The Week In Good Cheer — New Year’s Edition

The Week In Good Cheer — New Year’s Edition

No doom this week! Nothing but good news, please. If you have any.

I had this idea two weeks ago, thinking it would be fine to highlight all that was going right with the world for a change.

But the canvas remained blank during that time. It is still blank. I’ll have to leave it to you, dear readers, to paint in the details.

The only good news I have is the advent of the “Most Controversial Book Of The Decade“. Details on their way in the new year.

I am sorely tempted to dump all this and fill in with the ever-growing pile of Doom.


No bad news, not even cast ironically or humorously. Only that which has gone right.

Regular posting resumes Monday.

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  1. Ye Olde Statistician

    There was no special Christmas gift from North Korea.

  2. Michael Dowd

    Trump is still President. This is a good thing. There are contrary opinions–but those don’t count— because they are irrational, if not inspired by the devil.

  3. Amateur Brain Surgeon

    The beauty of truth and prose combines in
    The Sequence from the Feast of Pope Saint Sylvester, Dec 31.

    Rejoice ye Heavens! and be glad, O earth! let no man keep his lips from praise

    .?It was by the Virgin that man was restored to the primeval state.

    ?A Virgin brought forth our God, and the ancient anger ceased:?

    The ancient discord ceased, and Peace and Glory came in its stead.?

    Guilty man was drawn from the mire, when God lay on his Crib of straw.

    ?A wretched Stable held then within it the Food of heaven’s own gift.?

    The Virgin feeds the Creator—the Redeemer, who had become her Child.?

    Divine Wisdom lay hid in childhood.?

    The milk of the Mother’s breast fed her Jesus; her Jesus feeds us with the milk of his tender mercy,?

    Giving us the sweetness of grace through the assuming our human nature.?

    Therefore, let our sweetest music give our Ave Maria,?

    In sacred words, and with speaking hearts.

    ?Hail! Virgin ever Blest, that didst destroy the curse.?Hail!

    Mother of the Most High, and Spouse of the Lamb most meek.?

    Thou didst conquer the serpent, and crush his head,?

    For the God, that was born of thee, was the serpent’s death.?

    Thou art the Queen of heaven, and Reparatrix of the earth,?The loved Mother of men, and the terror of the demons of hell

    .?The Scriptural figures of Window, Gate, Fleece, Palace, House, Temple, and Earth—all are fulfilled in thee.?Thou art the Lily, by thy virginity; thou art the Rose, by thy martyrdom:?

    The Garden enclosed, the Fountain of gardens that cleansest the defilements of sin

    ,?Purifiest them that are unclean, and bringest the dead to life.?O Queen of the Angels, and, after God, and Hope of mankind!?

    Thou art the couch of the King, and the Throne of God.?

    Thou art the Star of the East, that puttest to flight the shadows of the Western night.?

    Thou art the Aurora, the Sun’s harbinger, and the Day that knowest not night

    ?Thou art Mother of the God who is our Father; thou giveth life to Him who giveth life to us.?

    Oh! may the Holy Mother’s confidence in her son reconcile Him to us his children!?

    Mother of Jesus! pray for us to thy Divine Son, that he forgive us our sins,

    ?And, after this our pardon, give us grace and glory


  4. Briggs


    Spam filter being especially aggressive. Looking into it.

  5. Kent Clizbe

    Family and friends enjoy a wonderful Christmas together!

    All’s right with the world!

    What else matters?

  6. C-Marie

    So I read the gobsmacked link concerning the ever virginity of Mother Mary.
    Did the Holy Spirit use one of Mother Mary’s eggs so that Jesus was physically related to His Mother? Did He use the “foods” her body produced for His development during the months in her womb? Did she go through any of the usual pregnancy issues that expectant mothers go through? Could not God have simply had His Son pass through the birth canal, and on out of His Mother, with no damage to her physically, and so a virgin she remained?

    Since it is taught that Mother Mary suffered nothing at all during her pregnancy and the birth of her child, then would it not probably be that she has no conception of what pregnant mothers go through? How can she relate to them? Plus her perfect child….but there was that time when He stayed behind when He was twelve years old and His Mother and step-father found Him and His Mother in strong words cried to Jesus that He had caused them strong worry as to His safety. And that shows that she was a genuine mother with genuine mother love and feelings.

    Wherever is the necessity to declare that she did not give birth to Jesus in the natural way, but with no damage due to God’s preservation of her. She was absolutely virginal in her Love of and for God, in her obedience to God in every way. That, and that she was a physical virgin, and the reality of the virginal conception are what are important.

    Plus there is good news in the gospel of John, the one who Jesus especially loved.

    “26In that day you will ask in My name, and I do not say to you that I will request of the Father on your behalf; 27for the Father Himself loves you, because you have loved Me and have believed that I came forth from the Father. 28“I came forth from the Father and have come into the world; I am leaving the world again and going to the Father.”
    John 16.

    God bless, C-Marie

  7. Uncle Mike

    Unemployment is at record lows. The stock market is at record highs. Economic growth last quarter hit 4.2 percent. Median household income has hit highest level ever recorded.

    The U.S. abortion rate and total number of abortions declined in 2019 and have been steadily declining since 1981. World-wide child (under-five) mortality rate has fallen by more than half since 1990.

    U.S. war related deaths declined to record lows since pre-WWII. Peace broke out in various locales.

    The troposphere is marginally warmer — up 1°F since 2009. That means growing seasons are just a tiny bit longer, with just a fraction more rain, and agricultural productivity has increased ever so slightly. U.S. farm output and total factor productivity has more than doubled since 1960.

    Nationally in 2019 the number of large fires and total acres burned declined for the third year in a row.

    God’s grace continued to rain down on His children, whether they noticed or not. In many hearts rage subsided and love grew. Many were blessed. The Good News of our salvation was voiced again this Christmas, and many rejoiced. You can, too, if you want to.

  8. Mike – Hate to burst your bubble, but the troposphere hasn’t warmed. It has cooled a bit over the last 10 years. But CO2 is up, making plants grow faster and with less water. So that’s a plus.

  9. Uncle Mike

    Dear McChuck,

    I reference the UAH global average lower tropospheric temperature (LT) anomaly (running centered 13-month average).

    but if you have better information please advise.

    Dear Kalif,

    Thanks for the total bummer doomster report. Did you miss the memo? The purpose of the post is GOOD NEWS. But some people can’t handle good news, evidently. Are you a Debbie Downer depressive hoping to infect the world with morbid suicidal thoughts?

    You can be cured. Just ask. That’s all you have to do. Just ask, and your wishes will be granted. Trust Him. His grace is meant for you.

  10. C-Marie

    A little more concerning the gobsmacked link provided by Alan.

    P.S. After thinking about all of this about Mother Mary, it is only God’s business as to how the birth of Jesus came about. The matter of faith is that she was a virgin and the Holy Spirit conceived in her the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no faith need, to know how God accomplished the birth of His Son.

    Scripture clearly points to Mary giving birth, she, herself, giving birth.

    20But while he thought on these things, behold the Angel of the Lord appeared to him in his sleep, saying: Joseph, son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife, for that which is conceived in her, is of the Holy Ghost. 21And she shall bring forth a son: and thou shalt call his name Jesus. For he shall save his people from their sins. 22Now all this was done that it might be fulfilled which the Lord spoke by the prophet, saying: 23Behold a virgin shall be with child, and bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. 24And Joseph rising up from sleep, did as the angel of the Lord had commanded him, and took unto him his wife. 25And he knew her not, till she brought forth her first born son: and he called his name Jesus.
    Matthew 1: 20-25.

    6And it came to pass that when they were there, her days were accomplished that she should be delivered. 7And she brought forth her first born son and wrapped him up in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger: because there was no room for them in the inn. Luke 2: 6-7.

    God bless and Merry Christmas to all!!???

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