Gender Stereotypes Banned In England

Gender Stereotypes Banned In England

England’s slow motion suicide is interesting. Majority of its leaders run around screeching about “racism” and chant “Please rule us from afar!”. They think this makes them better people.

The leaders, I mean. It’s clear, like here Stateside, England’s leaders think the great unwashed citizenry are irredeemable deplorables. Strike that. Not quite irredeemable. It must be the leaders think some unwashed can be saved and brought to embrace suicide. Hence the new rules about banning “gender stereotypes” in advertising.

Now most stereotypes are true. And by true, I mean true in the probabilistic sense. Who’s more likely to breast feed, a mother or a father? Unless you’ve embraced tranny madness, it’s obviously a woman. Therefore it is a stereotype to show, suggest, or describe a mother, a woman, breastfeeding her child. Or somebody else’s child if the woman is a wet nurse. (Surely these exist still, somewhere.)

Suppose you’ve just read the American headline “Teens run wild in mall, steal tennis shoes.” Are these “teens” more likely to be males or females? Blacks or whites?

Americans understand “teens” in common news articles like this is code for blacks, usually black males, though not exclusively males or whites. Our English cousins can let us know if this or other code is used in England. In any case, it is a stereotype to say that blacks are much more likely to steal tennis shoes in malls than whites.

You wouldn’t likely see a commercial using that stereotype, though, as tennis shoe companies, on the whole, don’t encourage their customers to steal their wares. Though if Nike’s antics with that kneeling Kapperndinck fellow are any indication, this could change.

Anyway, that’s a racial and not gender stereotype.

A gender stereotype is showing a mother pushing a pram, as I think youse English guys say, or a stroller, as we say. Look most anywhere and, given common experience, the chance a woman is pushing the stroller is greater than fifty percent.

Except Brooklyn, where the probability is inverted. If in that hip borough you hear “I just saw a person pushing a stroller” you’re more likely to conjure an image of a bearded man wearing the exact same clothing—down to the socks—as every other bearded man, a bar of Soy Delicious sticking out his back pocket, and a haunted look in his eyes.

Context matters. But that, as regular readers know, is always true. All probability is conditional. That means all stereotypes are conditional, too.

Biology is a condition. Hence the high probability of a breast feeding female. And of a woman mothering a child. The verb is a stereotype, once common in the English language, and based on biology and simple, extended, indeed overwhelming observation.

Now some say showing a stereotype “enforces” that stereotype. This is true in a stupid way. Of course the existence of the stereotype is confirmation of the existence of the stereotype!

What these people really mean is that they hate the stereotype. And since stereotypes are usually true, what they mean is they hate the truth. They wish Reality could be something other than it is.

They say “It’s not always a woman who mothers her child!” Which is true. Sometimes the father does this. But it’s not likely. Blaming the stereotype is is like condemning the probability of pulling a white ball from a bag with 99 white balls and 1 black one. Sure, a black one might come out, but everybody knows that if a black one always came out in situations like this, the system is rigged.

Did I mention Jeffrey Epstein won the Powerball lottery? Nothing to see here. Move along.

That’s what England is now doing. Rigging the system. If gender stereotypes are banned, and since stereotypes are largely true, truth will be banned in advertising. Cue the obvious joke.

In other words, everything people see on their telly, assuming their licenses are paid, will be an inversion of Reality. At least as far as gender goes.

Well, and that has been the case in movies and other “entertainment” for many years. Thanks to the miracle of computer graphics, women are just as strong as men, just as victorious in battle, and so on. All inversions of Reality. For which you also pay to witness.

The hope leaders have is that if Reality is banned from public exposure, Reality itself will change in the direction they desire. To some extent, this will be true. See, inter alia, Brooklyn.

But in most cases, it will not and cannot. Reality will remain unmoved. Mothers will still mother and not be warriors.

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  1. Soyelcaminodelfuturo

    Ref the British equivalent of media code for certain groups. “Man” means “terrorist”. “Mental illness” means “terrorist”. “French national” means “Moroccan terrorist”. “Asian” means Islamic terrorist from Pakistan. “Motive unknown” means terrorism. “White man” means “white man”. “Man” means “black man”. “Not communist” means “far right”.

  2. Sheri

    “Mothers will still mother and not be warriors.” I disagree. Persons with the XX chromosome are just as violent and evil as those with the XY. Complete equality has finally been achieved and the feminists are soooooo proud. (Four out of five individuals on the TV last night wanted for outstanding warrants were XX types. Overachievers, obviously.)

    I refuse to buy from companies that swap gender types. Daddy fawning over little XX’s hair is just creepy and I often think it means to be, in order to encourage a behavior that Epstein was familiar with. Daddies dressed as princesses and doing the kids laundry—same thing. It has a purpose and it’s not to sell their product.

    I guess besides mass stupidity, we have now achieved Stepford wives, husbands, significant others, etc. The acceptance of this indicates just how evolution FAILS and fails dramatically. The human species tries desperately to eradicate itself, not survive.

  3. Gail Finke

    ” its leaders run around screeching about “racism” and chant “Please rule us from afar!” — HA HA HA HA

  4. DG

    Ehhh…these people have way too much time in their hands to be coming up with nonsense like this. But it’s all about more government control and less free speech which is where the political correctness is leading us to as such.

  5. Ray

    What’s a gender and how do you stereotype it? I thought gender was a classification of nouns as masculine, feminine at neuter.

  6. Ye Olde Statistician

    The hope leaders have is that if Reality is banned from public exposure, Reality itself will change in the direction they desire.

    That’s because most of them are trained in the literary sciences. A persuasive argument by a lawyer, a law, an advertisement, a best seller… Now these can obviously change minds; not so clear that they can change anything else.

  7. Alan D. McIntire

    ” “Mothers will still mother and not be warriors.” I disagree. Persons with the XX chromosome are just as violent and evil as those with the XY. ”
    That reminded me of the Rudyard Kipling poem:

    ” The Female of the Species

    WHEN the Himalayan peasant meets the he-bear in his pride,
    He shouts to scare the monster, who will often turn aside.
    But the she-bear thus accosted rends the peasant tooth and nail.
    For the female of the species is more deadly than the male.”

    There are plenty more verses,

  8. c matt

    Persons with the XX chromosome are just as violent and evil as those with the XY.

    But not as strong, certainly not on average. Violence and evil do not a warrior make. If athletic competition is an adequate gauge, the strongest (top 1 percentile) of female warriors would be as strong as the average (maybe) male warrior. If your actual fighting warrior ranks reflect more than that distribution, you could be in serious trouble.

  9. Michael Ozanne

    “a mother pushing a pram, as I think youse English guys say, or a stroller,”

    A pram is the proper article.. ie one of these…

    These ..

    are pushchairs


    are Buggies

    But any single mother seen pushing any one of these is a “Pramface”..

  10. Michael Ozanne

    The broadcasting/news code of practice is to avoid mentioning race when reporting crime unless it is specifically relevant which basically means if there is photo or film and it’s a white person you’ll see it, otherwise no…

  11. Michael Ozanne

    “Did I mention Jeffrey Epstein won the Powerball lottery? Nothing to see here. Move along.”

    Apparently we were all surprised when he committed suicide.. Imagine how surprised he was….

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