something you couldn’t possibly know about me.

  40. swordfishtrombone


    No, I’m not aware of that, probably because it’s not true. The first thing that came up in a search regarding India and ivermectin was that they’ve stopped recommending its use:

    The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), India’s leading medical research body, has revised its ‘Clinical Guidelines’ for COVID-19.

    Specifically, it removed mention of two drugs that a panoply of experts and non-experts had widely used and promoted both in India and worldwide, and which had also been ceaseless sources of controversy: ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ).

    The previous version of the national COVID-19 treatment protocols, dated May 17, 2021 (the one from which ICMR dropped the use of convalescent plasma) suggested that ivermectin and HCQ “may” be used despite “a low certainty of the evidence”.

    This feeble cautionary note did nothing to dampen the ill-founded enthusiasm for the use and promotion of both drugs.

    With the new revision, ICMR – and India – are now in line with accepted good practice vis-à-vis managing COVID-19, at least on the count of these two drugs. The guidelines of the US National Institutes of Health, the UK National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), and the WHO all negatively recommend ivermectin and HCQ.

    In addition, both the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency have said that ivermectin is not an antiviral drug, much less an anti-COVID drug. [Oct 1st 2021]

  41. swordfishtrombone


    He knows. He just doesn’t care. More interested in getting a pat on the head for being a good Regime lapdog promoting the Correct Narrative.

    My motivation is that the rubbish spread by the likes of you makes my blood boil.

  42. Dennis

    “And you shouldn’t accuse someone of lying unless you know for a fact that they know what they’re saying isn’t true, something you couldn’t possibly know about me.”

    I do indeed know with absolute factual certainty that you have said many things that are blatantly untrue in re. Covid – see especially 4 posts above at 11/19/21 2:39AM re. Ivermectin and HCQ.

    I only conceded that it remains to be determined whether you are merely ignorant (perhaps willfully so) or purposefully deceptive and trying to mislead others – but both amount to the same thing in the end and are equally repugnant.

  43. swordfishtrombone


    Literally every claim you’ve made about COVID is untrue. I’m not going to accuse you of lying, but you must know that your claims go against the US National Institutes of Health, the UK National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), the Indian ICMR, the WHO, and basically every major health organisation in the world.

    You are spreading lies which killing people. Shame on you.

  44. Dennis

    “…against the US National Institutes of Health, the UK National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), the Indian ICMR, the WHO, and basically every major health organisation in the world”

    LOL. Oh my, how dare anyone question these compromised “authorities”! You still haven’t learned a thing about Fauci et al, and the way public health authorities worldwide have systematically and deliberately mismanaged Covid, suppressed effective treatments, etc… You and the pseudo-authorities you suck up to are the ones with blood on your hands. I tell you to free your mind and try to learn something, but it’s increasingly clear you don’t have one.

    What a fricking tool. GTFO. Absolute f-ing clown.

  45. John B(S)


    Not only that but CNN, NYT, MSNBC, … I mean, everyone is against you!

  46. philemon

    “Not only that but CNN, NYT, MSNBC, … I mean, everyone is against you!”

    Well everyone who is anyone, that is. Who else is there? WAPO?

  47. philemon

    Hu Xijin ???
    Cute and brave! Self-discipline and hard-working are keys to why China can defeat rounds of COVID-19 outbreak. Even kids from kindergarten, with QR code hung around their necks, queued in an orderly manner for nucleic acid test.

    jeez you guys, season two of “squid game” looks WAY creepier and more dystopian than season one.
    i’m not sure i’m gonna be able to watch this…

  48. Dennis

    “Not only that but CNN, NYT, MSNBC, … I mean, everyone is against you!”

    I consider it a badge of honor.

    After Austria instituted ghettoization and effective Apartheid of the non-vaxed, the Dutch police are now tear-gassing anti-lockdown protesters. UK and Aussie police, among others, also regularly resort to truncheons and beat and arrest lockdown and vax mandate protesters for doing nothing other than exercizing their civli rights. Imagine that: In much of the supposed free world now, it is effectively against the law to protest against one’s government’s policies, so long as said tyrants scream “health emergency.” Absolute totalitarianism being established everywhere using Covid as pretext, yet all Swordfish and his ilk can offer is abject submission to authoritarian technocrats, willful blindness regarding – and/or active suppression of – effective prevention and treatments, and indifference to the magnitude of the evil being perpetrated against Mankind in the name of Covid.

    Talk about making one’s blood boil!

    Cf. SFT: “My motivation is that the rubbish spread by the likes of you makes my blood boil.”

    Yeah? Well, I’m the frickin’ Soufrière volcano, pal.

  49. philemon

    “I consider it a badge of honor.” So do I!

  50. swordfishtrombone


    LOL. Oh my, how dare anyone question these compromised “authorities”!

    Yeah, let’s go with YouTube videos, pastors, ex-army doctors who run tattoo removal and vaginal tightening cinics from a stripmall, rightwing talk show hosts who think that bellowing everything in a loud voice makes then right, scammers selling vitamins, people who ignore all the scientific evidence, Facebook videos with fake captions, etc, etc, etc.

    Yeah? Well, I’m the frickin’ Soufrière volcano, pal.

    You’re certainly full of something, but it isn’t lava.

  51. swordfishtrombone


    LOL. Oh my, how dare anyone question these compromised “authorities”!

    Yeah, let’s go with YouTube videos, pastors, ex-army doctors who run tattoo removal and vaginal tightening cinics from a stripmall, rightwing talk show hosts who think that bellowing everything in a loud voice makes then right, scammers selling vitamins, people who ignore all the scientific evidence, Facebook videos with fake captions, etc, etc, etc.

    Yeah? Well, I’m the frickin’ Soufrière volcano, pal.

    You’re certainly full of something, but it isn’t lava.

  52. Dennis

    I am full of Truth.

    If you had one scintilla of respect for actual scientific evidence, and actually cared about treating and preventing Covid you wouldn’t be a Big Pharma experimental vax shill, but would support the early treatment protocols (none developed by the kind of caricatures you mention above – Tess Lawrie, Dr. Kory, Dr. McCullough, etc) – including HcQ and ivermectin – which have now been used and studied extensively worldwide for nearly two years, have been the subject of dozens of peer-reviewed studies, and have proven tremendously effective for millions, far more effective than than the jabs, despite having been subject to an unprecedented suppression campaign by Fauci minions worldwide because it doesn’t benefit Big Pharma to have safe and effective off-patent treatment. That is all fact. But you clearly either don’t care or are simply incapable of understanding – perhaps some deep intellectual and moral defect blinds and incapacitates you, I don’t know.

    You don’t give a damn about truth, or what actually works, because you’re a propagandized midwit hack more interested in being on the politically correct team endorsed by the mainstream media from whom you derive your worldview. Have you even bothered to read any of the early treatment protocol research, or the history of Fauci’s campaign of lies and suppression regarding HCQ and ivermectin (which began even before a pandemic was declared, when he used his influence to get some countries to reclassify HCQ to make it more difficult to get; while promoting instead his highly toxic and useless Remdesevir – should be called AZT Redux)? Do you even have any understanding of how Ivermectin actually works as an ionophore in conjunction with Zinc and Zythromicin to prevent viral replication in early stages? No – all you know is to repeat media catch phrases (“hurr durr…it’s just horse paste Mr. Ed”) while wallowing in intellectual mediocrity and groundless self-satisfaction for having put in a good day’s work having assimilated and regurgitated the latest Regime Narrative propaganda.

  53. Dennis

    Absolute evil. And being done on purpose. Anyone promoting, manufacturing, selling, prescribing or otherwise recommending these dangerous jabs – especially for kids who don’t need them to be “protected” from Covid in the first place – ought to be jailed forever and subjected to the harshest punishments possible while there. Not only should they have been pulled from market long ago, but never should have even received EUAs – which were based on totally fraudulent claims to begin with.

    Anyone actively giving these jabs to kids, or even endorsing their use in kids, is the moral equivalent of a pedophile or child molester.

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