Let’s Talk About The Trans Movement: Part II — Guest Post by Gaudia Certaminis

Let’s Talk About The Trans Movement: Part II — Guest Post by Gaudia Certaminis

Read Part I.

The female trans experience (F2M) differs somewhat from the male trans experience (M2F). Furthermore, the elementary school-age trans experience differs from the teen or the young adult experience. It is exceptionally rare for a fully developed adult female to decide in mid-life that she’s had enough of the girl stuff and say let’s grow a beard.

For the under-10s of both sexes, trans is most likely led by therapists, counselors, teachers, doctors, and parents. Yes, parents! Having a trans child is a way to add zest to an otherwise hum-drum life. There are the endless medical appointments supplemented by shopping trips to update the wardrobe and personal care products of this newly minted person—who is far more intriguing than the one it replaced. The trans parent can be a star of the PTA—and a leading light of the trans-parent-centric message boards on social media—and be validated as being someone special and important.

Children horse around. They try things out. They are delighted when they shock and get a rise out of old mom and dad. Parents used to be able to tell children “cut it out” and get back to reality. Not anymore. If a child is overheard suggesting that he or she is a member of the opposite sex—then he or she is bundled off to the professionals who do everything they can in their power to facilitate the transition. In theory, a child can make a one-time playfully innocent remark and end up on the trans merry-go-round with no way to get off.

Pity the poor under-10 tomboy who jokes that she would like to be a boy (for whatever reason; it doesn’t matter) and ends up in a chest binder and smelling of Old Spice. For those who are skeptical of such an outcome, what cognitive tools to children have at their disposal to grapple with the will of medical establishment? How can they say “no” after they kinda, sorta said “yes” and mean it?

The real trauma and cost of the under-10 transition phenomena is yet to be felt. Once these children reach maturity and start to think about having children of their own, and are told that they can’t—let the lawsuits begin. And the benighted parents, the ones who were popular because of their little trannies, will end up without grandchildren. Their line will end, and what an ignoble way to end it.

The story for the older girls, from their teens to early twenties, who decide to transition is a little different than their younger siblings and needs to be thought of in both the light of the physical transition from girlhood to womanhood and how this transition is underplayed and undervalued by the larger culture.

The onset of menses in the US is at the midpoint between 12 and 13, although sometimes it can be as early as 8 or 9. In the 1950s it was almost 14. Nutrition is a correlate for the onset of menstruation, which explains why some in precocious puberty are overweight, and also accounts for the later onset for girls who matured in an era where food was not as plentiful.

In grandma and great-grandma’s day, the female experience was framed by expectations. There was no question that a young girl would marry and start and family. While some women ended up as spinsters or had fantastic careers, the norm was to go steady, get engaged, get married, and start having kids. Some women did slip in a college education, but the goal was to attain the Mrs. degree, and to have the fellow do the heavy-lifting, career-wise. At every stage, the young woman was the center of attention from her friends and family, and she had support in her life’s journey. The time span from the first period to the honeymoon could range from (roughly) four to eight years. In any case, the onset of menstruation was an obvious signal that life was going to change for this young person, and it was going to be mostly good.

Now, the young woman of average intelligence of today who is all of 13 has spent at least the last ten years and maybe more of her life in some kind of organized care for children, from daycare to preschool to elementary school to junior high. And this poor girl is probably looking at at least ten more years of formal schooling. The onset of her period means nothing, and there is no longer the societal or familial expectation that she will be settling down to start a family anytime soon. She sees her immediate future looking pretty much like her immediate past, and it is pretty dismal.

In a search for meaning, she can throw herself into her studies. She might become sexually active. She might start taking drugs. She might do something to shake off the malaise of alienation, and one thing she might toy with is the idea that she is really “a man in a woman’s body.” Upon endeavoring to create a male body, she immediately starts to attract attention and the type of support that was once reserved for brides.

Another trajectory of the trans journey, and one that was more common before the current trans explosion, is not rooted in alienation, but in trauma. In this narrative, the young woman has endured abuse, sexual or otherwise, and seeks out trans as a means of protection. In this instance, a declaration of trans has similarities to anorexia, (deliberate) obesity, an addiction to body art and/or piercings in a bid to make her body purposely unattractive in an attempt to protect her from unwanted attention and/or abuse.

These girls are sending the message, “Don’t touch me (and if you do, it will be on my own terms).” At its base, the reaction is one of control. Becoming trans, becoming a man has a twofold benefit. Not only is she protecting herself from the male gaze and its possible negative consequences, but she has the illusion of control. Taking the hormones, doing the “top surgery” (loping off the breasts) or the “bottom surgery” (carving off one’s flesh to make a flap of skin that looks like a penis), having the haircut, wearing the boots and the lumberjack shirt are regimented steps any girl can take that will give her soul fleeting yet false solace.

A subplot of the F2M trend is that some lesbians fear that the young woman in transition are not “men in a woman’s body” but honest-to-goodness daughters of Sappho, and for whatever reason, homophobia among them, decide not to tread that path. The old guard fears that if the butch girls are put on the F2M path, then lesbianism itself is in danger of extinction.

However the narrative is created, F2M is an illusion. The female DNA does not change and is present in every single cell of the F2M’s body. When female “men” become pregnant, they and the media feign monumental surprise that a person with ovaries and a vagina actually gave birth.

The number of F2M patients is swelling at an alarming rate, and is an indication of how badly society has let down the newest generation of young women. Since less value is put on marriage and children, women flail, especially women of moderate intelligence who don’t like to study and don’t aspire to a corporate career. They have been led to believe that their lives have no meaning, or that their perceived problems can be papered over by tragically life-altering medical interventions. As the normal (and relatively quick) evolution from girl to mother has been obstructed or unnaturally elongated, it is not a surprise that some young woman will seek out other avenues to find their place in the universe.

Since they have been denied the opportunity to experience womanhood, they are seeking to fill that void through other means.

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  1. Sheri

    F2M can indeed become pregnant and do. Some have more than one child. So far, England has not totally lost its mind over this and refused to call the fake male that carried the child the “mother”. This request indicates these individuals are merely attention seeking losers that society indulges. They are NOT in the wrong body—they want TWO bodies and lots of attention. These types are increasingly common as the fools out there parade them around like circus sideshow acts. Personally, I would think being a circus sideshow would be a crappy life, but I guess people today are sooooo defective and empty they think any attention is good. Kind of like the dog that gets kicked and considers that attention and good enough. Humans are devolving…

    The rule for human beings is: If you can give birth, you are FEMALE. If you can get someone pregnant, are MALE. No mutilation, masking, nothing ever changes that, not ever. (I don’t give a crap about the nonsense concerning hermaphrodites—WE USE THE NORM, NOT THE EXCEPTION. People are born without limbs, but does not make people one-armed or zero-legged. It’s a stupid statement.)

    The only F2M I have seen that seemed to “work” was Chastity Bono. Of course, I if I had a mother like Cher, I might want to get as far from being anything like her as possible.

    Before the insane mutilation of bodies by the Dr. Mengele wannabes started whacking up people, women who wanted to be men simply cut their hair short and wore pants and blended in. Some even fought in wars. There was not problem with this and if one wanted to be female again, hair was grown out and clothing changed, not massive reassignment reassignment (that’s not a typo) surgery. In the insanity and hatred of humanity we see today, permanent mutilation is the norm. We have become the evil.

  2. Faith

    “A subplot of the F2M trend is that some lesbians fear that the young woman in transition are not “men in a woman’s body” but honest-to-goodness daughters of Sappho, and for whatever reason, homophobia among them, decide not to tread that path.”
    Homophobia? Are you kidding? What homophobia?

    As for Chastity Bono; that person was a male child from the beginning. His real rebellion was to revert to his true sex. This trans religion goes way back.

  3. swordfishtrombone

    “Let’s Talk About The Trans Movement…”

    Perhaps get someone who knows something about it to talk about it?

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