The Pope, Ecumenical Patriarch & Archbishop of Canterbury Walk Into A Bar

The Pope, Ecumenical Patriarch & Archbishop of Canterbury Walk Into A Bar

Guy called the Pope says, “I’ll have a Holy Water, with a twist.” Archbishop of Canterbury says “In the spirit of ecumenism, I’ll have the same.”

Ecumenical Patriarch says, “Those bubbles are made from CO2. Are you sure those drinks are sustainable?”


That’s a warm-up joke to lead us into the ones the Tittering Trio put out in their “Joint Message for the Protection of Creation“. Find it on the Vatican’s website—which is optimized for Mosaic browsers.

The Message starts out with a real knee-slapper, “We realised that, in facing this worldwide calamity [of government and elite panic over the coroandoom], no one is safe until everyone is safe”.

It’s funny because since everyone can’t be safe, no one is safe. Ever.

That is hilarious because the old Christian message that being unsafe is an inherent part of the human condition has been transformed into an NGO-like Safety Firstism. And that never stops being funny.

Our frocked frolickers embedded that joke in a Hallmark card quip: “We realised that…what we do today affects what happens tomorrow.”

That isn’t as funny until you imagine they were out buying Pepto-Bismol when they wrote the line. (Think about it.)

Now I’m not saying the Archbishop of Canterbury is Norm Macdonald or anything, but I laughed at (what could only be) his “we call on everyone, whatever their belief or worldview, to endeavour to listen to the cry of the earth”.


Am I right?

Anyway, it’s obvious the guy many call the Pope couldn’t resist tweaking the line, tacking on something about “pledging meaningful sacrifices for the sake of the earth”.

His thing for Pachamama hasn’t cooled yet.

It’s at this point I’m letting you, my audience, in on a secret about the comedy biz: Most comedians don’t write their own jokes.

Yes, some do. George Carlin, for example. Funny guy. Who’s not writing much lately.

All comedians write some of their own jokes, true. But ever since the advent of recording, repeating jokes gets old fast. The demand for novelty is therefore constant. Plus, coming up with new material isn’t easy, not when you have to work on your routine, it’s delivery, your character. So comedians farm out jokes for cash, and when they get them, they put their own spin on them.

It’s the same thing with our Tittering Trio. They wrote the opening, that’s clear. It works. It has laughs.

But they must have sought out a discount comedy writer to provide material for the rest of the Message. Because the rest stinks.

Listen: donations are down ever since priests chased parishioners out of Churches, ordering them to quiver at home until further notice. Money wasn’t around to pay for top writers.

How else you going to explain this groaner?

The current climate crisis speaks volumes about who we are and how we view and treat God’s creation. We stand before a harsh justice:…climate change [is] the inevitable consequences of our actions, since we have greedily consumed more of the earth’s resources than the planet can endure. But we also face a profound injustice: the people bearing the most catastrophic consequences of these abuses are the poorest on the planet…

More resources already consumed than the world can endure? Which means it’s all over. It’s done. More than can be endured means no more can be endured. Get it?

Get it?

Yes, a rework of the classic World Ends: Women & Minorities Hardest Hit.


Maybe you can work up a smile on this as you realize the rich are killing themselves too with global warming. Maybe you can think to yourself They won’t be able to afford enough air conditioners! But if you could think of that, you ask yourself Why couldn’t they think of that. When you go to a comedy show you expect the comedian to do the work, not you.

Anyway, that dud’s followed by some one-world government, one-world religion riffs, but they go nowhere. One punchline runs into the next setup without a break. Even a participant in an after-hours Women’s Studies seminar wouldn’t chuckle at this stuff.

Worse, our clerical comedians couldn’t even be bothered to write their own finish. All we have is some prayer to something named “Glasgow” (mildly amusing name): “We pray for our leaders who will gather in Glasgow to decide the future of our planet and its people.”

Maybe “Glasgow” has some sort of magic wand or something, I don’t know. How else can it decide the future of the planet and its people?

I’m asking you. Sincerely. Did you laugh at that?

This post first appeared at the Stream in edited form.

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  1. deb

    The elite want those resources for them. The vaccine will help to make that possible. I understand because of the makeup of the mandatory jab, that many will die off in three years. The second, third and the ongoing pills coupled with inflation/starvation will continue the pandemics kill.

  2. Teri

    As I read the “letter” that you linked in your article, I couldn’t help but think these are leaders of people of faith and none of what they focus on has anything to do with faith. It is a true head scratcher. And funny? No, not really. More like pathetic.

    I appreciate your humorous take on it, though. Mutual destruction in the end is destruction, right? So… there’s that.

  3. Jerry

    Laughing? Well, maybe at the gallows humor.
    I told my wife last week (probably for the tenth+ time), “I am done with the Pope”.
    This is not just an off-the-cuff remark for Catholic. The Pope is, well…the POPE. A pretty big deal. Like him or not, God at least allowed him to be there. So what to do? I mean he’s like the Catholic analogy to Joe Biden.

  4. Joao Martins

    When a pope say something like

    “we call on everyone, whatever their belief or worldview, to endeavour to listen to the cry of the earth”

    for sure there is someone or somepeople in line to be put in the pillory…

  5. brad tittle

    Not quite sure which angle you were going for with Pepto Bismal.. It is on the list of drugs ignored during this year of EUA tap dancing. Bismuth is on the list of things that aren’t quite perfect for curing severely ill people, but do have characteristics which seem to help people avoid the severe part of the equation.

  6. Hagfish Bagpipe

    Briggs: “Now I’m not saying the Archbishop of Canterbury is Norm Macdonald or anything, but I laughed at (what could only be) his “we call on everyone, whatever their belief or worldview, to endeavour to listen to the cry of the earth”.


    Am I right?”

    Close, to me the Cry of the Earth sounded like Disco Inferno mashed up with Shake Your Bootie.

    Makes me want to get up and dance for joy!

  7. swordfishtrombone

    Hey, they’re just jumping on the green bandwagon to try and slow the terminal decline in Christianity amongst young people. Probably about the only card they can play.

  8. swordfishtrombone


    I understand because of the makeup of the mandatory jab, that many will die off in three years.

    Seriously, where did you read that ridiculous load of old nonsense?

  9. John Watkins

    As always, Swordfish corrects one and all. But seriously, swordy, how is it that Christianity is growing by leaps and bounds in young-Africa??? Terminal decline? Sure, in Europe, and other Euro-centric lands. Typical, as the history of the Church mirrors this pattern. The old patricians lose their nerve and wither on the vine, to be replaced by the converted pagans masses. Try reading for a bit (instead of writing), and maybe something will begin to sink in.

  10. Johnno

    Hey, they’re just jumping on the green bandwagon to try and slow the terminal decline in Christianity amongst young people. Probably about the only card they can play.

    Naaahhhh… if maybe-not-the-pope Francis actually wanted any youth, he wouldn’t be so desperately trying to cancel the Latin Mass and all manner of Traditional Catholicism that is where the youth are flocking to versus the grey hairs that are the novus ordo Vatican-II crowd which is in decline for the same reason that the Amglican schismatics are pretty much a walking corpse – for being liberal practical-atheisy progressives who are only interested in equalism, marx, faggotry, and all manner of progressivism. The Eastern Prthodox, being sticklers for maintaining the old religion have faired better at maintaining their youth precisely because they refuse to change, it’s why Russia doesn’t put up as much with sodomite crap and why they along with China are posed to be the next world powers as the gay regime flees from afghanistan under the mental decline of the fraudulent Biden administration.

    Also because you are out-of-the-know and are the type of person who thinks anal sex is the greatest use of human appendages since putting your foot on an accelerator pedal of an automobile, the green bandwagon that our so-called religious “leaders” are hopping on is nothing to do with the youth despite how many flowery gay words they use, and everything to do with globalist sponsorship for another entitely different green revenue. Everyone knows it! So the next time you see Francis the white, picture a walking billboard that says ‘This space for Rent.’

    Seriously, where did you read that ridiculous load of old nonsense?

    Inference from past precedent from vaccine injuries and mRNA trials on animals. Raw Data straight from your favorite officially approved pharmaceutical companies! Hope you got your 3rd booster! A fourth one is on the way!

  11. Dennis

    Remember when neo-Orthodox pseudo-trad conservacucks like Dreher thought fleeing Western Christianity for Eastern Orthodoxy would protect them from this kind of “Church-as-Neoliberal-NGO” nonsense from their leaders? LOL.

  12. Uncle Mike

    These evil clowns are trying to impress the atheists, not the “youth”. They like buggery too, SFT. You might want to join up.

  13. Dennis

    “‘I understand because of the makeup of the mandatory jab, that many will die off in three years’….Seriously, where did you read that ridiculous load of old nonsense?”

    As Johnno indicated, in all previous lab animal testing of mRNA “vaccines,” the animals all died within the human equivalent of about three years. This is why, until Covid was used as an excuse to rush them through, mRNA had never before been approved to even begin human trials.

    (This is also why it is disingenuous for a company letter I saw recently explaining to employees why the company is mandating vaxes, to simply say that “mRNA has been studied for over 20 years,” implying that therefore they are safe. What the letter leaves out is that they were never allowed to progress to even limited human trials because decades of research in animals resulted in naught but death.)

  14. Milton hathaway

    Jerry: “The Pope is, well…the POPE. . . . he’s like the Catholic analogy to Joe Biden.”

    The Pope is senile? That explains a lot.

  15. Magnus Stout

    Fun facts about the “Christian” joint statement and how many times certain words are used:
    Good=2 (common good and good will);
    Evil=0; and
    Repent=2 (only in context of ecological “sins”).

    Odd this new religion: we are only “saved” by following NGOs and government “Experts.”

  16. Johnno


    Many wish!

    He’s the analogy of Biden in that both of their elections seem dubious. That and the openness for adultery, homo lobbies, Chinese money, vexxines, and disbelief in the Holy Eucharist.

  17. Hagfish Bagpipe

    Dennis: “Remember when neo-Orthodox pseudo-trad conservacucks like Dreher thought fleeing Western Christianity for Eastern Orthodoxy would protect them from this kind of “Church-as-Neoliberal-NGO” nonsense from their leaders? LOL.

    That’s right, they were all jumping on the Orthodox bandwagon because it’s uncorrupted and all-he-man and their Top Papa rocks a white beard, so OT bad. And now it’s like Top Papa has come mincing out in a rainbow tutu while climate twerking. So embarrassing.

    They may as well have become Lutherans.

  18. Shecky R

    #LauraLoomer ….

  19. V

    They are as irrelevant as Mosaic.

  20. Briggs


    Email me secretly and let me know how much you get for each comment. I promise not to reveal sources.

  21. L Ron Hubbard alias John B()

    brad tittle

    I think that was a miscue … replace Pepto Bismol with Ex-Lax or Dulcolax

    “We realised that…what we do today affects what happens tomorrow.”

    That isn’t as funny until you imagine they were out buying EX-LAX when they wrote the line. (Think about it.)

  22. Dennis

    “They may as well have become Lutherans.”

    Yes, the whole Based Orthodoxy myth has been shattered (at least at the level of their episcopate and official spokesmen; maybe ordinary Orthodox priests are generally more Based, though, I don’t know). Dreher’s about due for another switcheroo – been with one religion for about a dozen years now, must be getting bored – so maybe back to his Protestant roots this time. Full circle.

    As for the Reuters “Fact Check,” regarding mRNA, keep this in mind about Reuters’ “fact checkers’” conflicts of interest with ties to Big Pharma and WEF/Gates, etc. (something mRNA inventor, Dr. Robert Malone, has also pointed out):

    Don’t forget also that Reuters is literally a CIA op. Reuters’ Global Business Director, Dawn Scalici, has been a CIA agent (or was, but are they ever really just “was”?) for over three decades, and has summarized her job duties as “advancing Thomson Reuters’ ability to meet the disparate needs of the U.S. Government.” Yeah…just a reliable, objective news organization working in service of Truth, eh?

    Even if ALL animals tested with mRNA didn’t die, a great many did and the lies and disinformation about the risks of mRNA have been substantial, particularly the risks caused by the spike protein the jabs generate (and also starting with the basic lies that allowed them to be rushed and get EUAs in the first place). The long term risks of taking a these rushed mRNA jabs far outweigh the risks form Covid, with its 99.98% survival rate. And then there is simply the mounting evidence that at best they offer only mild protection for a few months – they’ve been wildly oversold, and their efficacy lied about endlessly.

  23. Johnno

    Ah yes, Reuters “fact-checking”, well let’s just follow Reuters included links to previous “de-bunks” and… oh! Will wonders never cease…!

    Normally, researchers would take months to test for the possibility of vaccine enhancement in animals. Given the urgency to stem the spread of the new coronavirus, some drugmakers are moving straight into small-scale human tests, without waiting for the completion of such animal tests.

    “I understand the importance of accelerating timelines for vaccines in general, but from everything I know, this is not the vaccine to be doing it with,” Dr Peter Hotez, dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, told Reuters.

    Hotez worked on development of a vaccine for SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), the coronavirus behind a major 2003 outbreak, and found that some vaccinated animals developed more severe disease compared with unvaccinated animals when they were exposed to the virus.

    At least for now, the world’s experts have concluded that accelerated testing is a risk worth taking.

    At a specially convened World Health Organization (WHO) meeting in mid-February, designed to co-ordinate a global response to the new coronavirus, scientists representing government-funded research organizations and drugmakers around the world agreed that the threat was so great that vaccine developers should move quickly into human trials, before animal testing is completed, four people who attended the meeting told Reuters.

    “You want to have a vaccine as quickly as possible,” Dr Marie-Paule Kieny, former assistant director-general at the WHO, who co-chaired the meeting, told Reuters. “You have to balance this with the risk that you impose on a very small number of people, and do all you can do to mitigate this risk as much as possible.”

    The conclusion of that meeting, which was not open to media, has not been officially publicized by the WHO. It does not reflect any official position adopted by the WHO, a United Nations body whose job it is to help shape global health policy.

    Regulatory oversight of drugmakers and medical research is in the hands of national regulators. The most powerful of those, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), has signaled that it is in agreement with the consensus and will not stand in the way of accelerated testing schedules.

    “When responding to an urgent public health situation such as novel coronavirus, we intend to exercise regulatory flexibility and consider all data relevant to a certain vaccine platform,” FDA spokeswoman Stephanie Caccomo said in a statement. The agency had no comment specifically on animal testing for vaccine enhancement.

    Coronavirus vaccine developers are still required to conduct routine animal testing to make sure the vaccine itself is not toxic and is likely to help the immune system respond to the virus.

    Testing for the specific risk of vaccine enhancement in animals will proceed simultaneously with human trials, the NIH told Reuters, which it said should establish whether it is safe to expose larger numbers of people to the vaccine. Moderna did not respond to requests for comment.

    Hotez said he was surprised human trials were going ahead. “If there is immune enhancement in laboratory animals vaccinated with the Moderna vaccine, that’s a showstopper,” he said.

    U.S. immunotherapy company Inovio Pharmaceuticals Inc, which is developing a coronavirus vaccine in collaboration with a Chinese company, also expects to start human clinical trials in 30 U.S. volunteers in April rather than wait for animal studies on vaccine enhancement.

    U.S. immunotherapy company Inovio Pharmaceuticals Inc, which is developing a coronavirus vaccine in collaboration with a Chinese company, also expects to start human clinical trials in 30 U.S. volunteers in April rather than wait for animal studies on vaccine enhancement.

    “The community as a whole weighed that and said we don’t want to delay the clinical process. We’ve been encouraged to go as rapidly as possible into Phase 1 studies,” Inovio Chief Executive Joseph Kim told Reuters.

    But testing for the risk of vaccine enhancement is time-consuming because it requires scientists to breed mice that are genetically altered to respond to the virus like humans. Work on these and other animal models is just getting under way in several laboratories around the world.

    Moderna, Inovio and several other vaccine developers are not waiting for that process to be completed and are planning to launch human trials in record time for a virus that was only discovered in December.

    Both Moderna and Inovio say their vaccines are likely to have a lower risk of vaccine enhancement because they are made using newer technology that focuses on specific genes on the outer ‘spike’ portion of the virus. Coronavirus vaccines that caused vaccine enhancement were typically made using an inactivated version of the entire virus. Neither company has produced a licensed vaccine to date.

    J&J said it is developing animal models to test for vaccine enhancement and hopes to have a vaccine candidate ready for human trials in October.

    So let me translate for you what Reuters means when they say that “COVID-19 vaccines did not skip animal trials because of animal deaths”

    What Reuters means is that Covid-19 vexxines didn’t bother with animal trials at all. Therefore there is no evidence of animal deaths. And even if there are, their decision to skip it had nothing to do with the dead animals that could hypothetically yurn uo, but because the scientists cared… about you… because they love you… and the virus was oh so scareeee that the thought of you shivering in lockdown under your blankee in your room with your mask on helped them reach a consensus decision to get the needle into your arm ASAP!

    So the current covid-19 vexxines had no animal tests.

    Previous mRNA vexxines did have animal tests! The results whivh over the decades never brought a product to human testing phases nor to market. Guess why!

    But don’t worry! They assure us that the current shots aren’t the same high dosages as those previoysly used in animals and have gone through other adjustments and alterations. So comfort ye my people! Trust THE SCIENCE ™.

    The rest of Reuter’s “fact-checking” links boil down to protesting that their definitions of words like “rushed” and “fully tested” and “didn’t skip” differs from yours and they agree with what the scientist at Moderna and Pfizer feels they mean within these unique circumstances, so rest assurred that they are “following the rules” as well as they “just follow orders.”

  24. Johnno

    Good signs from Jorge’s homeland!

    Looks like the Argentinians have also had enough of their Scientific Care-Bear overlords who don’t follow THE SCIENCE ™ as much as they order the lower mask-class to do so…

    Little wonder that Jorge has never made any Papal trips back to the homeland. Hey they tried to warn us about him the moment he stepped out on the balcony!

  25. Cloudbuster

    So all three of those top church leaders belief that mere human agency can thwart God’s plan (the climate crisis). They are, by definition, heretics. What do we do with heretics, kiddies? That’s right! We burn them!

  26. Hagfish Bagpipe

    “…the lower mask-class…”

    Nice one. And lording it over them are the “no-mask elite” who emaskulate the lower-mask class.

  27. Hagfish Bagpipe
  28. philemon

    Look at those faces! Would you buy a used car from any of them?

  29. Codex

    The Pope, Ecumenical Patriarch & Archbishop of Canterbury Walk Into A Bar

    ¡ Ay!
    Ouch, bloody-!

  30. Hagfish Bagpipe

    “ The Pope, Ecumenical Patriarch & Archbishop of Canterbury, and a Bear, Walk Into A Bar…”

    …the bear takes a dump on the Pope’s slipper then eases his shaggy bulk into a barstool. Pope gives bear the stink-eye, ‘why you notta out in da woods?’ Bear growls, ‘why should I have to shit in the woods when you’re not Catholic?’

  31. swordfishtrombone

    John Watkins,

    But seriously, swordy, how is it that Christianity is growing by leaps and bounds in young-Africa???

    “Leaps and bounds” is vague. Do you mean absolute numbers, in which case it’s mostly down to population growth (500% in the last 70 years), or do you mean as a percentage? Amazingly, 50% of West Africans are below age 15. When we talk about “young people” leaving Christianity in the West, I take that to mean young adults, not children under age 15. And there’s also the issue of poverty, which tends to increase religious belief.

  32. swordfishtrombone

    Karen Dennis,

    As Johnno indicated, in all previous lab animal testing of mRNA “vaccines,” the animals all died within the human equivalent of about three years.

    False. And I could just end there as you’ve provided no evidence to support your claim, but I found this in about ten seconds:

  33. swordfishtrombone

    Karen Johnno,

    Overall, what I get from your first, somewhat rambling comment is that you admire Putin, China, and the Taliban.

    So the current covid-19 vexxines had no animal tests.

    Wrong. Animal testing has been done, it was just done concurrently with human trials.

  34. Jan Van Betsuni

    Some Un-Vexed(s) are now adopting the self-appellation PUREBLOODS on social media. The MSM is responding with apoplectic outrage.

  35. Rudolph Harrier

    And, predictably, I’ve seen a lot of people use “mud bloods” as a counter insult for the unjabbed (despite it not making sense in this context) since after all these years the Harry Potter books are still the only books that they’ve read.

  36. Johnno

    And just like that dumbfish owns himself…

    Wrong. Animal testing has been done, it was just done concurrently with human trials.

    Thanks for confirming for us dumbfish, that they skipped animal trials, skipped human trials, and went with complete total “emergency use” rollout for the general population. Coercing people to keep taking it by violatinh basic human rights all while concurrent trials on both humans and animals is happening simultaneously, results which won’t be concluded for several years.

    This is also how the FDA can approve a drug for use now that actually won’t be available until several years later, because it is still subject to trial completion, but they awarded it with “approval” for the same reason they premptively awarded Obama with the Nobel Peace Prize before he bombed several more countries, and Bidens lackies just fired off a missile, killing innocent people and children before even figuring out whether or not their target was actually ISIS-K instead of a humanitarian fellow trying to get people water.

    We’re barely past year one. And we’re still introducing new boosters that are adjusted routinely and also require new concurrent trials because they are unique and also take years to conclude.

    In conclusion:

    Vexxines are imposed upon the public that never passed animal trials, and whose only precedent of previous trials with similar medical technology killed or gravely harmed animal subjects.

    So as usual, the fish neither reads nor comprehends his copy/paste “fact checks” that only confirm everything we said, just like noreadflush himself just did in the above statement.

    Fact checks confirm what we’ve said, they just don’t like how we say it, because you have to say it in the same way they do, with a big gay smile as if everything is above board, completely normal and will be just fine.

    Don’t worry fishbulb, we are sure you’ve taken your vexxine, so you are officially a volumteer trial participant. Please get back to us in 3 years. If the governmemt issues you a tracking number, please provide it here so we can monitor your progress.

  37. Dennis

    Imagine thinking a link to “” is a reliable source. Who funds Mostly Facebook, Google (and we know the compromised status of those two with regard to Big Pharma, et al.), and some outfit called “Luminate,” whose website promotes “progressive attitudes to equality,” fighting “hate crimes” (a leftist dog whistle term), and and rants about “populist politicians” and growing lack of public trust in “experts, institutions, and the media.” LOL. As if any of those have demonstrated any trustworthiness ever, but particularly the past 18 months. What a joke.

  38. Dennis

    I wouldn’t trust any more than I’d trust Reuters to give fair and objective coverage to the US national security state.

    It still boggles my mind that a major news organization executive, hired directly from CIA, openly describes her job duties as “advancing Thomson Reuters’ ability to meet the disparate needs of the U.S. Government,” and there’s basically not peep of outrage from the rest of the mainstream media (of course many of them are also compromised by Deep State ties, so perhaps that’s all that’s needed to explain it).

    But imagine if a major news org hired people from the FSB or Hungarian Foreign Ministry who described their jobs as “advancing X’s ability to meet the needs of the Russian/Hungarian government.” It’d be met with front page fury and a global outrage campaign in mainstream media for weeks on end until that person was fired and the organization basically destroyed – ostracized from media pools, credentials pulled, funding and advertisements pulled, etc.

  39. Johnno

    Dumbfish fac-chak link #1

    “There is no evidence for this.. The claim is based on a 2012 study looking at different vaccines. The animals, in this case mice, were euthanized as is standard procedure in this sort of trial. They did not die “months later” as claimed.”

    Translation: Us fac-chakars assume people bringing this up MUST ALL be referring to this particular study that we cherry-picked!

    But what about all those other experiments on other animals that were also not mice???

    For example:

    In animal studies, after mRNA injections have been administered to cats, when the virus arrived once again into the body, it arrived like a Trojan Horse, undetected by the cats’ own immune system. The virus multiplied unchallenged and all animals involved in the experiment died from various causes.

    Or another:

    “ADE has proven to be a serious challenge with coronavirus vaccines, and this is the primary reason many have failed in early in-vitro or animal trials. For example, rhesus macaques who were vaccinated with the Spike protein of the SARS-CoV virus demonstrated severe acute lung injury when challenged with SARS-CoV, while monkeys who were not vaccinated did not. Similarly, mice who were immunized with one of four different SARS-CoV vaccines showed histopathological changes in the lungs with eosinophil infiltration after being challenged with SARS-CoV virus. This did not occur in the controls that had not been vaccinated. A similar problem occurred in the development of a vaccine for FIPV, which is a feline coronavirus.” (“Is the Coronavirus Vaccine a Ticking-Time Bomb?”, Science with Dr. Doug)

    Or just ask Doktor Fauci!

    Fish-check link #2

    “Have they been subject to medium or long term safety testing on humans? No”

    This depends on how you define medium or long term. The vaccines have been trialled on humans since mid-2020, so we do have over six months of safety data for each vaccine. Pfizer and Moderna have said they will continue monitoring their trialists for safety.

    Translation:So the data we have is still ongoing and so far useless. Thanks Mr. Fishcheck.

    It’s okay everyone! You will make it past 6 months and be absolutely immune! There will be no variant threats or ADE… oh…

    “The FDA noted that Pfizer, “identified vaccine-associated enhanced disease, including vaccine-associated enhanced respiratory disease, as an important potential risk”. The EMA similarly acknowledged that “vaccine associated enhanced respiratory disease” was “an important potential risk… that may be specific to vaccination for COVID- 19”.

    Why neither regulator sought to exclude such dangers prior to emergency use authorization is an open
    question that all doctors and patients are entitled to ask. Why medical regulators failed to investigate the
    finding that large vaccine particles cross blood vessel walls, entering the bloodstream and posing risks of blood clotting and leaky vessels is yet another open question again.” (“Open Letter to the EMA and European Parliament”, Doctors for Covid Ethics)”

    “Given that booster shots repeatedly boost the immune response to the spike protein, they will progressively boost self-to-self immune attack, including boosting complement-mediated damage to vessel walls.

    Clinically speaking, the greater the vessel leakage and clotting that subsequently occurs, the more likely that organs supplied by the affected blood flow will sustain damage. From stroke to heart attack to brain vein thrombosis, the symptoms can range from death to headaches, nausea and vomiting, all of which heavily populate adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines.

    As well as damage from leakage and clotting alone, it is additionally possible that the vaccine itself may leak into surrounding organs and tissues. Should this take place, the cells of those organs will themselves begin to produce spike protein, and will come under attack in the same way as the vessel walls. Damage to major organs such as the lungs, ovaries, placenta and heart can be expected ensue, with increasing severity and frequency as booster shots are rolled out.” (“Open Letter to the EMA and European Parliament“, Doctors for Covid Ethics)

    Plenty more here:

    This has been another episode of sqishfishtit doesn’t know what he is talking about, but oh boy does he trust ‘fact-checkers’! Takes him only 30secs to look up, read the headlone and initial blurb and copy and paste and dust his hands with a smile and a triumohant tear running down his face as he says,”That’ll show ’em!”

    You’d think that fishhead would absolutely love countries with a history of similar control over information and official fact checking experts with armies of faithful followers just like him…

    Overall, what I get from your first, somewhat rambling comment is that you admire Putin, China, and the Taliban.


  40. C-Marie

    What the three leaders left out, is that sin is abounding throughout the world … Christ is being denied … born and unborn children are being murdered minute by minute (3,000 a day in the United States alone which works out to 90,000 a month), besides the increase of porn, pride, gluttony, avarice, and ever so much more.

    What they ought to be about is teaching Christians the reality of spiritual warfare in all of its entirety, daily intercessory prayer through Jesus for mercy and graces od repentance for the above and more of sins committed.

    I expect that Glasgow will further the One World Government and the One World Religion, both of which Francis supports, from the reports of him and hos activities. And yes, God did permit Francis to occupy the papal office, for God removes kings and sets up kings, for He is Lord!!

    God bless, C-Marie

  41. Anecdotally, I know two individuals negatively affected by the quaccine. The first is a 40 year old nurse in the Phillipines who (against my advice) took the first Astrazeneca ClotShot. She now suffers severe pain on the left side of her head when she lies down. Has to sleep sitting up. The second is my 63 year old cousin’s wife who took the quaccine about a year ago without doing any research. She has now about lost the use of the arm the substance was injected into.

    Most of us know someone with less than ideal effects from this experimental drug.

  42. Joy

    Nidaho Cathlic,

    The symptoms described by your friend who is a nurse, need following up with proper information. That kind of symptom is normally mechanical in nature. That she noted it after the vaxine is probably irrelevant. We need to know a lot more about her history and her symptoms properly in order to conclude that “negative effects” are caused by the vaxine.
    There are also straight forward blood test to check for rare, serious, but treatable, reactions.

  43. Joy

    “Hey, they’re just jumping on the green bandwagon to try and slow the terminal decline in Christianity amongst young people. Probably about the only card they can play.”

    That kind of thing used to bother me as a Christian.
    Christianity only has hope of survival where and when the truth prevails.
    Since I believe that Christianity is true (in a very general sense, not in a sectarian or nutty phoney plastic political sense) the kingdom of God in human hearts, has nothing to worry about in the long term.

    Individuals and groups, nations have plenty to worry about.
    Christianity, if it is true, will simply go on in some form whether or not the reactionaries approve or not, makes no difference.

    Also makes no difference what the pope says.
    It’s a shame that the church, like healthcare, has become a matter of politics first.

    Been watching Louis Theroux lately, see his “beyond belief” summary of his documentaries.
    See “most hated family”. In three parts. Sad, all too familiar characters.

  44. swordfishtrombone

    Karen Johnno,

    In animal studies, after mRNA injections have been administered to cats, when the virus arrived once again into the body, it arrived like a Trojan Horse, undetected by the cats’ own immune system. The virus multiplied unchallenged and all animals involved in the experiment died from various causes.

    So those animals died from the virus, because the vaccine didn’t work. That doesn’t support your claim that they died from the vaccine itself AT ALL. And that’s assuming that this testing is being reported accurately, which I doubt, as you’re citing Dr. Lee Merritt, an extremist conspiracy theorist who currently runs a “Tattoo Removal, Skin Rejuvenation, Vaginal Tightening & Rejuvenation, Hair Removal, and Anti-Aging clinic in Omaha, Nebraska” [LinkedIn]

    This has been another episode of sqishfishtit doesn’t know what he is talking about, but oh boy does he trust ‘fact-checkers’!

    No, it’s been another example of you failing to cite anything which actually debunks my fact check. I trust the fact checking sites I cite because their articles are supported by links to further reputable sources and scientific papers. You have cited a video interview with someone who runs a tattoo removal business from a stripmall.

    And now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to have a really good laugh at your expense.

  45. Johnno

    Here’s the problem:

    Since I believe that Christianity is true (in a very general sense, not in a sectarian or nutty phoney plastic political sense)

    So long as there are people like Joy who treat Christianity as a make-it-up-as-you-go cult where Joy gets to be a little goddess and tell Christianity what it should and shouldn’t be, then it’s little wonder that people are turned off by it, because the “christianity of Joy” becomes easily identifiable bullshit.


    Also that actual Christianity is in decline overall shouldn’t be any kind of surprise to any faithful Christian. Simply flip your Bible open to the last book called the Apocalypse and it’ll flat out tell you that the future of the Church is bleak before the end. Does any of that sound like a good time to you? Any Catholic worth their salt should also be aware of the Marian prophecied of the Great Apostasy, and that Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the AntiChrist.

    Joy likes to ignore all this. Joy wants a comforting religion that makes her feel only happy and safe. That’s why Joy wears a mask. That’s why Joy must routinely keep telling people who know that they have suffered injuries they’ve never experienced beforr whose only obvious correlation is the vexxine that they are just imagining things.

    Joy’s religion is a Christian heresy subject to the cult of covidism. Ignore her advice. People who have gone crawling back to their doctors wanting to know what went wrong. The first question is have they been vexxed. If yes, they are usually ignored, given placebos, told its just their imagination,or flat out simply that there is nothing the doctor can do, so please go register at VAERS, and maybe someone will file it within 5 years. There is no compensation or legal recourse because you voluntarily participated in an experiment which government has shielded from accountability. Joy simply made up “mechanical” problems and assumes the subjects didn’t consult the doc.

    So if you do need to consult someone, don’t go to the crooks who gave you the shot. Find the docs who are hesitant to recommend it and those openly skeptical of the shot.

    As others have noted before there are a whole lot of “mysterious” reports of vexxed people suffering symptoms, and docs are scared to look into it, so their injuries or deaths are listed as unknown, and some have even taken up the “mechanical” ad hoc sci fi explanation that this is all psychosomatic, meaning the fact that people are feeling forced to take it leaves them with trauma and this is telling the body to produce symptoms. The quacks are simply making up more bullshit to cover their crime. Leave it to Joy to fall for this cult just like she adheres to a nonsensical version of Christianity.

  46. Johnno

    So those animals died from the virus, because the vaccine didn’t work. That doesn’t support your claim that they died from the vaccine itself AT ALL.

    As you’ve failed to read, there is a symptom called ADE, so they didn’t just die of the virus, the vexxines made them far more vulnerable. So yes the vexxine helped kill them from something they were more likely to survive without it. That’s not including other complications. This is why for decades this technology never made it past the animal stage. Read your own fact checkers who try to bury this with copious amounts of “experts are being very careful” rhetoric.

    And that’s assuming that this testing is being reported accurately, which I doubt

    And yet the pharma corps, FDA and Fauci themselved take it very seriously. Funny that…

    you’re citing Dr. Lee Merritt, an extremist conspiracy theorist who currently runs a “Tattoo Removal, Skin Rejuvenation, Vaginal Tightening & Rejuvenation, Hair Removal, and Anti-Aging clinic in Omaha, Nebraska”

    You have cited a video interview with someone who runs a tattoo removal business from a stripmall.

    That’s far more credentials than the minimum wage fact check writers of no medical background whatsoever.

    Dr. Merrit does a lot more than that.

    Next you’ll be telling us that we can’t take her seriously because she also has a side business selling flowers and has mutual funds and investments tied up in real estate and she probably collects Pokemon cards.

    Typical “fact-check” irrelevancies attempting to character assassinate by getting gullible readers to infer negative associations. A psychological tactic. Tattoos = bikers, yakuza, porn sluts, dumb teenagers = therefore bad, and can’t be doctor, because doctor = good = no tattoos.

    No doctor would ever think to run a business that caters to common market needs to make money. No! Doctor is noble profession! Doctor only invest in clinic treating rare exotic diseases that almost nobody gets! That’s how make money! Wealthy smart people only do one thing. Never diversify!

    No, it’s been another example of you failing to cite anything which actually debunks my fact check.

    Then it should be very easy for you to point out which parts of my responses and citations fail to meet that criteria. Rather than just because “I said so.”

    Well, go on. We’re waiting…

    I trust the fact checking sites I cite because their articles are supported by links to further reputable sources and scientific papers.

    And I quoted portions of your own fact check links to demonstrate that they end up either agreeing with me, or that they fail to address the topic at all by sleight of hand wording that doesn’t actually debunk anything.

    You like to link to things you don’t comprehend as demonstrated by your failure to directly address what I’ve said and numerous times having been asked by others to explain in your own words what your drive-by links actually contain that are any argument yet failing to do so except to belittle us for actually reading past your fact check headline.

    Then in classic kindergarden fashion you pretend to have the upper hand by going “Hah-hah!” despite that everyone can see how badly your nose is bleeding from walking into a telephone pole while yelling at us.

  47. Johnno


    So those animals died from the virus, because the vaccine didn’t work. That doesn’t support your claim that they died from the vaccine itself AT ALL.

    As you’ve failed to read, there is a symptom called ADE, so they didn’t just die of the virus, the vexxines made them far more vulnerable. So yes the vexxine helped kill them from something they were more likely to survive without it. That’s not including other complications. This is why for decades this technology never made it past the animal stage. Read your own fact checkers who try to bury this with copious amounts of “experts are being very careful” rhetoric.

    And that’s assuming that this testing is being reported accurately, which I doubt

    And yet the pharma corps, FDA and Fauci themselved take it very seriously. Funny that…

    you’re citing Dr. Lee Merritt, an extremist conspiracy theorist who currently runs a “Tattoo Removal, Skin Rejuvenation, Vaginal Tightening & Rejuvenation, Hair Removal, and Anti-Aging clinic in Omaha, Nebraska”

    You have cited a video interview with someone who runs a tattoo removal business from a stripmall.

    That’s far more credentials than the minimum wage fact check writers of no medical background whatsoever.

    Dr. Merrit does a lot more than that.

    Next you’ll be telling us that we can’t take her seriously because she also has a side business selling flowers and has mutual funds and investments tied up in real estate and she probably collects Pokemon cards.

    Typical “fact-check” irrelevancies attempting to character assassinate by getting gullible readers to infer negative associations. A psychological tactic. Tattoos = bikers, yakuza, porn sluts, dumb teenagers = therefore bad, and can’t be doctor, because doctor = good = no tattoos.

    No doctor would ever think to run a business that caters to common market needs to make money. No! Doctor is noble profession! Doctor only invest in clinic treating rare exotic diseases that almost nobody gets! That’s how make money! Wealthy smart people only do one thing. Never diversify!

    No, it’s been another example of you failing to cite anything which actually debunks my fact check.

    Then it should be very easy for you to point out which parts of my responses and citations fail to meet that criteria. Rather than just because “I said so.”

    Well, go on. We’re waiting…

    I trust the fact checking sites I cite because their articles are supported by links to further reputable sources and scientific papers.

    And I quoted portions of your own fact check links to demonstrate that they end up either agreeing with me, or that they fail to address the topic at all by sleight of hand wording that doesn’t actually debunk anything.

    You like to link to things you don’t comprehend as demonstrated by your failure to directly address what I’ve said and numerous times having been asked by others to explain in your own words what your drive-by links actually contain that are any argument yet failing to do so except to belittle us for actually reading past your fact check headline.

    Then in classic kindergarden fashion you pretend to have the upper hand by going “Hah-hah!” despite that everyone can see how badly your nose is bleeding from walking into a telephone pole while yelling at us.

  48. Rudolph Harrier

    No, it’s been another example of you failing to cite anything which actually debunks my fact check. I trust the fact checking sites I cite because their articles are supported by links to further reputable sources and scientific papers.

    Links to articles that you’ve neither read nor understand.

    I really don’t get what you think you are accomplishing here. You’ve made it clear on numerous occasions that all you trust is “fact check” articles, though you usually do not even read the entirety of those articles. You’ve also made clear that you only trust them because they are from “reputable” sources and that you do not trust the analysis from anyone outside of such a source.

    Thus all you do, and all you really can do is post a link to something and say “I posted a link to the reputable source! You have to believe me!” or “You didn’t post a link to a a reputable source! No one can believe you!”

    But if all you were doing was posting links you would never need more than a line or too. Maybe you could include a third line for irrelevant snark, along the lines of Shecky’s output. The only reason to say anything more is to stress that your analysis matters, even though (even in your own worldview!) it cannot.

    It’s like you want to say that everyone must bow down to whatever the “experts” say, with no thought of our own since everyone but the “experts” are idiots, but simultaneously receive praise for being such a smarty that you are able to post links.

  49. Jim G

    I know two co-workers who took the jab over a month ago. They are still suffering from extreme joint pain. I have no desire to become part of an experiment.

    Concerning the Pope: too bad a Martin Luther isn’t around to nail some comments up on the Vatican gate. He could just as well nail them up on the door to our ELCA Lutheran church. They are now placing support BLM (Marxist) messages in their newsletter. This really upsets my wife as she was brought up Lutheran. Too bad we need to find somewhere else to find the Lord, because he appears to have exited most church buildings.

    And please, I’m not trying to start another argument here.

    “Concerning one’s demeanor, Luther made it plain that fear of death was the Devil’s work, and that no Christian should yield to it.”

  50. Russell Haley

    Did that make me laugh? No. I try not to laugh at people that show signs of mental illness.

  51. swordfishtrombone

    Translation: Us fac-chakars assume people bringing this up MUST ALL be referring to this particular study that we cherry-picked!

    A disengenuous response as usual. Dr. Merritt didn’t say which studies she was citing in the first place, so you can hardly complain if it isn’t clear to fact checkers. I still don’t know which animal trial or trials is/are being referred to here. Do you even know yourself?

    But what about all those other experiments on other animals that were also not mice???

    Yes, good question. Which studies?!

    In animal studies, after mRNA injections have been administered to cats, when the virus arrived once again into the body, it arrived like a Trojan Horse, undetected by the cats’ own immune system.

    That’s just Dr. Merritt’s original claim. Which studies?!

    ADE has proven to be a serious challenge with coronavirus vaccines, and this is the primary reason many have failed in early in-vitro or animal trials. [Dr. Doug]

    Dr. Doug is another quack. He claims to have a PhD, but according to PubMed, he hasn’t published a single paper. I couldn’t find anything related to this Dr. Doug article, but here is a link to a very thorough debunk of one of his other false claims, which is enough to establish that he hasn’t got a clue what he’s talking about:

    Translation:So the data we have is still ongoing and so far useless.

    Not about animal testing. Your “translation” of this is a lie. Six months of human testing doesn’t equate to “useless data”.

    “The FDA noted that Pfizer, “identified vaccine-associated enhanced disease, including vaccine-associated enhanced respiratory disease, as an important potential risk”.

    Not about animal testing. And a potential risk doesn’t necessarily translate into an actual risk. And it didn’t, because the COVID-19 vaccines are safe.

    Open Letter to the EMA and European Parliament”, Doctors for Covid Ethics

    Not about animal testing.

    Plenty more here:

    A blog post by a economist who knows absolutely nothing about viruses, vaccines, or pandemics, which just repeats Dr. Merritt’s false claims. Just how many times are you going to refer to the same claims?

    This has been another episode of Johnno doesn’t know what he is talking about, but oh boy does he trust “anyone whose opinion he already agrees with beforehand”, especially if they were in the Capitol on the day of the Insurrection, and if they spread endless conspiracy theories and lies all over the Internet.

    Dr. Lee Merritt:

    Another member of AFLDS who appears to have been in Washington, DC on the day of the riot is Dr. Lee Merritt. She stated as much in a recent interview with Alex Newman, the senior editor of “The New American,” an offshoot of the far-right conspiracy factory, the John Birch Society (JBS). Among the JBS’ founding political philosophies was opposition to civil rights in the 1960s. The group’s founder, Robert Welch, had an obsession with deep state actors and secretive cabals reminiscent of QAnon core beliefs. [The Millenial Source]

  52. Johnno

    Dr. Merritt didn’t say which studies she was citing in the first place, so you can hardly complain if it isn’t clear to fact checkers.

    Oh I see… it’s her fault that the fact-checker didn’t do their job. Nice…

    Yes, good question. Which studies?!

    The ones quoted. The ones the fact-checker never addressed.

    but here is a link to a very thorough debunk of one of his other false claims…

    Why are you linking to something completely unrelated? And as usual, yawn… the fact checkers are trying to play semantic word games to what they mean versus what someone else means by “changing DNA.”

    Doc Doug and others, trying to explain things to a layman audience to casually discuss that the shots are sending instructions to the DNA that aren’t originally there, and thus “changing” what they usually do to do what the shot tells it, and how this is different from traditional vaccines and has never before been put on the market in the history of humanity until now.

    The Pharma-funded fact-checkers are trying to grasp at any straw they can to deliberately mis-interpret non-technical language to argue “NUH-UH! Vexxines don’t “change” your human DNA into some other alien species of DNA! D’UH! STOOPID! You’ve been FACT-CHECKED!”

    Doc Doug is saying the vexxines change what your DNA normally does via mRNA instructions.

    FACT-CHECKA is claiming that what Doc Doug really meant to say that he actually didn’t was that vexxines change your DNA ENTIRELY, so therefore LOL! WRONG!

    That’s a Fact-checka! Thanks for debunking nothing!

    Six months of human testing doesn’t equate to “useless data”.

    It is in vaccination and drug trails which require years of data and trials before they are determined safe for the market. But even if six months was very nice, the drug was still put out for the general population under “emergency use” before any trials were done and everything was run concurrently. Read your own stupid fact-check, stupid!

    Not about animal testing.

    Right! It’s from human testing! That’s much worse!

    A blog post by a economist who knows absolutely nothing about viruses, vaccines, or pandemics, which just repeats Dr. Merritt’s false claims. Just how many times are you going to refer to the same claims?

    That’s more qualified than minimum wage fact check copy-writers. I will refer to them because they are true. Some random poster on the internet like you is demonstrably not to be taken seriously, especially when you don’t read your own fact-checks.

    if they were in the Capitol on the day of the Insurrection, and if they spread endless conspiracy theories and lies all over the Internet.

    Yawn… So what? Next you’ll be saying we can’t take her seriously because she voted for Ron Paul back in 20dickety-2. And that this one time when she was 12 years old at band camp, she didn’t know the difference between a tuba and a trumbone, and you know all about trumbones, more than her. You got anything other than pathetic attempts at ad-hominem? Especially ones that nobody cares about here? She protested at the Capitol? That’s only a good thing in my book!

    By the way. The FBI has debunked the “insurrection” narrative. Check your fact-checks. You probably still believe the Russians rigged the previous election, don’t you? Maybe when you’ve got some free time you can tell us all about the fact-checkers who insisted that there still are WMD in Iraq, and that everything in Afghanistan is under control.

  53. Johnno

    Boy is this ‘skepticalraptor’ fella a hoot! Not a very friendly atheist considering his raging fury that someone out there is a Christian who doesn’t subscribe to his fish-turned-into-people fairy tale!

    One can look up Dr. Corrigan’s bio here. A very impressive resume!

    Mr.raptor claims he can’t find any of his papers… so we are just left to assume that trumboneraptor looked hard enough. But Raptor agrees that his PhD is real, and just casually dismisses it by claiming PhDs say many crazy things… wow! I wonder if the Raptorgenius applies that same rigorous scrutiny to his favorite PhD? I’m guessing… no.

    Hey swordfish, do you agree with raptorskeptic’s views about “genocidal herd immunity”??? BWAHAHAHAA!!!!

    The portion under ‘Enough with Doug Corrigan’s background. So what is he claiming about the mRNA vaccines?’ is even funnier! Here’s a summary of skepticalretard’s take:

    “D’uh, yes what Dr. Corrigan says is true, BUT, you know, it’s reaaaallly minor… and I see no evidence that this minor stuff could turn out to be a problem… It might/maybe/could probably NOT be hard-wired here and there, but this only sometimes maybe happend…. waaa waaa!”


    Quote from Dr. Corrigan used by the fact-raptor:

    It is well known that RNA can be “reverse transcribed” into DNA. Residing in our cells are enzymes called “reverse transcriptases”. These enzymes convert RNA into DNA. Multiple sources for this class of enzymes exist within our cells. These reverse transcriptases are normally made by other viruses termed “retroviruses”. HIV is a retrovirus and so is Hepatitis B, but there are many other retroviruses that fall in this category.

    Fact-retard’s argument:

    Corrigan is discussing one way that RNA could change genes, and that’s through an enzyme called reverse transcriptase, which generates complementary DNA (cDNA) from a viral RNA template. However, reverse transcriptase does not exist in humans except in the presence of retroviruses like HIV. In that case, it’s using its own viral RNA template, not just pulling random mRNA out of the cell. It wants the cell to produce a bunch of new retroviruses by hijacking the DNA.

    Now, Corrigan is claiming that there are “endogenous retroviruses” that are hardwired into our DNA. That is true – about 8% of the human DNA comes from viruses during our long evolutionary past. In other words, retroviruses added genes that conferred some evolutionary advantage to humans and so were kept around. It’s a fascinating subject in evolution.

    I am trying to figure out why Doug Corrigan thinks that reverse transcriptase actually exists in normal human cells that aren’t infected by hepatitis B or HIV.”

    Whoa Whoa! Hold the phone!

    Quote from Dr. Corrigan:

    These reverse transcriptases are normally made by other viruses termed “retroviruses”.

    Fact-raptor the skeptical one:

    I am trying to figure out why Doug Corrigan thinks that reverse transcriptase actually exists in normal human cells

    But… where is that in the quote or anything that Dr. Corrigan said?

    It’s isn’t there! Dr. Corrigan never said that! The Fact-checka has put words into his mouth that aren’t there!

    This is like that time fact-checkars famously fact-checked Tim Pool when he made reference to two separate stories that someone once flew on Jeffrey Epstein’s Jet and was seen at Epstein’s private island on another occasion, all by assuming that Tim Pool meant that the guy flew in Jeffrey Epstein’s jet to Epstein’s island on the same day and then attempted to debunked Tim Pool by demonstrating that Epstein’s island doesn’t have a runway for a jet to land!

    What we now have here is a Darwin-fanboi tripping over himself to try and make it seem that Dr. Corrigan doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

    But the ‘debunk’ is largely the retard-raptor agreeing with practically everything Dr. Corrigan said.

    And also “OOOOoooo! I HATE Christian Creationists! Look how much I hate them!”

    Typical fact-checka!

    But there is a lot of text and a lot of big words and technical talk, and this is enough to convince trumbone the fish sword!


  54. Joy

    You’re talking out of your hat about Christianity (and me.)
    Like previously, you write a statement which is not particularly controversial and then splice it to a false argument which is then attributed, falsely, to your opponent. It’s called lying by projection.

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