The Great Reset And Our Inevitable Expertocracy

The Great Reset And Our Inevitable Expertocracy

Here in the beautiful northwood it is true that if “x + y = 2” and “y = 0” then “x = 2”.

But what if, in your locality, the custom is to say, “I don’t care whether it’s true or false. I’m going to say ‘x = 7’. What are you going to do about it?”

Indeed, what?

If you’re like most you’d reply, “Nothing, that’s what. What’s it to do with me? Most people can’t do simple algebra and I don’t give a damn if you can or not.”

Even trained mathematicians might hold this view. Expert mathematicians won’t.

Experts will become angry and demand that something be done. They may insist on programs to train the innumerate. They may, if generous, allow people to believe the falsity. But they will require certain light punishments—nudges, if you will—for those who speak the falsity. They cannot permit disinformation to disseminate.

Nothing to an Expert is as important as the collection of small propositions he holds true. He loves both their content and their perceived utility. There is nothing wrong with loving the humble truth given above. It is, after all, a necessary truth. Why shouldn’t people be made to know it? And to act on it in ways the Expert thinks fit?

We can’t fault the Expert for pushing a falsity in this case. We can only question his desire that all should know and act as he sees fit. But if he says, and believes—truly believes—in his truth and its required actions, and if he is sincere—truly sincere—that if his plans were implemented the world would be a better place, then we will never talk him out those plans. He will adjudge his own expertise as sufficient proof of their universal desirability.

The key word is universal. It’s no good, no good at all, that where the Expert lives many believe in the truth and act in the right way. It’s that the Expert recoils in horror at having to go where his truth is disparaged, or even where it is acknowledged but unheeded. Belief in truth is not enough: the Expert is right in this. There must be actions. Nobody believes more strongly in the proposition “God exists” than Satan.

All this is even before we consider that what Experts believe is not always the truth (uncertainties are translated to certainties by desire). And that their need for the proper action is improper for any but themselves. That is our constant subject on this blog, and so we say no more about it today.

We now come to our seemingly abrupt turn. The Great Reset. Elements of the old left at Open Democracy are becoming suspicious or our soon-to-be-mandated utopia. And it is a utopia. We can never remind ourselves enough of their slogan You Will Own Nothing And Be Happy.

The set of conspiracy theories around the Great Reset are nebulous and hard to pin down, but piecing them together gives us something like this: the Great Reset is the global elite’s plan to instate a communist world order by abolishing private property while using COVID-19 to solve overpopulation and enslaving what remains of humanity with vaccines.

The Great Reset is the elites’ plan to instate, not community of property, not communism, but a managed one-world Expertocracy.

They say themselves they want to abolish private property. They say themselves overpopulation is a dreaded evil. They say themselves that because of coronadoom you must have vexxines and vexxine passports and follow all their health rules.

The conspiracy theory is thus pretty close to the mark.

The reason this non-conspiracy exists is that “universal”. Experts sitting in Cleveland (some do!) think the same as Experts sitting in Amsterdam. But not necessarily the same as those in Beijing. There is a near, but not complete, universality among Expert belief. Why shouldn’t there be? The economy is global, their training is global and near interchangeable, their degrees, certifications, and awards are universal.

All Experts look at best with sadness, and usually with disdain, at the desires and reasoning powers of non-Experts. Experts in their mega-regions cycle in and out of business, the government, and the bureaucracy. Technology has now evolved to the point where their earnest, announced, not-at-all secret open plans can be implemented.

What is coming is inevitable. The only possible hope of blunting the force of the Great Reset in the regions where it will come is to replace their Experts with our Experts. Not just in government by (good grief) “elections”, but everywhere.

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  1. Sheri

    Does “reset” mean return to the status quo of thousands of years of human existence, because that is what we are really talking about, though perhaps on a more global level. Until the United States came into existence, virtually all the world was ruled and people were subjects. There was no freedom in countries. Small areas, maybe, and a few ancient empires, again, maybe, but worldwide people were ruled over. This is just a return to what was because freedom is too much work. It was always easier to be ruled over than to self-determine one’s life. It can’t be stopped because it goes against the lazy nature of most and the desire to rule by the rich and evil. It is the most common state of human beings. Just on a global level this time.

    As for Covid and the vaccinations, this simply replaces famine and war. In history, the population was reduced when the food ran out or the ruler of a country sent thousands to die in war with the neighboring country. And honestly, if this was to reduce populations, Covid is an utter failure. You’re going to need a mortality rate closer to Sars 1, which was around 30%, if I recall correctly. Fauci needs to do more research in his Chinese Frankenstein lab if we’re going to create a disease that reduces populations.

  2. Michael Dowd


    Good comment. Agree, but weren’t the vaccines engineered to reduce population? Surely, the “experts” will wait awhile to see if vaccines do the job they intended before introducing bubonic plague or something with a higher kill rate than Covid. The kill rate and its control is the key.

  3. Sheri

    Michael: The only thing I can tell you for sure is the vaccines were engineered to make the pharmaceutical companies rich. Beyond that, we have to wait and see. Unless people start dropping dead or turning into the walking dead in a couple of years, I will have to stay with greed being the only goal.

    Anthrax could work. We already have people terrified of anthrax, so the preliminary work is there!

    I definitely agree the kill rate and its control is the key.

  4. Jan Van Betsuni

    Soon it will be October 31st, and Experts now confirm that we can expect to see Purple Pumpkins decorating many doorsteps as children go about trick-or-treating for Halloween this year. {Orange Pumpkins} you might say – reflecting back upon your fading childhood memories – but others will let this pass, only glancing downwards in awkward silence at your remark. Pumpkins have always been PURPLE you know, which is why on Halloween we traditionally decorate our homes in Black and Purple colors – states the online supermarket bulletin board. Witches wear Black and Purple robes – which is why Purple Pumpkins became symbolic decorations when The Pilgrims in Massachusetts Bay Colony first observed this traditional holiday time – public elementary school teachers vivaciously instruct their young students. But, what about The Great Orange Pumpkin Lore surrounding that LINUS character in Charles Shultz’s comic world Peanuts? A quick check of WikiPedants yields no relevant story details – but several images of Large PURPLE Pumpkins appear prominently in the sidebars – including PURPLE|HAZEL (Guinness Book Of World Records – 1300 lbs weight). Feeling a bit frantic now (heart fluttering) you decide to check the Burpee Seed Catalog (online) which currently shows just two product choices available: their best selling Heirloom Purple Pumpkin seeds or BAYER Super-GENE Pumpkin-Purple seeds at twice the price. The Great Reset has truly begun – there is no ORANGE – only crackpot conspiracy theorists who claim that nonsense online. Go ahead – ask any University Professor – or call someone in Government – if you still think the Experts are wrong.

  5. Jan Van Betsuni

    Soon it will be October 31st, and Experts now confirm that we can expect to see Purple Pumpkins decorating many doorsteps as children go about trick-or-treating for Halloween again this year. {Orange Pumpkins} you might say – reflecting back on your fading childhood memories – but others will let this pass, only glancing downwards in awkward silence at your remark. Pumpkins have always been PURPLE you know, which is why on Halloween we traditionally decorate our homes in Black and Purple colors – states the online supermarket bulletin board. Witches wear Black and Purple robes – which is why Purple Pumpkins became symbolic decorations when The Pilgrims in Massachusetts Bay Colony first observed this traditional holiday time – public elementary school teachers vivaciously instruct their young charges. But, what about The Great Orange Pumpkin Lore surrounding that LINUS character in Charles Shultz’s comic world Peanuts? A quick check of WikiPedants yields no useful story details – but several images of Large PURPLE Pumpkins appear prominently in the sidebars – including PURPLE|HAZEL (Guinness Book Of World Records Pumpkin – 1300 lbs weight). Feeling a bit frantic now (heart fluttering) you open the Burpee Seed Catalog (online) which currently shows just two product choices available: their best selling Heirloom Purple Pumpkin seeds or BAYER Super-GENE Pumpkin-Purple seeds at twice the price. The Great Reset has truly begun – there are no ORANGE PUMPKINS – only crackpot conspiracy theorists who claim that nonsense online. Go ahead – ask any University Professor – or even call someone in Government – if you think the Experts or the Consensus are is wrong.

  6. Hagfish Bagpipe

    It’s pretty funny the “elements of the old left at Open Democracy” have finally noticed there’s “something fishy” going on with this Great Reset thingamabob. No shinola sherlock, just wake up did you? — here, have a cuppa joe, gramps.

    Briggs: “But if he says, and believes—truly believes—in his truth and its required actions, and if he is sincere—truly sincere—that if his plans were implemented the world would be a better place, then we will never talk him out those plans.”

    True believers in expertopia account for many upper level Resetters, along with agnostic-but-eager-for-advancement careerists. But the top level believes only in power for power’s sake. The top level looks down on true believers as useful idiots. The top level looks down on the “old left” and other liberal idealists as sentimental dolts to be used as pawns. The best examples of top level power men in our time are Stalin and Mao: amoral, cunning, sadistic, deceitful, loving only the acquisition of more power and inflicting cruel punishments on enemies, which includes all humanity. The Great Reset conspirators are now incubating such a man. He will appear on the scene when the time is ripe. He will be hailed as a great leader and will lead men into the abyss.

  7. Hagfish Bagpipe

    The new world order/empire arising from America’s pyhrric victory in WWII was promoted as, and believed to be, an essentially liberal project: a one-world, United Nations government rationalizing affaires globally so as to produce peace and prosperity — according to the sales brochure. That’s why so many old-school liberals are scratching their bald heads — our program was good, we’re not bad people, we would not support a global totalitarian empire… so how is it that a global totalitarian empire is somehow taking shape?

    You got snookered, gramps. You thought you bought the Brooklyn Bridge but you didn’t read the fine print on your title, see here, you actually bought “Auschwitz, where, ‘Vexxines Macht Frei'”.

  8. Aaron Glover

    Instead of the great reset, it is time for the great undo…and while we’re at it, a re-think of the pervasiveness of the principle of stare decisis outside of the domain of the judiciary

  9. Dennis

    Amazing that so many mainstream media and others still refer to “The Great Reset” as a “conspiracy theory,” when it’s quite out in the open and you can even by Schwab’s book on Amazon explaining the plan (at least the exoteric part – I’m sure there are some esoteric aspects only for members of the inner sanctum).

    Dostoevsky’s Underground Man insisted 2+2=5 sometimes if he felt like it – but he had another point in mind about human nature and the limits of rationality, which isn’t quite what the purveyors of Woke Math have in mind when they spew their nonsense, where it’s all about lowering standards and condescending to Magical Minorities).

  10. Rudolph Harrier

    “Conspiracy Theory” means “unapproved narrative.” No more and no less.

    Just today I had someone talk to me about the “conspiracy theory” that masks are not 100% effective at stopping the spread of respiratory diseases. Of course, as the facts go there is nothing controversial at all in that statement. No authority, not even those heavily pushing masking, claim that masks stop all spread. There are very few that say that they stop even the vast majority of spread. Thus the “conspiracy theory” was merely stating an agreed upon truth. But it was said in the context of questioning the effectiveness of a mask mandate and thus it became a “conspiracy theory” since it was now being used for an unapproved narrative.

    Similarly you see a lot of “fact checkers” classifying the idea that the COVID vaccines have a much higher rate of lethal complications compared to other vaccines as a “conspiracy theory.” Tellingly they all “debunk” it in different ways: some say that the number of deaths is too low to worry about (even if it is higher than other vaccines), some say that may of the reports of deaths might have been due to other causes, some say that there may be an effort to undermine the VAERS database (a conspiracy theory used to argue against a “conspiracy theory.”) None of the “debunking” really addresses the core claims, and none of them establish any sort of “conspiracy” involved in the claim. But the claim runs contrary to the approved narrative that COVID vaccines are 100% safe, so it is a “conspiracy theory.”

  11. Dr. Weezil

    It really does bring into sharp focus why the Modernists worked so hard to undermine the Church, turning it toward the world and making it just another Protestant sect. Protestants who were already turned toward man and thus the world by design.

  12. Shecky R

    Always a joy to read the facts via expert virologist, expert doctor, expert molecular biologist, expert Freudian psychoanalyst, expert numerologist, expert historiographer, expert astrophysicist, expert paranormalist Matt Briggs… er, uhh wait, nevermind.

  13. Russell Haley

    You forgot to mention that the “Experts” hate their predecessors more than anything else. New “Experts” will go to any length to remove the old “Experts”.

  14. Dennis

    Ah yes, the “experts” have so distinguished themselves over the past 18 months, eh Sheck?

    Midwit credentialism and the insistence on “expertise” (status to be conferred by other “experts” of course) as an entry card to debate on any issues of public concern (scientific or otherwise) is the last refuge of scoundrels in this age.

  15. Rudolph Harrier

    I got the biggest insight on how midwits use credentials a few years ago when discussing Galileo with a colleague. He objected that what I was saying contradicted Neil DeGrasse Tyson’s statements. I said that didn’t matter, because I was right and offered him sources proving my point. He asked why he should listen to me, seeing as how Tyson has a PhD. I pointed out that I have a PhD. He then said yes, but my PhD is not in history, and I pointed out how neither is Tyson’s!

    What it really came down to was that Tyson is on TV and I am not. But, being a midwit, he needed to brush up his beliefs in an intellectual veneer. He couldn’t just come out and say “I believe whatever I see on TV” and so tried to use other credentials to reach the same conclusion. But in this case there were no credentials that could qualify Tyson while simultaneously disqualifying me, so he floundered and eventually ended up the conversation.

  16. C-Marie

    I cannot believe my spelling in my first comment! But it is late and I am on the elderly side! Truly an apocalyptic story!!

    Love in Jesus, C-Marie

  17. Lee

    All excellent discussion points.
    But know this: there are powers above global elitist powers, and these are the ones slyly whispering the rules. Even the elites are being duped – they more than we, for they think they are going to live and rule long.
    But in fact, the real powers that be – those above the bamboozled elitists – hate each one of us with a vehemence no one can even conceive.
    And they want every single one of us dead this instant.

  18. Johnno

    The nightmare scenario: what happens when the experts don’t know what is going on or what to do???

    Well first they’ll tell us to all remain calm, because they are working on it.

    Then they remain inexplicably silent and there are no more press conferences. Media starts to panic.

    Then they would leave on an airplane with suitcases full of cash, but in this case they screwed themselves by locking everything down so there is no place to run to.

  19. Dennis

    Just watched a tv news channel for about 15 minutes for the first time in months. Saw a commercial “paid for by the US Dept. of Health and Human Services” (i.e. taxpayers), which showed a bunch of masked-up kids who looked to range between ages 3 & 18, urging them and their parents to get vaxed for school, and claiming in bold letters, “The vaccines are proven to very effective against the Delta Variant.” The mind reels at anyone who could look at the actual data worldwide, demonstrating ever-increasing vax failure – especially for the so-called “Delta variant” (or what they claiming are “Delta cases,” though the test can’t actually tell, and if the scariant really exists and isn’t just a propaganda re-labeling) – and spout that tag line with a straight face. Our tax dollars at work. What a sick joke.

    This – pure govt propaganda in service of the Big Pharma’s big Covid vax con – is the real “vaccine misinformation” being peddled today; not only wrong but demonstrably dangerous and deadly. But because it’s official govt propaganda, those responsible won’t be punished or deplatformed, deprived of bank accounts, fired, ostracized from society, etc., unlike countless brave individuals around the world daring to speak the truth in the face of a global conspiracy of death-dealing lies.

  20. Dennis

    Ugh. “…proven to be very…” that should say above.

  21. swordfishtrombone


    Ah yes, the “experts” have so distinguished themselves over the past 18 months, eh Sheck?

    Actually, yes. It’s easy to criticise from the safety of your armchair, but what would you have done if you had (God forbid!) been in charge?

    Midwit credentialism and the insistence on “expertise” (status to be conferred by other “experts” of course) as an entry card to debate on any issues of public concern (scientific or otherwise) is the last refuge of scoundrels in this age.

    You’d have a point except that your coments are a near-perfect illustration of the misinformation which results when non-experts are fed misinformation by other non-experts. Would you put non-experts in charge of a construction project? A hospital? A nuclear power station?

  22. swordfishtrombone

    Dennis, (Take 2)

    Ah yes, the “experts” have so distinguished themselves over the past 18 months, eh Sheck?

    Actually, yes. It’s easy to criticise from the safety of your armchair, but what would you have done if you had (God forbid!) been in charge?

    Midwit credentialism and the insistence on “expertise” (status to be conferred by other “experts” of course) as an entry card to debate on any issues of public concern (scientific or otherwise) is the last refuge of scoundrels in this age.

    You’d have a point except that your coments are a near-perfect illustration of the misinformation which results when non-experts are fed misinformation by other non-experts. Would you put non-experts in charge of a construction project? A hospital? A nuclear power station?

  23. Dr. Weezil

    Yes, Mr. Acquatic Wind Instrument, they have surely distinguished themselves, poorly at that. The economic and social calamity wrought by these politicized nerds has been devastating. I don’t understand why you people must defend these sociopaths.

    “Experts” are judged not by their credentials, but by their accomplishments. Who you are describing are “specialists,” not “experts.” That being said, at what point do you stop paying your “experts” and fire them when they fail to deliver?

  24. Dennis

    “ Actually, yes. It’s easy to criticise from the safety of your armchair, but what would you have done if you had (God forbid!) been in charge?”

    It was quite evident by mid-May 2020, at the very latest, that initial models of projected deaths everywhere were vastly inflated, that Covid had a global IFR barely worse than flu (with a corresponding 99.98% survival rate), that masks (as every pre-Covid study had shown) are useless theatre and virtue-signaling, that Covid mainly targets the already very aged, immunocompromised, or those who have comorbidities (often more than 1), etc.

    What I would have done, and what should have been done, is very easy (But most politicians today are spineless weasels, and almost all kowtowed to CCP propaganda, esp. re. lockdowns, which no pandemic prep measures in the West had ever countenanced before). By mid-May 2020 all extreme measures, lockdowns, muzzle mandates, etc. should have be called-off irrevocably. Likewise, mass testing with PCR, especially of those with no symptoms, should have been called off. No one who is not presenting symptoms needs to be tested. “Case” inflation through mass testing has been the biggest driver of ongoing paranoia.

    I’d have done nothing more than what is done in any of the many periodic “bad flu seasons” (apparently 2017-2018 was one – I never knew it; I barely even registered the 2009 H1N1 thing – just as my mom says she barely recalls Hong Kong flu in 1969, which killed a couple million worldwide I believe) that pop up. Take some mild measures to help protect the most vulnerable, encourage those personally worried/paranoid who feel most vulnerable to take whatever measures they feel necessary to protect themselves (or just make themselves feel better by going through some mask theatre, etc), and everyone else, especially the young (under 40, though even up to 50s and 60s it presents lite risk to most) to whom Covid is of little risk (without prior immunocompromisation or comorbidites) should have gone on with their lives as they always had done before.

    I would have also started program to make sure cheap already existing drugs and supplements that had, even in early stages of this whole debacle, already shown effectiveness in prevention and early treatment of symptoms, were widely available and distributed to anyone who wants then at little or no cost – esp. vitamins C & D (with magnesium), Zinc, and Ivermectin (also Quercetin – which is also in some multi-vitamins), perhaps HCQ and a few others (some evidence Holy Basil and Ashwaganda root may also be helpful). A program of mass supplement and ivermectin distribution would have been far, far, cheaper, and more effective, than “operation warp speed” to rush dangerous, undertested mRNA ”vaccines” to market (which had never even been allowed to proceed to human trials before, despite decades of animal testing with mRNA; and despite there never having been an effective vaccine for the coronavirus class. Suddenly multiple “vaccines” of this kind – totally safe and effective we’re assured with mantra-like insistence – are available in less than a year for a supposedly “novel” virus? Something here doesn’t had up, and those paying attention could smell a rotten egg from the beginning of this mess.) and the massive govt funded testing program (if people had to pay out-of-pocket for these tests and jabs, the whole shamdemic would collapse overnight).

    Also, given that obesity is the number one comorbidity/risk factor, I would have starred general wellness programs to encourage exercise and better diets, etc. (instead of lockdowns, and people sitting around at home – being told in some countries they can only go out for an hour or two a day – getting fatter and eating junk while watching the latest sportsball event or superhero BS movie on Netflix).

    Had such policies been followed, we’d have reached herd immunity long ago, and all this Covid madness would have been behind us by last summer, and at far less cost to society – and I don’t mean merely in financial/economic terms, but in every way in which overall societal health well-being is measured. Unfortunately, as I said, most politicians these days are gutless swine (and generally deeply ignorant and thoughtless to boot), and mostly owned by CCP, Big Pharma, or other oligarchic interests, lacking in real leadership qualities and caring only for their next election or pocketbooks rather than the real health, safety, and security, and well-being of the societies they supposedly ”lead.”

    There are sign people are waking up. I’ve had multiple vaxed people tell me they will not get the boosters – one an aunt, age 72, who had the shots, got Covid anyway, had an antibody infusion as well (talk about antibody overload! Good grief, and she barely had the sniffles for a couple days), but is skeptical as hell at them encouraging her now to sign up for a booster. I was also glad to see the US Open, starting Monday, announced it will not check vax status, nor will it require muzzles (I was surprised coming from NYC – wasn’t Blahsio the first mayor to announce a vax passport requirement for dining, theatres, etc? I assume it would also apply to sporting events). In any case, if it is supposed to good for them rejecting Blahsio’s lawless overreach and tyranny. Every event that goes on like this under basically normal conditions will make it ever harder to push mandates and vax passports in the future, when people see things going on as normal and masses of people not dropping dead of an inflated flu.

  25. philemon

    “Dennis, (Take 2)

    “Ah yes, the ‘experts; have so distinguished themselves over the past 18 months, eh Sheck?
    “Actually, yes. It’s easy to criticise from the safety of your armchair, but what would you have done if you had (God forbid!) been in charge?

    “Midwit credentialism and the insistence on ‘expertise’ (status to be conferred by other ‘experts’ of course) as an entry card to debate on any issues of public concern (scientific or otherwise) is the last refuge of scoundrels in this age.

    “You’d have a point except that your coments are a near-perfect illustration of the misinformation which results when non-experts are fed misinformation by other non-experts. Would you put non-experts in charge of a construction project? A hospital? A nuclear power station?”

    Oh, dear. Non-experts are in charge of many a construction project, without our saying so. A hospital, now, where’s the generator?

    Actually, I like a nuclear power station or two.

  26. philemon

    Next thing we know, swordfishtrombone will have been on a nuclear submarine, with Jimmy Carter!

  27. swordfishtrombone


    To sum up, if you’d have been in charge, you wouldn’t have done anything other than prescribe vitamin D and wait for herd immunity to set in. Unfortunately, it’s now estimated that would require 90% of people to be immune (or, indeed, may never happen), and with a death rate of about 2%, that would mean about 6 million deaths in the US.

    All I can say is, your idea of courageous leadership reminds me of Lord Farquaad in Shrek: “Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make.”

  28. Michael Dowd

    I’m 100% with Lord Farquaad and his concept of collateral damage. Better to sacrifice a few (hardly a blip in overall death rate) to save the many from economic destruction, suicide, death due to inability to obtain hospital admission, suicide, and the coming government bankruptcy.

  29. Rudolph Harrier

    A death rate of 2%? Where the hell are you getting that from? Even if we take deaths attributed to COVID-19 as a ratio of confirmed cases we get about 1.6% percent. (These are from CDC numbers; about 620k deaths for about 38.5 million cases. John Hopkins gives the same CFR.) In reality the rate would be less since not all cases are confirmed (especially with how much we’ve been warned about “asymptotic spread”) and some deaths “attributed to COVID” are likely not due to COVID (or at least not primarily due to it.) That is the numerator of the ratio is likely smaller than reported while the denominator is bigger (quite possibly by an order of magnitude) leading to a smaller ratio.

    Just by accurately reporting the case fatality ratio I have saved over a million lives.

    Of course, what really matters here is the Infection Fatality Ratio. This is hard to determine, since the estimates of infections wildly differ, as is the case with any disease. For example the CDC confirmed about 30,000 hospital visits for flu in the 2017-2018 season. But they estimate that it was associated with 21 million medical visits in that year:

    Obviously calculating the death rate from 30,000 cases would be drastically different from calculating from 21 million.

    Even if we assume that 50% of all cases of COVID-19 are successfully caught through testing, which is more than what we would see for any other disease and assumes a relatively low asymptotic spread, that still means that the true number of cases is twice as much than what was seen. This would lead to an IFR of around .8%, though I would guess the true number is lower still.

    The only paper I could find that actually estimated the IFR was this one:

    which gives estimates of up to 1.54% and as low as .2%.

  30. Dennis

    The idea that the death rate would ever have approached 2%, after 18 months of clear evidence to the contrary, and in spite of much public policy being based on such overblown death rate predictions in that range or above by the likes of worthless scum like Dr. Neil Ferguson, is just laughable.

    And you misstated my position by limiting the early prevention and treatment plan to Vitamin D alone (this is the same trick people used to try to claim Ivermectin and HCQ don’t work – use in isolation (all the protocols call for use in combo with other things) after severe symptoms have set in and it’s too late, then claim they do nothing).

    An aggressive national fitness program to reduce obesity would do more to reduce Covid risk (among other things) than all the muzzles and lockdowns have done.

    [Apparently there is a doppelgänger on another thread using my name. Beware the imposter “Dennis”!]

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