Juneteenth, A Day In Which We Celebrate The Eternal Victim

Juneteenth, A Day In Which We Celebrate The Eternal Victim

So New Jersey unveiled a 700-pound (they themselves admitted missing the mark by a century of pounds) statue of career villain, porn actor, and all around thug George Floyd, who became a martyr by getting himself killed, while drugged up, in the commission of one of his many, many crimes.

NPR listeners from all across the once united States can now visit Newark and celebrate Floyd’s arrest for aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon in Dallas, or perhaps take delight in one of his many thefts, or even his impressive treatment of a pregnant woman (Planned Parenthood, rumor has it, is creating a new award in his honor). Pilgrims will each have their own favorite.

The statue is rich in meaning:

“George Floyd represents a lot more than himself at this juncture in history,” Newark Mayor Ras J. Baraka said during a ceremony Wednesday where the statue was unveiled to the public. “Hopefully when people walk by it and they see it…hopefully it inspires them to become active in the struggles that are happening right here in Newark and right here in New Jersey.”

That New Jersey erected this monument is telling. Floyd, I don’t believe, did not commit many, or even any, crimes in that fine state, though I admit to not checking assiduously. We will give him the benefit of our doubt and suppose he at least shoplifted there. Yet maybe that is ungenerous of me, seeing some localities have decriminalized shoplifting. I don’t wish to deny Floyd any of his accomplishments.

It’s also important the statue is unveiled this week is time for our new national holiday, which almost every lawmaker bravely—O, so bravely!—gave the thumbs up. This is Juneteenth, the day we recognize the Eternal Victim, which in the USA is the black.

The Floyd statue gives blacks something, and someone, to look up to as they considered their cherished victim status.

“Son, you see that statue,” a black father, possibly, can say, “That’s George Floyd. Someday, if you learn how to take drugs properly, you can be like him, too.”

“I want to a victim, too, dad.”

Who doesn’t? Being a victim means all the contests you have lost, all the opportunities that have vanished, all the goals that have been missed, are not your fault. They are due to “racism”, a mysterious power that emanates from white people.

Some scientists say this emanation is pheromones, a biological chemical that causes in its non-white victims a desire to fail. But others say the powers are purely mental, something like ESP, a so-far unmeasured psychic “ray” which can’t be shut off. Every time a non-white looks into the eyes of a white, he is lost.

We can ignore that controversy here. What’s important here is that today is the day we recognize some blacks, alone among all races, had it, sometime log ago in the far distant past, worse than a few others, but only in some cases and locations. Once a victim, always a victim, as the old saying goes, that most special state being passed on genetically.

How far we have come! How far we have to go!

Take systemic racism, the scourge of the Eternal Victim. It’s so bad at Harvard University, for instance, whose endemic racism Harvard themselves admit, that blacks are admitted only at rates about four times higher as whites and Asians, even though they perform far less well academically. “[A]n African American in that [lowest] decile [a measure of academic performance] has a higher chance of admission than an Asian American in the top decile” (I left out the percentages).

The same kind of sickening racism against Eternal Victims is found in medical schools. Blacks at the lowest range of MCAT scores are admitted at rates nine times higher than Asians. But, at the highest range of MCAT scores, blacks are admitted only a mere 1.6 times higher. A travesty.

Many more examples could be had, but why prolong the reader’s misery? We all know the stories.

I know what you’re thinking. Racism won’t be eliminated until we stop requiring from blacks any measure of achievement or merit or sense of responsibility. As all our great rulers always say “We have much work to do.”

This is why the statue—now one of many icons to his martyrdom—of George Floyd is so important. It is a constant reminder that a life of absolute depravity is something worthy of emulation for all Eternal Victims everywhere.

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  1. ABS could not be any happier that us Americans have a new Holy Day to celebrate, Juneteenth, because slaves were liberated in A Confederate State while the Federal States go to keep their slaves.

    The 1860 census revealed there were more slaves in the north than in the south which is a fact worth remembering.

    Back to liberating slaves. How many men know that Lincoln did not free a single slave? His emancipation proclamation only ordered the freeing of slaves in the states he did not control, The Confederacy, while Lincoln kept slavey legal in the states he did control.

    Honest Abe came by his nickname the same way a 400 lb mobster gets the nickname, Tiny.

    One loves the massive statue of Lincoln in Washington for liberals to worship because it is essentially a monument to the hypocrisy of the Federal Government, the flag of which waved over states where slavery was legal far longer than the CSA Flag waved over states where slavery was legal.

    In in the ideology of liberalism that means the Stars and Bars are racist because modern math.

    Looked at in a certain way (Think Blessed Ben Turpin looking at a Flapper) Juneteenth celebrates the hypocrisy of the Yankee/Feds and one can not get enough of that.

    To celebrate, ABS will make twice baked potatoes; he will repeatedly stab some dark skinned russets, cook them in an oven and then bury them with lily white sour cream when they are done.

  2. Plantagenet

    Well since it’s Jersey why not a crook with a certain moxie? Tony Soprano? Possibly because someone like Tony’s real life doppelgänger fervently believed, and in his own twisted way, followed the American dream. He would also rather cut off his own foot with a rusty saw than ever, ever,ever, be considered a victim. And if you tried to it might be your foot! Can’t believe I started a sentence with a conjunction!

  3. Bob

    I’m assuming that Newark had some statues of great American heroes that were torn down by protesters from BLM or Antifa. Plenty on them were torn down her in Wisconsin. Which torn down Newark statue was replaced by the St George statue?

  4. Hun

    True patriots are doing everything to hasten the collapse of the US, Canada and other woke countries. The sooner it (the collapse) happens, the better for the world.

  5. Dean Ericson

    There could be a Floydocaust Museum. Exhibits include piles of Air Jordan sneakers and gold teeth. The gift shop sells the usual soap and lampshades.

  6. The solution to racism is to help all blacks escape from the inherently racist white people of North America. Since blacks can only be comfortable and safe amongst people who look and act just like them, we need to pay reparations, in the form of a plane or boat ticket to the African nation of their choice, to every single black man, woman, and child in North America.

  7. Sheri

    I think when referring to Floyd, the child’s proper wish is “Daddy, I want to be shot by a white cop, too, as soon as possible so I can be a martyr”. (Note: A black cop will not do. Make sure you check the skin color of the cop before running or pulling a gun or punching them repeatedly.)

    Why do none of those who are guilty of systemic racism quit their cushy jobs and live in a tent on the streets, in penance. Otherwise, they are simply mocking the black race while using them as a doormat and a route to tenure, in the case of Harvard.

    Honestly, people ALWAYS adored the bad guys and made heroes out of them. The early Americans loved those who robbed stagecoaches, took over towns like tyrants, fought in cattle wars, robbed banks, robbed trains. These were their heroes back then and the pattern remains. Al Capone was hero to many. Bonnie and Clyde. Why pretend we are any different than we have always been?

  8. Kenan Meyer

    Incessantly arguing against people who’s goal it is to destroy rationality doesn’t make much sense to me and in itself is kind of irrational.
    This environment requires a completely different angle of attack.

  9. Ye Olde Statistician

    The 1860 census revealed there were more slaves in the north than in the south which is a fact worth remembering.

    Itt’s also worth remembering that this is easily checked.

    According to the summary at the Wikipedia, aside from a scattering in the territories and a grand total of 18 in New Jersey (house servants who had refused manumission when NJ outlawed slavery), there were more slaves in the Commonwealth of Virginia (490,865) than in all the Union states combined (430,806). And these latter were entirely in the Border States: Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, and Delaware plus DC itself.

    As for the scope of the Emancipation Proclamation: Are we so inured to the Late Modern notion that Presidents are all-powerful that we forget that in those days, there were limitations on what the president could do? As a war measure, the Proclamation could not logically apply to States with whom we were not at war.

  10. Hun

    The 1860 census revealed there were more slaves in the north than in the south which is a fact worth remembering.

    So… the northerners were the real racists? I am sure that will show them.

  11. I need to apply the sarcasm font to everything on this page. But now I run into my own comment and paradoxes start punching me. I may not make it…

  12. First of all we need to clarify what eternal means. In my point of view nothing can be called eternal except God, because anything that came into existence didn’t exist before.

  13. Dennis

    ABS is spot-on regarding Mr. Lincoln and his supposed “Emancipation” (and his hypocrisy). What’s especially sickening is that the Bill for this grotesquely named “Juneteenth (such an ugly, illiterate word) National Independence Day” was sponsored in the Senate by a Republican (and not one GOP member in the senate and few in the House – not even Rand, Gaetz or MTG – had the guts to put a stop to this nonsense). National Independence Day? So this is a deliberate 1619-style project to replace actual Independence Day with some mythical “black founding.” A faux-holiday only ever recognized in parts of Texas that most people throughout the country never either heard of or cared about (including most blacks) until last year, when someone decided to make an issue of it when Trump happened to have a campaign rally schedule for June 19, and they suddenly pretended the rally was scheduled as a deliberate affront to a supposedly sacred day. What a sick joke.

    Even worse and what really has my blood boiling: Just a couple hours after Dementia Joe signed the bill, the CDC announced that its supposed “Emergency Hearing” about Covid vax adverse reactions in the young, especially myocarditis and other heart problems, has been moved from today to late next week because they are now taking today off in honor of “Juneteenth National Independence Day.” Absolutely criminal behavior. Not that I expected much to result form the hearing – CDC will just whitewash things for its Big Pharma paymasters – but this is just criminally negligent and utterly offensive behavior. The blood of every innocent kid maimed or killed by these jabs is henceforth is on their hands.

    CDC slaves skipping an “emergency meeting” and insuring the ongoing wanton endangerment of millions of kids’ lives in service to its Big Pharma Masters in honor of a “holiday” that literally didn’t exist a couple hours before (and its not even the day of the actual supposed holiday!). Just further proves the Federal Government of the USA, and all its agencies and agents, is the most corrupt, evil, dangerous, and murderous organization on earth today. The US Federal Government deserves nothing less than to be utterly destroyed, consigned to the dustbin of history, and DC itself wiped from the face of the earth.

  14. Dear Ye Olde. At the time when Lincoln inaugurated coercion against the seven seceding Southern states, there were (rounding off 1860 census figures) 1,387,000 slaves in the seceded states and 1,817,000 (or over 56 per cent of the total American slave population) still in the Union, including nearly 3,700 in the District of Columbia and 18 in New Jersey. It is hard to draw much of a moral to support military conquest of seceding states from that, especially as Lincoln had already declared that he had neither the right nor to desire to interfere with slavery in the states.

    Wiki is an abbreviation of Wicked Information.

  15. Amateur Brain Surgeon

    As a war measure, the Proclamation could not logically apply to States with whom we were not at war.

    Dear Ye olde. As an excuse, that requires a wheel chair.

    The Malign Tyrant Lincoln had his soldiers arrest the duly elected political leaders of Maryland so they could not even debate the matter of secession.

    Lincoln, poor baby, He was so constrained by The Constitution, Common Law, Natural Law, Liberty and political tradition, wasn’t he?

    The Emancipation Proclamation showed that he was a white supremacist but ABS will no longer prolong this exchange about Lincoln, who got what he deserved, because this thread is not about the bastid.

  16. Darren Cole

    Funny that people actually believe that the United States Civil War was actually centered around slavery. The war was actually about the taxation of cotton & tobacco grown in the South that they felt were unfair. The rich Northern States did not have to pay the same kind of taxes for their cash crops at that time and the people of the South rebelled.
    As far as the statue for as you mentioned a career criminal with a real bad personal history it is a horrible choice. As I have said did he deserve to die for trying to pass a fake $20… no probably not but as far as feeling sorry for him nope. He kept putting himself in the situation.

  17. Rob

    Happy Juneteenth, Nigger!

  18. Zundfolge

    Ok here’s what bugs me most about “Junteenth”: Why does everything that pertains to the black community have to be dumbed down to a grade-school, special-ed level?

    Do we really believe these folks so mush-mouthed and illiterate that they are incapable of saying “June Nineteenth”? Or better yet “Emancipation Day” or “Liberation Day” or even the semi-goofy sounding “Jubilee Day”?

    Booker T Washington proved they aren’t but “Juneteenth” just makes the black community sound ignorant.

    As for this: “Funny that people actually believe that the United States Civil War was actually centered around slavery.”
    I believe there is evidence that among the elites you would be correct, it wasn’t about slavery. But when you read the journals of the men that left their farms and families in the north to go and fight it was absolutely about ending the brutal and sinful institution of chattel slavery and not some other cynical end.

  19. Dennis

    “As a war measure, the Proclamation could not logically apply to States with whom we were not at war”

    Actually it purported ONLY to apply to states with whom Lincoln’s Union was at war. Notwithstanding the fact that the Proclamation could have had no legal or constitutional validity in the Union even if it had purported to apply to it (not that Dishonest Abe cared for such niceties), by its own terms it applied only to slaves in the states “in rebellion against the United States” (i.e. the CSA, over which Lincoln had no legal authority whatsoever), but he needed to keep the Union slave states in border areas that hadn’t seceded on his side, so he engaged in this legal obfuscation in order to pose as “Great Emancipator” when in fact it was nothing more than PR designed to turn a war for his idolized “Union” that he was losing into a crusade against slavery – despite having previously said repeatedly that if he could keep the Union intact at the price of maintaining slavery as well, he’d do so (which puts the lie to the oft-repeated notion drilled into people’s head now that the war was only about slavery – If Abe himself was willing to keep slavery in order to also keep intact the supposedly oh-so-sacred and indivisible Union that under its present Constitution had existed for only 72 years at the start of the war, there had to be more to it than just that; otherwise, if maintaining slavery was their only concern, why would the South not have taken Abe up on that offer?).

    “Lincoln, who got what he deserved…”

    Unfortunately too late to do any good – and may have made things worse in the long run (Hadn’t Lincoln’s initial reconstruction plan been to repatriate the ex-slaves to Africa? He often said he thought there could never be peaceful co-existence between the races – as did Jefferson – and current history seems to prove him right. We hear more banging-on about slavery, and absurd calls for “reparations” now, over 150 years later, than we ever heard for the last century or more, certainly more than I ever heard in school as a kid throughout the ’80s. The further removed we get from actual slavery, the more obsessed with it blacks and self-hating white Leftists seem to become. It’d be like hearing Russians today banging-on endlessly about Serfdom!). John Wilkes Booth and frens should have acted much sooner. Lincoln needed to be gotten rid of sometime by 1863 or so at the latest in order for his elimination from the scene to make a positive difference.

  20. Mr. Gold

    Dear Zundfolge,
    “the men that left their farms and families in the north to go and fight it was absolutely about ending the brutal and sinful institution of chattel slavery”
    That is consistent with what I was thinking, which is that “Honest” Abe and crew used the standard politician technique of lying. They didn’t give a crap aboot slaves, they were in it for the money as always and used the slavery story to inspire dupes to do their fighting for them.

  21. Rudolph Harrier

    Speaking of pride month, it’s funny that this Juneteempth ends up being in that month. Black people get to complain about only being pandered to for a day while gays get the rest of the month (even though blacks already get a whole month.) Gays get to complain about having one of their pride days “stolen” from them. Since there are plenty of narcissists in both groups, chances of this leading to conflicts are high.

  22. vince

    Seems the toppling of monuments is fashionable,
    what’s the penalty in New Ark? And, wonder how soon
    the woke will stage it…

  23. Ye Olde Statistician

    That’s a bit disingenuous, since at the time the slave States in the Upper South had not yet seceded; only those States way more dependent on slave labor. (Over half of South Carolinians were slaves; nearly half in Mississippi and other places. No wonder the Democrats tried to grab the baseball and go: They were afraid the Republicans would try to take their slaves away. They wouldn’t even let Republicans on the ballot in the South.

    Lincoln sent troops to preserve the Union, not to abolish slavery. That came later, as an outcome of the War.

    My wife’s ancestors came from East Tennessee and from the Red River Valley of Texas. In both places, pro-Union people were hanged by lynch mobs and kangaroo courts, despite being the majority in those areas. In Texas, where the Ordinance of Secession was actually submitted for a referendum, the Democrats [they called themselves “the democracy”] rigged the vote. It was carried out by voice vote in each county rather than by secret ballot, and secessionists stood guard, patting their revolvers and giving “friendly advice” on how to vote. All the newspapers were controlled by secessionists. Even so, Texans north and west of Dallas were unwilling to sacrifice the Union on the altar of slavery.
    [East Tennessee saw the delicious irony of Confederates calling pro-Union folks “rebels” because they wanted to secede from Tennessee. When they came to Blount County and told them mountain boys that they better be a-wearin gray come morning or they’d be hanged, the boys left town that evening and jined up withn the Union Army in Kaintuck.]

  24. Ye Olde Statistician

    Funny that people actually believe that the United States Civil War was actually centered around slavery. The war was actually about the taxation of cotton & tobacco grown in the South that they felt were unfair.

    Funny, then, that no one at the time mentioned it. The War was fought to prevent Secession; Secession was undertaken to preserve Slavery.

  25. C-Marie

    Thank you, Ye Olde Statistician!
    God bless, C-Marie

  26. fergus

    ABS: The statement concerning the 1860 census number of slaves in the Confederate (southern) states versus the other states (northern and territories) is not just different from the 1860 census, but it is horrendously wrong. The census document itself is available in PDF format at various locations online and runs about 700 pages. If one obtains a copy and looks on pages 598 and 599 which contain the table labelled “Recapitulation Population of the States and Territories by Color and Condition, with the Rate of Increase and Representation in Congress” one will find a state by state (including territories) listing of the number of slaves counted in each. Entering those numbers into a simple Excel spreadsheet one then finds that the number of slaves held in the states that would become Confederate states (13 in all) sums to 3,950,407. The total number of slaves in all states and territories sums to 3,953,623. The difference, about 92,128 is comprised of 3,229 slaves in the territories, 1,708 in Delaware, 2 in Kansas, and a whopping 87,189 in Maryland. In other words, about 97.7% of the slaves in the United States listed in the 1860 census were in the Confederate states.

  27. Evangeline

    Man I’m sick of the whole topic. In fact I’m sick of this whole country. I grew up in the greatest country in the world, but I’m completely embarrassed and I hate it like poison now. I mean I love it but I hate it. You get me. This is all so absurd I don’t know what to say, except I feel a Kwanzaa coming on. Juneteenth will be celebrated hard in public schools. It gives guilty-feeling white people a chance to shine and show how diverse they are, always a winner. It will be ignored by people who don’t make money from it. I bet there’s a lot of semi-embarrassed black people. It’s at these times we need to remember there are many black conservatives, people who just want to live their life and have a home, raise kids, take care of parents, etc. This bunk and all that’s attached is nothing but Marxist BS to divide us. It works gloriously because there is an apparently limitless supply of dumbasses of all colors. I don’t want these imbeciles to win and make me angry at people who had nothing to do with it.

  28. Dennis

    Ye Olde: “Funny, then, that no one at the time mentioned it. The War was fought to prevent Secession; Secession was undertaken to preserve Slavery”

    Plenty mentioned taxes and many other causes at the time. You should read Robert Mitcham’s “It Wasn’t About Slavery?” If secession was only undertaken to preserve slavery, then why, as I mentioned above, did the South not just take Lincoln up on his claim that he’d gladly keep slavery intact if it would preserve the Union? That’s all the South wanted in your view, right? Or was “Honest” Abe merely lying about that as well, another of his disingenuous tactics?

  29. Ye Olde Statistician

    If secession was only undertaken to preserve slavery, then why, as I mentioned above, did the South not just take Lincoln up on his claim that he’d gladly keep slavery intact if it would preserve the Union?

    a] Because they didn’t believe him. b] The Republican party included lots of folks, most of whom were hostile to slavery (and to the South’s efforts to use the Federal government to trample States’ Rights.) c] That Lincoln said he would tolerate slavery to preserve the Union did not mean that he wouldn’t work to restrict or shrink it. Gradual abolition was no more acceptable to the wealthy plantation-owners than a sudden emancipation.

  30. Dennis

    “…and to the South’s efforts to use the Federal government to trample States’ Rights”

    Ah yes, it was the South trampling states’ rights! LOL

  31. Ye Olde Statistician

    Ah yes, it was the South trampling states’ rights! LOL

    For sure. In Dred Scott and the Fugitive Slave Act, Southern States used their political muscle to override the personal liberty laws of Northern States. They also tried to get them declared unconstitutional. Northern States saw this as an attempt to reintroduce slavery in their States, contrary to the wishes of their people. We might also mention as an aside, their persistent blockage of the Transcontinental Railroad and other anti-capitalist stances.

  32. Dean Ericson

    YOS – not much to disagree with, ol’ fellow.

    Having said that, I think it would have been better if the South had gone their own way, and we hadn’t fought that damned war.

  33. Dean Ericson

    Although I must say, I’m all for anti-capitalist stances: EMJ’s, “Barren Metal: Capitalism as the Conflict Between Usury and Labor”.

  34. Dennis

    Was calling the South anti-capitalist supposed to be an insult? Must second Dean’s endorsement of EMJ’s “Barren Metal.”

    The biggest tragedy of the Fugitive Slave Act and rest of the Missouri Compromise of 1850 is that it merely postponed the War. The Southern states should have just seceded and crushed the North then. The intervening years only served to strengthen the North and give rise to Lincoln and his deification of “the Union” (a political arrangement on a piece of parchment then less than 75 years old) as some secular idol for which he was willing to slaughter 700,000 Americans (and those are just direct war deaths of actual military – surely many more deaths of civilians can be added as proximately caused by the war and its devastation).

    And there’s a straight line from Lincoln and the victory of the North to the ever-increasing consolidation of money and power along the Wall Street-DC Axis of Evil, feeding the bloated Federal military-industrial-surveillance state Leviathan that’s been terrorizing the world for the last hundred plus years, interfering where it doesn’t belong (WWI involvement especially unjustified, though the problems go back to the Spanish-American War as well) and doing its best to undermine any remaining remnants of traditional cultures throughout the world (the West’s most of all) as the Globalist American Empire strives to make the world safe for corporate oligarchs, sodomy, trannies, and abortion.

  35. Dean Ericson

    ”And there’s a straight line from Lincoln and the victory of the North to the ever-increasing consolidation of money and power along the Wall Street-DC Axis of Evil, feeding the bloated Federal military-industrial-surveillance state Leviathan that’s been terrorizing the world…


  36. Uncle Mike

    Now there’s a pack of stupid comments, off topic, and painfully ignorant. So ya’ll want to tear down the Lincoln Memorial and build one for Floyd? And re-institute slavery? Well, it appears you’re getting your wish, and guess who the new slaves are? Can you say “Yes Massa”?

    The Portland riot squad quit. That burg is burning. But what’s interesting is the average age of the arsonists is ~20. You yoots are running the country now. Babies gone wild. Lord Of The Flies Nation. Not going to end well for you, kids.

  37. Dennis

    I see some towns (not in Texas either, but places like Evanston, IL, where it’s never been a thing) have already not only announced big “Juneteenth National Independence Day” celebrations – parades, cookouts, fireworks, etc. – for Saturday, but have also cancelled July 4 celebrations (You know, actual Independence Day?). Quelle surprise!

    1. How were such seemingly well-coordinated slates of events planned and advertised in such short order for a “holiday” that literally did not officially exist until yesterday afternoon?

    2. How soon until we see National Review, American Conservative, and Dispatch publish articles with headlines like “The Conservative Case for Celebrating Juneteenth Instead of July 4”?

    I’d bet the likes of Nordlinger, Dreher, and French are working on drafts already and salivating at the thought of being patted on the head and declared the “refreshing, reasonable conservatives” on this issue by their mainstream media colleagues at NYT, NPR, etc.

  38. Doghouse Riley

    Now that the statues of Columbus, Lincoln, Serra, et al. are gone, there’s plenty of room for George, Michael, Breona and Trayvon.

  39. Dennis

    “So ya’ll want to tear down the Lincoln Memorial and build one for Floyd? And re-institute slavery?”

    No one favors re-instituting slavery; at least not on a racial basis – but perhaps long-term penal servitude and hard labor for Leftists could be something to consider 🙂 Think of it as a corporal work of mercy.

    As for monuments, I don’t favor tearing down long-standing monuments even to catastrophic figures like Lincoln. Though perhaps we could take a page from the Left and “re-contextualize” the presentation of his monument to highlight his “problematic” nature from a Rightist POV…and balance it with a national monument to Robert E. Lee, about whom even the Left’s beloved FDR said, “We recognize Robert E. Lee as one of the greatest American Christians and one of our greatest American gentlemen.”

    Floyd’s statue, on the other hand, should be headed to the scrap yard. But in lieu of that I do endorse the more honest corrected version Briggs pictured above, complete with gun pointed at pregnant woman’s belly (it only needs a vial of Fentanyl in the left hand to really lend his portrayal an extra special touch of verisimilitude).

  40. Joy

    Yes, Don’t let them influence you! Bad enough with the full stop fairy doing dot to dot in the comment box.
    buts and ands are in betweeners.
    You wouldn’t put a coupling point on front of a train engine?
    I hereby declare that if it [[[EVER]]] happens, it wasn’t me, it is the computer “bug” which insists there’s absolutely no sense in my writing and therefore shoves in full stops.

    If that were the case? I’d rather it not be so condescending as to try and make things worse or assumed that the problem was here. Otherwise it ought to just leave my in my state of ignorant bliss and I’ll find my own way out.
    Thank you

  41. Amateur Brain Surgeon

    Lincoln committed treason:

    Constitution Article 3, section 3

    Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court
    The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.


    Here is the source ABS used in citing more slaves in the north



    And this is the great Professor Clyde Wilson on the war not being sought to free the slaves



    All of that aside, this blog is a blast to read

  42. fergus

    ABS: Scrutiny of source documentation is important when using references, whether it is Wiki or anyone else.

    Examining the link


    Clyde Wilson plays a bit of sleight of hand try to make a point. The relevant paragraph from that link is as follows:

    “At the time when Lincoln inaugurated coercion against the seven seceding Southern states, there were (rounding off 1860 census figures) 1,387,000 slaves in the seceded states and 1,817,000 (or over 56 per cent of the total American slave population) still in the Union, including nearly 3,700 in the District of Columbia and 18 in New Jersey. It is hard to draw much of a moral to support military conquest of seceding states from that, especially as Lincoln had already declared that he had neither the right nor to desire to interfere with slavery in the states.”

    Here he cites the slaves in the SEVEN seceding states and prefaces the paragraph with “At the time Lincoln inaugurated secession….”. The Confederacy was of course in the process of being formed at this time and the list of Confederate states, with the date they joined the Confederacy is as follows:

    1. Alabama March 13, 1861
    2. Georgia March 16, 1861
    3. Louisiana March 21, 1861
    4. Texas March 23, 1861
    5. Mississippi March 29, 1861
    6. South Carolina April 3, 1861
    7. Florida April 22, 1861
    8. Virginia May 7, 1861
    9. Arkansas May 18, 1861
    10. North Carolina May 20, 1861
    11. Tennessee July 2, 1861
    12. Missouri November 28, 1861
    13. Kentucky December 10, 1861

    It appears that Wilson chose the “time Lincoln inaugurated coercion” to be precisely after April 22, 1861 but before May 7, 1861. The great majority of the 1,817,000 slaves he claims to be “still in the Union” would not be in the Union in short order after the apparently artificially chosen time of late April. There are some rounding issues in Wilson’s text, for example the 1860 census gives 3,125 as the number of slaves in (the territory of ) DC , not 3700, and Wilson blurs over several other details in the census such as the asterisk on the “slaves” in New Jersey. The numbers cited in my previous comment are directly drawn from the 1860 census table cited, which is freely available.

    In short, Wilson’s argument on this point (that the Union had as many slaves as the Confederacy in the Civil War) is a good example of sophistry, (plausible but specious and fallacious reasoning), and one should critically review his citations before drawing any further information from his writings.

  43. Dennis

    Fergus: Regarding your list above, regretfully, Missouri and Kentucky never actually officially seceded from the USA, despite being, in effect, honorary Confederate states with shadow governments loyal to the CSA (and the CSA President, Jefferson Davis, himself came from Kentucky) and having largely pro-Confederate populations (my own ancestors in KY among them!).

    And, of course, that most of the 1.8 million Union slaves at the start of the war would soon be part of the CSA is not relevant to discussing the issues leading to the initial outbreak of the war itself when Lincoln began his attack on the seven founder states of the CSA, which was a Wilson’s point.

    Notwithstanding where one comes down on whether slavery was the sole or most important issue, the attack on states’ rights and the right of secession was an attack on the very principles underlying the USA’s own secession from the British Crown. If secession for the CSA states was wrong, then so was the initial founding of the USA itself, and Washington et al. were no less “traitors” than Robert E. Lee and other Confederates are alleged to have been (often most vociferously so these days by people like AOC, who have zero personal connection to foundational or ante-bellum American stock).

  44. Dean Ericson

    Any of you wiggers not keeping up with Charles Haywood, at the Worthy House blog, need to snap to the twig. Dude’s on a Crusade. Has a Manifesto. Yeah, we hate manifestos, but this one’s a peach:


    There’s also a ton of good content there, most in the form of book reviews, some commentary, but this is a serious man, with a serious message, and Christians, and Americans, will find it profitable to engage. He’s also a good writer, and a good guy.

  45. Incitadus

    I for for the life of me don’t know why they didn’t just call it George Floyd Day rather than
    the pejorative Juneteenth.

    One of the biggest factors leading up to the Civil War was the imposition of tariffs
    on cheaper European farm machinery by Northern machine manufactures on their
    Southern agronomist counterparts. Once again crony capitalism rears it’s ugly head. This
    chapter leading up to war is conveniently left out of the narrative but the congressional
    record contains the entire record of legislative events. (the physical assault’s of geriatric
    congresspersons adds levity to what is otherwise dry reading) The following article,
    while taking the politically correct position of minimizing the impact of tariffs on the lead
    up to war, does give a concise chronology of events. It’s interesting to note the outsized role
    tariffs, protectionism, and free trade feature in the modern political landscape.

    Tariffs and the American Civil War


  46. Scott in Phx

    As Rick said to Ugarti in Casablanca, referring to the 2 dead German couriers, “they got a lucky break, yesterday they were just 2 couriers, today they are the honored dead”.

    Who could believe that in America we now honor thugs?

    I don’t think America will ever come back from this.

  47. Dennis

    “Who could believe that in America we now honor thugs? I don’t think America will ever come back from this.”

    Indeed. America has been finished for a long while.

    There is now an app to tell you which San Francisco streets are the poopiest and to avoid.

    And look at this footage from “Juneteenth” celebrations (though this is typical weekend behavior in many cities these days): https://twitter.com/Anthea06274890/status/1406897114639175681

    Twerking and dancing on an ambulance after a shooting. Absolute animal behavior. I can’t imagine such behavior around an ambulance after a shooting at even the most low-rent, depraved, drug and crime ridden white areas of the country. This kind of behavior is unique to one American demographic.

    And it will get much worse in most places long before (if ever) it gets better so long as the leftism reigns. So many cities now falling back into pre-90s levels of crime, vagrancy, and general degeneracy (probably worse in many ways than before).

    Is it any surprise that this new “holiday” is just an excuse for even more lawless and degenerate behavior? What fun we have to look forward to.

    In future, betting companies should set lines on how many blacks will be shot by other blacks on “Juneteenth.” Take the over.

  48. Amateur Brain Surgeon

    Why would New Jersey erect a Floyd monument? Was it at the behest of a woman named Frieda Slaves?

    Nah, maybe it is because New Jersey, a Union State, a northern State, A Lincoln State, was the last state to free slaves and so the historical guilt is manifesting itself in Floydism.


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